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SIOP Overview. “The goal... is to prepare teachers to teach content effectively to English learners while developing the student's language ability” (Echevarria 5). SIOP is an Acronym. S heltered Integration of grade-level content and English language proficiency I nstruction
SIOP Overview • “The goal... is to prepare teachers to teach content effectively to English learners while developing the student's language ability” (Echevarria 5).
SIOP is an Acronym • Sheltered • Integration of grade-level content and English language proficiency • Instruction • Instruction using the SIOP Model of lesson planning and delivery (16). • Observation • Collegial observations not evaluative. • Protocol • The instrument used to observe, rate, and provide feedback on lessons (16).
Eight Components of Lesson Planning & Delivery • Preparation • Building Background • Comprehensible Input • Strategies • Interaction • Practice/Application • Lesson Delivery • Review/Assessment
Preparation (Component 1) • Content Objectives – teacher posts and shares daily goal(s) for content learning • Language Objectives – teacher posts and shares daily goal(s) for language learning • Content Concepts- concepts for content goals must be appropriate for students' age(s) and educational backgrounds • Supplementary Materials- make lesson more clear and meaningful
Preparation continued • Adaption of Content- text(s) and assignment(s) are adapted for students' language ability without being watered-down; scaffolding techniques bring language learners of differing abilities into content learning • Meaningful Activities- integrate content goal(s) with reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking English language
Why “Preparation” Matters • The most effective lessons result from explicit planning around objectives and support from materials, texts, assignments, and activities that give students of all language abilities access to the content.
Building Background (Component 2) • Concepts Explicitly Linked- concepts related to the content goal are linked to students' background experiences • Links Explicitly Made- concepts related to the content goal are linked to past learning of new concepts • Key Vocabulary- is introduced, written, repeated, emphasized, and highlighted for maximum content & language learning
Why “Building Background” Matters • Students learn and retain more content knowledge when their memories have a place to categorize the learning. • In some cases background is built by triggering a memory or experience; sometimes it is built through an activity or strategy. • Teaching vocabulary combines content and language learning for a double impact.
Comprehensible Input (Component 3) • Speech- Use a rate of speech, clear enunciation, simpler sentences as appropriate for students' language proficiency • Clear Explanation- Clearly explain academic tasks • Variety of Techniques- Make content clear with modeling, visuals, realia, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, and/or body language
Why “Making Content Comprehensible” Matters • Like students with proficient language skills, ELLs want to know what is expected of them. Taking extra steps to make sure everyone in class understands what the tasks are and how to accomplish each allows all students to be successful.
Strategies (Component 4) • Learning Strategies- allow students to process new information and develop schemata that make it easier to recall and retain new learning- use frequently • Scaffolding Techniques- used consistently to support a variety of levels of language proficiency (and to support academic skills including critical thinking)
Strategies (Component 4) • Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)- ask questions that run through Bloom's Taxonomy from comprehension to analysis and beyond. Inability to express oneself does not indicate that a person cannot think critically.
Why “Strategies” Matter • Strategies, scaffolding, and HOTS teach students processes that make content instruction more successful. Simultaneously students practice for language proficiency,
Interaction (Component 5) • Interaction- students interact with peers and with teacher as part of content learning • Grouping Configurations- support content & language goals through partnering, small groups, and whole group activities • Wait Time- consistently provide sufficient time to think of content and/or language to complete tasks
Interaction continued • Clarify Key Concepts in First Language- provide students opportunities to consult an aide, peer, L1 (first language) text, dictionary, or other resource. Language should not be a barrier to content learning.
Why “Interaction” Matters • Maximizing content-based interaction between partners, small groups, whole class, and each student with the teacher maximizes the speaking opportunities for language learners. • Interaction also increases brain stimulation & motivation, reduces risk/fear of failure (threat response), allows more processing time, and increases student attention to the content.
Practice/Application • Hands-on Materials or Manipulatives- content is mastered when it is practiced in relevant, meaningful ways • Activities for Application of Content & Language Knowledge- experiences to apply content in a personally relevant way so students can “learn by doing”
Practice/Application continued • Activities for Integration of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking while students internalize content and language objectives at the same time.
Why “Practice/Application” Matters • Practice/Application is the opportunity to differentiate instruction for multiple intelligences and language needs. • Blends multi-modal language practice with practice of new content skills to make all learning more applicable and memorable. 19
Lesson Delivery • Content Objectives are clearly supported by the lesson • Language Objectives are clearly supported by the lesson • Students Engaged 90% to 100% of the class period • Pacing is appropriate for the students language abilities (which may be diverse, so differentiate instruction) 20
Why “Lesson Delivery” Matters • Effectively planned lessons must address student engagement and learning of the stated goals. 21
Review/Assessment • Review key vocabulary throughout the lesson • Review key content concepts throughout the lesson • Feedback to students on language output throughout the lesson • Student comprehension & learning of all lesson objectives is assessed throughout the lesson 22
Why “Review/Assessment” Matters • Meaningful assessment measures students achievement of the stated goals throughout the lesson. • Review allows students to infer which information is the most important - particularly information targeted as key vocabulary or content goals. 23
Training Opportunities • Contact Dorothy Moseley, Lakewood School District ELL Coordinator • dmoseley@lwsd.wednet.edu • Take a class from the local ESD • www.nwesd.org • Take a professional development class through SPU • www.armchaired.com 24
Ask a Colleague Who’s Been Trained in SIOP for His/Her Opinion • Dorothy Moseley • Elizabeth Davis • Kristi Lentz • Barbara Hemmann • Risa Livingston • Linda Kilpatrick 25
Thank You • This presentation was prepared by Elizabeth Davis for professional development and recruitment of future SIOP trainees within the Lakewood School District. 26