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Plant classification. All plants can be classified into :. Non- flowering. Flowering. Non- flowering plants. They don’t produce flowers , seeds or fruits . They reproduce by spores . Mosses and Ferns grow in dark and humid places ( moist conditions ). Mosses. Ferns.
Allplants can beclassifiedinto: • Non-flowering • Flowering
Non- floweringplants • Theydon’t produce flowers, seedsorfruits. • They reproduce byspores.
Mosses and Fernsgrow in dark and humid places (moistconditions) Mosses • Ferns They are twomaingroups of non-floweringplants
Mosses • They are verysmallplantswith: • Leaf, • Tinystem • Rhizoids(roofstructures) • Theysupporttheplanttothesoil. • Theydon’ttakethewaterfromsoil. (stem and leavesabsorbthewater) • Theirspores are produced in a capsula (at theend of thefilament)
Ferns • They are largerthanmosses. • Theyhave: • Stemwhichgrowsunderground- (Rhizome) (Roof and leavesgrowfromrhizome) • Largeleaves– (Fronds) • Theirspores are formedontheunderside of theleaves– Sori
Floweringplants • They produce flowers and seeds in orderto reproduce, (in onlyoneseason of theyear)
Gymnosperms Angiosperms They are twomaingroups offloweringplants
Gymnosperms • Theyhavesmall, simple flowers. • Theydon’t produce fruit. • Theirseeds are groupedtogetherin cones. • They are perennials /evergreen (theyhaveleavesallyear round)
Angiosperms • Theyhavelarge, beautifulflowers. • They produce fruitwithseedsinside. • Theycouldbedeciduousorperennial. (they lose theirleaves in autumn) • Mostplantsweeatare angiosperm.
Plants Flowering - plants Non- floweringplants Mosses Ferns Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Parts of plants • Leaf / leaves: of a plant play an important role in the plant. The leaves capture sunlight and use it along with carbon dioxide to produce food for the plant. TO gives off oxygen • Stem: or the trunk are in charge to take water and nutrients to the leaves or flower • Spores: a primitive usually unicellular often environmentally resistant dormant or reproductive body produced by plants, fungi, and some microorganisms • Roof: function is absorve water from the soil and take it to other parts of the plant Branch: The function of a branch on a tree is to grow leaves to produce photosyntisis • Flower: containsthereproductiveorgans of a plant. Themainparts of a flower are thecalyx, corolla, staments and pistil.
leaves seeds flower fruit roofs stem