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2. Content of the presentation. IntroductionAlps as sensitive area: Consequences for pricing/chargesImpacts of new charging regimesConclusions: Recommendations from an Alpine perspective and the new Eurovignette directive. 3. Possible criteria to define sensitive areas". 2 The Alps as sensitiv
1. 1 Trans-Alpine issues Seminar „Charges for Heavy Goods Vehicles“
IMPRINT-EUROPE, one-day workshop
Brussels, 1 October 2003
Stefan SuterEcoplan, Economic Research and Policy Consultancy, CH-Berne www.ecoplan.ch
2. 2 Content of the presentation Introduction
Alps as sensitive area: Consequences for pricing/charges
Impacts of new charging regimes
Conclusions: Recommendations from an Alpine perspective and the new Eurovignette directive
3. 3 Possible criteria to define “sensitive areas”
4. 4 Alpine-specific costs of road freight transport
5. 5 First estimates of the “Alpine-specific mark-up” PETS Alpine freight case study (marginal costs):
6. 6 Changes in transport charges: Selected corridors PETS: Scenario SMCProad
7. 7 Changes in transport charges: In- / outside the Alps PETS: SMCP
8. 8 PETS: Scenario SMCP and Fund Changes in transport charges
9. 9 Changes in modal split
10. 10 Changes in transport volumes: Road freight
11. 11 Charges in comparison with other instruments
12. 12 Preliminary Conclusions Need for action: Inside but especially outside the Alps
Modal split and volume effect with “currently discussed” price levels: Very limited, negative in the case of Switzerland
Important: Productivity gains and new concepts in rail transport (e.g. new system of “unaccompanied rolling motorway”)
Additional pricing measures: Needed and justified
13. 13 ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive Improving acceptability => Equity and participation issues – not only efficiency
Interoperability=> European standards
Role / limits of economic theory in policy making=> No “expert mechanism”, but scientific support to decision-making
14. 14 Variety of objectives => variety of instruments and policy measures
Objectives: Set by politics
Pricing and financing instruments needed ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
15. 15 Implementation problems
“Difficult” price signals
Practicability and effectiveness versus efficiency
Important “signpost”, e.g. for differentiation of charges ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
16. 16 Sensitive areas: Alps and others
Region of the Alpine Convention
Burden limits - not only mark-up
ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
17. 17 Cross-financing: Legitimate and useful
Well-defined rules
Distributional, not only efficiency issue
No exclusive earmarking for the transport sector ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
18. 18 Territoriality and non-discrimination
Harmonisation of methodology in cost calculation
Full cost recovery, incl. environmental costs
Contradiction: Upper/lower limits
Charge setting: Objectives vs. costs ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
19. 19 Activities in several countries: Need for a framework
ALP-NET: Discussion forum for the new proposal ALP-NET results vs. the new Eurovignette directive
20. 20 Trans-Alpine issues Seminar „Charges for Heavy Goods Vehicles“
IMPRINT-EUROPE, one-day workshop
Brussels, 1 October 2003
Stefan SuterEcoplan, Economic Research and Policy Consultancy, CH-Berne www.ecoplan.ch