Rogers Middle School SIOP Model
What’s Going On? The questions that p______ face as they raise ch_____ from in_____ to adult life are not easy to ans_____. Both fa_____ and m______ can become concerned when health problems such as co___ arise any time after the e____ stage to later life. Experts recommended that young ch____ should have plenty of s_____ and nutritious food for healthy growth. B____ and g____ should not share the same b_____ or even sleep in the same r_____. They may be afraid of the d_____.
What’s Going On? The questions that poultrymen face as they raise chickens from incubation to adult life are not easy to answer. Both farmers and merchants can become concerned when health problems such as coccidiosis arise any time after the egg stage to later life. Experts recommended that young chicks should have plenty of sunshine and nutritious food for healthy growth. Banties and geese should not share the same barnyard or even sleep in the same roost. They may be afraid of the dark.
True or False Content Objective: Teachers will use previous knowledge about the SIOP model in order to help bridge to new content. Language Objective: Share information in cooperative learning interactions • Read each statement. • Decide if it is true or false.
True or False? Sheltered Instruction is used in a variety of program models. True! Introduction to SIOP
True or False? Sheltered Instruction cannot be used in classes that contain both English language learners and native English speakers False! Sheltered Instruction can be used in all classes that contain ELLs. Introduction to SIOP
True or False? Sheltered Instruction is the same as high quality instruction for native English speakers. False! Language is gained faster with learning content because the language is contextualized and used in meaningful ways. Introduction to SIOP
True or False? Language development classes should be separate from content classes for ELLs to learn best. False! Language is gained faster with learning content because the language is contextualized and used in meaningful ways. Introduction to SIOP
True or False? In Sheltered Instruction classes, teachers integrate ELPS standards. True! ELPS standards are excellent sources of language objectives for Sheltered Instruction classes. Introduction to SIOP
What is Sheltered Instruction? • A means for making grade-level academic content (e.g., science, social studies, math) more accessible for English language learners while at the same time developing their English language skills. • The practice of highlighting key language features and incorporating strategies that make the content comprehensible to students. (adjusting speech, providing background information, using appropriate instructional tasks) • Sheltered Instruction classrooms mix native & ELLs and integrate language & content while infusing sociocultural awareness.
SIOP Motto Teach to the high, support the low and scaffold all the way up
Eight Components 1. Preparation 2. Building Background 3. Comprehensible Input 4. Strategies 5. Interaction 6. Practice/Application 7. Lesson Delivery 8. Review/Assessment