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What users want & how FRBR can help

Explore how FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) can improve cataloging by defining entities, facilitating data clustering, and enhancing search experience for users.

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What users want & how FRBR can help

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  1. What users want & how FRBR can help Diane Vizine-Goetz Research Scientist OCLC Research

  2. Presentation history A version of this presentation was given at: • A Symposium for Publishers and Librarians 18-19 March 2009 OCLC Conference Center Dublin, Ohio (USA) • Dewey Breakfast/Update 24 January 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting, Denver, CO (USA) • ALCTS Cataloging & Classification Section Forum 23 January 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting, Denver, CO (USA)

  3. FRBR in Five FRBR = Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Developed by cataloging experts working under the auspices of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) FRBRis from a document issued by IFLA: • Functional requirements for bibliographic records : final report (1998) FRBR is a conceptual model not a standard • FRBR systematically models the bibliographic universe

  4. FRBR defines 3 groups of entities Group 1: products of intellectual or artistic endeavor that are named of described in bibliographic records • work, expression, manifestation, item Group 2: entities responsible for the intellectual or artistic content, the physical production and dissemination, or the custodianship of such products • person, corporate body Group 3: entities that serve as the subjects of intellectual or artistic endeavor • concept, object, event, place

  5. Group 1 - Bibliographic Entities Work • A distinct intellectual or artistic creation Expression • The intellectual or artistic realization of a work Manifestation • The physical embodiment of an expression of a work Item • A single example of a manifestation

  6. FRBR Entity Levels (Group 1) Based on a graphic in Tillett, Barbara "AACR2's Strategic Plan and IFLA Work towards an International Cataloguing Code“ (2002)

  7. FRBR Entity Levels Revisited The movie Original Version Based on a graphic in Tillett, Barbara "AACR2's Strategic Plan and IFLA Work towards an International Cataloguing Code“ (2002)

  8. OCLC FRBR Work-set Algorithm Provides a FRBR-based view of the data • Records clustered into works using author and title fields from bibliographic and authority records • Author names and titles normalized to construct a work key • All records with the same key are grouped together in a work set or cluster

  9. WorldCat Statistics (January 2009) 3.2 records/work set for multi-record sets

  10. Karen Calhoun & Janet Hawk, “Online catalogs: What users and librarians wantA review of market research data” DISCOVERYRecommended enhancements to WorldCat

  11. 4.87 records/work set for multi-record sets

  12. Share data elements across a FRBR Work Set

  13. Work pages beta Provides a rich context from cataloging data

  14. Project team JD Shipengrover Roger Thompson Diane Vizine-Goetz Harry Wagner AbstractsAuthority Data Form/Genre Terms FRBR Clusters Holdings Data Class NumbersSubject Headings Summaries Tables of Contents

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