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The Power of 0101: A slow revolution Washington State Digital Archives and Library of Congress Multi-State Preservation Partnership. Presented by: Jerry Handfield, State Archivist Washington State Archives July, 2008 NDIIPP Partner Meeting Library of Congress. Records Online
The Power of 0101: A slow revolutionWashington State Digital Archives and Library of CongressMulti-StatePreservation Partnership Presented by: Jerry Handfield, State Archivist Washington State Archives July, 2008 NDIIPP Partner Meeting Library of Congress
Records Online October 2004 0 July 2008 34M 2009 100M ? 2010 ??? Shift Happens
Agreement between Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS) Digital Archives and grant participants. Participant Field List Security and Connectivity Participant Contacts Intergovernmental Agreement
Auditor Records – Cris Plus Recording system, Anthem Recording System, and Oncore Recording System. This includes Marriage, Land, Misc Auditor Records, Uniform Commercial Code, Power of Attorney, Minutes, Ordinance, Resolution, Military, Plats and Survey, and Recorded Agreements. Birth Records - Regional Archives. Census Records - Regional Archives. City Council Records – Minutes, Ordinance, and Resolution. Death Records – Social Security Death Index, and Regional Archives. Executive Orders – Documents released from the office of Governor. Frontier Justice Records. Supported Records
Institution Records – Regional Archives. Marriage Records – Provided by both Auditors and Regional Archives. Military Records - Provided by both Auditors and Regional Archives. Miscellaneous Historical Records - Regional Archives. Naturalization Records - Regional Archives. Oath of Office Records - Regional Archives. Photograph Records - Regional Archives. Physician Records - Regional Archives. Voter Registration Database. Supported Records
Idaho 398,796 Alaska 83,316 Montana 359,627 Oregon 1,119,975 Louisiana Coming Soon Indiana Coming Soon Colorado Coming Soon Records Per Partner
Auditor Data If we have indexes only with no images, we can process 10,000 indexes per minute for a total of 14,400,000 indexes a day. If on average the indexes have one associated image with it, we can process 1,600 images and indexes a minute for a total of 2,304,000 total records (this includes indexes and images) a day. If on average the indexes have four associated images with it, we can process 400 images and indexes a day for a total of 576,000 total records (this includes in indexes and images) a day. Ingestion Capacity
http://idaho.digitalarchives.wa.gov http://test.digitalarchives.wa.gov Sample Sites
Relative to what? Who judges? Remember beta was the best? Model T 100 years! Wang and Univac. Internet. Information overload. Change is Rough!
Centuries of silos. Three revolutions of information retrieval. Professions, personalities and training. Nervous Nellies – version 1-77. Lack of resources. Vendors and technology. Complex bureaucracies, forms, grants… Forever is a very long time. Global warming. Obstacles to Change
Education and Training Money and Efficiency Access and Democracy Incentives to Changeand Participate
Local Records Grant ProgramWAC 434-670 Created in 2001 to provide financial assistance to local government officials to support records management and preservation efforts. Administered by the Washington State Archives Office of the Secretary of State and The Archives Oversight Committee (comprised of local government elected officials and representatives)
Grant Program History 2002 7 Grants 2003-2005 22 Grants 2005-2007 54 Grants 2007-2009 93 Grants $100,000 $200,000 $500,000 $ 898,438 So far…
Express Grants up to $17,500 only for agencies representing populations under 20,000 Regular Grants up to $30,000 for all populations 2007-2009 Grant Cycle:
School districts Fire districts County officials City officials Library districts Law enforcement Housing authorities Transit authorities Public works Health departments Who Can Apply?WAC 434-670-030All local government entities, including special purpose districts.
Types of Projects Eligible for Grants • Preservation of archival/essential records • Records Management – planning and inventories • Security backup microfilm for records that exist only in paper form • Essential equipment (microfilm reader, metal shelving, archive boxes) • Improved access to records via scanning
Express grants – 2 pages. Do you have archival records? What are they? Sign below. We scan and post at the Digital Archives. Originals stored at State Archives. Simple Government Form!
2007-2009 Grant Recipients: 146 City/Town 67 $ 939,842 County 49 $ 950,587 Fire District 7 $ 73,655 Health District 1 $ 3,579 Housing Authority 3 $ 44,026 Irrigation District 1 $ 7,154 Law Enforcement 1 $ 30,000 Library District 1 $ 30,000 Port District 2 $ 25,799 Public Utility District 2 $ 55,382 Regional Council 1 $ 5,219 School District 6 $ 81,957 Transit Authority 3 $ 65,517 Water District 1 $ 6,263
2007-2009 County Awards: 49 Assessor 2 $ 41,503 Auditor 7 $ 147,188 Boundary Review Bd. 1 $ 30,000 Clerk 12 $ 265,108 Community Dev. 4 $ 115,305 Commissioners 8 $ 142,414 Health 3 $ 70,535 Prosecuting Attorney 1 $ 2,000 Public Works 5 $ 100,835 Records Management 1 $ 6,808 Regional Justice Ctr. 1 $ 5,000 Sheriff 2 $ 9,000 Treasurer 2 $ 14,891
Examples and demonstrations. Leadership – National, State, and Local. Resources. Sector support – business/government. Public support and benefit. Technology adaptation. Ownership of information: Private or Public Another silo! The Power of Change
Library of Congress. NDIIPP State Partners. The risk takers, the willing, the cautious, and the guardians of the silos! Questions? Thanks!
Justin Jaffe Data Ingestion Coordinator for the Library of Congress Multi State Project at the Washington State Digital Archives jjaffe@secstate.wa.gov (509) 235-7500 x224 Contact