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CHAPTER IV THE TECHNIQUE OF ASSESSMENT. Performance Assessment Definition : Performance assessment is an assessment conducted by observing the activities of learners in doing something Consists of: Psychomotor Skills and Process skills. THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT.
CHAPTER IVTHE TECHNIQUE OF ASSESSMENT Performance Assessment Definition : Performance assessment is an assessment conducted by observing the activities of learners in doing something Consists of: Psychomotor Skills and Process skills.
THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT • Performance measures that are expected to do learners must clearly demonstrate the performance of a competence. • Completeness and accuracy aspects that will be assessed in the performance. • Special abilities are required to complete the task. • Strive ability to be assessed not too much, so that all can be observed. • Ability to be assessed sorted by the order to be observed. • To minimize the subjectivity factor, needs to be assessed by more than one person, so the results are more accurate assessment.
THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT • "Check List" Assessment done when students demonstrate mastery of specific competency criteria that can be observed by the assessor by marking with two absolute choice. If it can not be observed, the students are not getting the value. More practical checklists used to observe the subject in large quantities
Exampleof Checklist Assessment : The use of Body Thermometer
Description: • if true it will get a score 1 • if false it will get a score 0
2. Rating Scale (Rating Scale). Rating of performance using a rating scale allows the appraiser gives the mean of the control of a particular competency, because the provision of a continuum in which the value of the option value is more than two categories. Rating scale ranges from imperfect to perfect. For example: 1 = not competent, 2 = moderately competent, 3 = competent, 4 = very competent. To minimize the subjectivity factor, should be assessed by more than one person, so the results are more accurate assessment.
Example of Rating ScaleExperimental Rating of heat can change the temperature and states of matter
THE RUBRIC OF SCORE • Score 3. Exactly, If • How to prepare and install the tools and materials that will be used appropriately, quickly (skills). • How to enter the water and ice into the laver carefully (water does not spill). • How to turn on and turn off the lights spritus (caution and close spritus when the lights will be turned off). • How to read a thermometer scale (perpendicular eye view). • Score 2. Less Exactly, If -- Less Right, if and fast (less skilled). -- Less Exactly, if inadvertently (water spill). -- Less Exactly, If (and inadvertently spilled water). -- Less Exactly, If (the eye is less perpendicular). • Score 1. Not Exactly, If -- Not Exactly, if less precise and slower (no skill at all). -- Not Exactly, if not careful (water spill). -- Not Exactly, If (not careful and do not close when the lights spritus will be turned off, but blown). -- Not Exactly, If (eye sight is not perpendicular / false reading)
B. Attitude assessment • According to Reid (Gokhale et al: 2009) attitude is“a positive or negative sentiment or mental state, that is learned and organized through experience on the affective and conative responses of an individual toward some other individual, object, or event”. • Attitude is an expression of values or a outlook on life that is owned by someone. Attitudes can be formed causing "behavior or actions" to be desired. • Attitude consists of three components, namely: affective, cognitive, and conative
THE OBJECT OF THE ATTITUDE THAT NEEDS TO BE ASSESSED • Attitudes toward the subject matter. • Attitudes toward teachers / tutors. • Attitudes towards the learning process. • Attitudes related to values or norms related to the learning material.
2. ATTITUDE ASSESSMENT METHOD • Behavioral observation Person's behavior in general showed a tendency in something.
Example of behavioral observation BOOK DIARY OF LEARNERS (Name of school) • Subjects: ________________________ • Class: ________________________ • School year: ________________________ • Name of teacher : ________________________ Jakarta, 2006
B. Assessment of scientific attitude Definition: "students 'attitudes toward science may have an effect on students' motivation, interest, and achievement in the sciences". Furthermore, Glick (Morrell and Lederman, 1998: 76) says "students' attitudes toward science Appear to be shape by the same factor: teachers, learning environment, self-concept, peers, and parental influence
Example format of assessment of scientific attitude in physics learning
The rubric of scoring • Religious Descriptors: • Participate in recitations of the Qur'an • Dressed in accordance with the provisions of religion • Seating position between the student and the student lai not coexist • Curiosity Descriptors • asking questions • attentive • initiative
Discipline Descriptors: • Came on time • Serious in following the lecture • Participate in enforcing the rules Scoring: • 4 when three descriptors appear • 3 if two descriptors appear • 2 when the descriptor appear • 1 if none of the descriptors that appear
b. Direct questions Steps: • Ask "directly or interview about a person's attitude related to something • Based on the answers and other reactions that appear in the answer can be understood that the attitude of the students towards the attitude object • Teachers can use the data obtained to assess attitudes and foster learners Example: "Student Attitudes Toward Improved Environmental Order".
c. Personal report Steps : • Learners were asked to review or response that contains a view of an issue, situation, or thing which is the object attitude • Teachers assess student attitudes based on the reviews made by learners that can be read and understood its attitude tendencies
C. Written assessment Definition In writing assessment conducted with a written test . The written test is a test in which questions and answers are given to the students in writing . In answer the learners do not always respond in the form of writing an answer but can also be in other forms such as marking , coloring , drawing , and so forth .
Method of Assessment There are two forms of the written test questions , namely : • Choose an answer , which can be divided into : • Multiple choice • Two options (true - false, yes - no). • Match • Causation. 2. Supplying answers, divided into : • Stuffing or complete. • Short answer or short • Description.
C. Assessment of project Definition • Project assessment is an assessment of the tasks to be completed in the period / time. The task in the form of an investigation from planning, data collection, organizing, processing and presenting data. • Project appraisal can be used to determine the understanding, ability to apply, investigation skills and the ability to inform students on a particular subject clearly
Example Assessment ProjectAssessment investigation the determination of oil foods viscosity on the market
E. Product Assessment • Definition Product assessment is an assessment of manufacturing process and quality of a product. Product assessment includes assessing learners' ability to make the products of technology and art, such as: food, clothing, works of art (statues, painting, drawing), the goods are made from wood, ceramic, plastic, and metal.
Examples of assessment ProductAssessment of making a simple electric bell
Rubric: The components used • Score 4 if using the component: bell, switch, resistor, battery, indicator lights. • Score 3 if using the component: bell, switches, resistors, battery • Score 2 if using the components: bell, switch, battery. • Score 1 if using the components: bell, battery. The accuracy of stringing • Score 4 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement and neatness soldering components. • Score 3 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement of the components but not neat soldering. • Score 2 if no proper arrangement of circuit components but neat soldering. • Score 1 if no proper arrangement of circuit components and soldering untidy.
F. Portfolio assessment • Definition Portfolio assessment is continuous assessment based on the collection of information that shows the development of the ability of learners in a given period. Such information may include the work of students from the learning process are considered best by the students , the results of the test ( not value ) or other form of information associated with a specific competence in a subject .
Examples of Portfolio AssessmentAssessment preparation of examples of the application of physics concepts in other disciplines
G. Self-Assessment • Definition Self-assessment is an assessment technique in which students were asked to rate themselves relating to the status, the process and the level of achievement of competencies learned. Self-assessment techniques can be used to measure the competence of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
BAB VTUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN KOGNITIF • Taksonomiadalahusahapengelompokansesuatu yang disusundandianutberdasarkanciri-ciritertentu. Taksonomidalambidangpendidikanterkenaldengantaksonomitujuanpembelajaran. Dasardiperlukantaksonomitujuanpembelajaranadalah : 1. Perluadanyapenjelasanterminologitujuan yang digunakandalamtujuanpembelajaransebabtujuaniniberfungsiuntukmemberikanarahkepadaprosesbelajardanmenentukanprilaku yang dianggapsebagaibuktihasilbelajar. 2. Sebagaialat yang dapatmembantu guru dalammendeskripsikandanmenyusuntes, teknikpenilaian.
PembagianRanahTujuanPembelajaran 1. TujuanKognitifberorientasikepadakemampuanberfikirmencakupkemampuanintelektual yang lebihsederhanasampaidengankemampuanuntukmemecahkansuatumasalah(problem solving). 2. TujuanAfektif yang berhubungandenganperasaan, emosi, system nilaidansikaphati yang menunjukkanpenerimaanataupenolakanterhadapsesuatu. 3. Tujuanpsikomotorberorientasikepadaketerampilanmotorik yang berhubungandengananggotatubuhatautindakan(action) yang memerlukankoordinasiantarasyarafdanotot.
PembahagianTujuanRanahKognitifMenurut BS Bloom 1. Pengetahuan(ingatan) (C1) Pengetahuanseseoranguntukmengingat-ingatkembali(recall)ataumengenalikembalitentangnama, istilah, ide, gejala, rumus-rumusdansebagainyatanpamengharapkankemampuanuntukmenggunakannya. • Pemahaman (komprehensi) (C2) • Pemahamanadalahtingkatankemampuankognitif yang mengharapkanseseorang (testee) mampuuntukmengerti/memahamitentangartiataukonsep, situasi, sertafakta yang diketahuinya. Testeetidakhanyahapalsecaraverbalistissaja, tetapimemahamikonsepdarimasalahataufakta yang ditanyakan.