1. Were going to the Moon! Cathy Coleman
Megan ONeal
Kate Strube
Lisa Wachel
2. Subject and Grade Level This project will focus on many aspects of learning including Language Arts, Math, and Science.
It is intended for the 3rd grade level.
3. My Curriculum Framing Questions What do we need to go to the Moon?
What supplies do we need to survive on the moon?
How long with it take to get to the moon?
How much will it cost to get to the moon?
What type of training is involved?
How can we get the money to travel to the moon?
How do we prepare for the environment on the moon?
Nutrition, daily living, environmental conditions, effects of gravity
4. Targeted State Standards Science
11.A.1c Collect data for investigations using measuring instruments and technologies
11.A.1d Record and store data using available technologies
6.B.1 Solve one- and two-step problems with whole numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
6.C.1a Select and perform computational procedures to solve problems with whole numbers.
6.C.1b Show evidence that whole number computational results are correct and/or that estimates are reasonable.
5. Targeted State Standards Language Arts
1.C.1d Summarize content of reading material using text organization (e.g., story, sequence).
1.C.1e Identify how authors and illustrators express their ideas in text and graphics (e.g., dialogue, conflict, shape, color, characters).
1.C.1f Use information presented in simple tables, maps and charts to form an interpretation.
3.A.1 Construct complete sentences which demonstrate subject/verb agreement; appropriate capitalization and punctuation; correct spelling of appropriate, high-frequency words; and appropriate use of the eight parts of speech.
3.B.1a Use prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas (e.g., focus on one topic; organize writing to include a beginning, middle and end; use descriptive words when writing about people, places, things, events).
3.B.1b Demonstrate focus, organization, elaboration and integration in written compositions (e.g., short stories, letters, essays, reports).
3.C.1a Write for a variety of purposes including description, information, explanation, persuasion and narration.
3.C.1b Create media compositions or productions which convey meaning visually for a variety of purposes.
6. Targeted Learning Objectives Integration of Math and Language arts into a Science unit.
7. Activity Ideas for Math Students will be given a breakdown of the prices of the various things that it takes to get to the moon. They will need to figure out the total cost of going to the moon based upon the number of people and the distance traveled. The students will then divide the total cost by the number of people to figure out how much each person needs to raise to get to the moon.
Students will first research how long it takes to get to the moon given a list of websites such as www.nasa.gov. They will also research past missions to compare how space travel has changed over time. After they have done this, they will be given the distance to the moon from the Earth and the amount of time it takes to travel in space. They will then show how they can figure out how long it will take them to get to the moon.
8. Activity Ideas for Language Arts Students will write a journal about their trip to the moon. They will make a list of all of the things that they need to pack and who they want to take with them.
Students will write an agenda for a day of their trip to the moon. They will include all of the elements of space travel that they have already learned.
9. Activity Ideas for Science Students will learn about space food. They will test different foods and learn why they need to be different from everyday food. They will also make moon cookies
The teacher will give a demonstration of a proposed new space material. The students will observe and answer questions about whether or not this material will be good for going into space.
Specific Instructions for these and other activities can be found at this website:
10. And you Wanted to Bring Soup?
11. Assessment Students will keep a portfolio of all of their work that they have done throughout the moon unit.
Students will give a group presentation on one topic concerning the moon that they did not learn about in class.