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2013 CACFP Nutrition Training. CN Labels, Creditable/Non-Creditable Foods and Special Diets. Crediting Combination Foods. CN Labels. Commercially Prepared Combination Items What are they?. To name a few…. Breaded Chicken Nuggets, patties, tenders
2013 CACFP Nutrition Training CN Labels, Creditable/Non-Creditable Foods and Special Diets
Crediting Combination Foods CN Labels
Commercially Prepared Combination Items What are they? To name a few… • Breaded Chicken Nuggets, patties, tenders • Breaded popcorn chicken and popcorn shrimp • Breaded fish sticks, patties, shapes, nuggets • Corn dogs and mini corn dogs • Pizza (any type) • Canned and frozen ravioli • Frozen soups for any component • Breakfast bites • Lasagna • Quesadillas • Salisbury steak • Meatballs • Chili and Chili Mac • Chicken pot pies • Cheese sauce
Commercially Prepared Combination Items • Commercially prepared, combination food items can only be credited to the CACFP meal pattern when the amount of content (i.e. meat, bread, etc.) is known and documented • Acceptable documentation includes the actual Child Nutrition (CN) label marked on the product, or a product analysis sheet signed by an official of the manufacturer Handout in folders
Child Nutrition (CN) Labels A CN labeled product will always contain the following: • The CN logo, which is a distinct border • The meal pattern contribution statement • A unique 6-digit product identification number (assigned by USDA/FNS) appearing in the upper right hand corner of the CN logo • The USDA/FNS authorization statement • The month and year of final FNS approval
Child Nutrition (CN) Labels NOT Nutrition Facts Labels or Ingredients Lists X X
CN Labels = Healthy? • CN labels do NOT indicate that a product is healthy • Used predominately on processed meat and meat alternate products which are often high in sodium, fat and calories • Healthier options are becoming available • If using CN labeled foods, always read the Nutrition Facts panel to choose healthier options
Child Nutrition (CN) Labels Two 1.00 oz breaded fish sticks provide 1.00 oz meat equivalent and .50 serving of bread alternate Meat equivalent calculation: • 1-2 year olds (1 oz) = 2 fish sticks • 3-5 year olds (1.5 oz) = 3 fish sticks • 6-12 year olds (2 oz) = 4 fish sticks
This 4 oz Corn Dog provides 2.0 oz equivalent meat and 2 servings bread alternate for Child Nutrition Meal Pattern Requirements. Meat equivalent calculation: 1-2 year olds (1 oz) = ½ corn dog 3-5 year olds (1.5 oz) = ¾ corn dog 6-12 year olds (2 oz) = 1 corn dog 1 corn dog/serv X 48 serv/bag = 48 corn dogs/bag
Corn Dogs Carrots Peaches Breading 1% (3 – 2 yr olds) Corn Dogs 54.5 oz 31 corn dogs* 1=2oz m/ma OR 1 bag (48/bag) 10 cups 3 ½ # (fresh, baby) 7 13 9 5 9 cups 4 cans (29 oz can, drained) 24 servings (see corn dogs) 2 cups Whole (4- 1 yr olds) 1/2 gallon 25 ¼ cups 2 gallons For CN labeled products, recording the number of bags is OK as long as you list the number of the product in each bag *Amounts prepared is based on serving 3-5 y/o a whole corn dog, not 3/4
Crediting to CACFP Meal Pattern Creditable foods are foods USDA allows to be counted toward meeting the requirements of a component Non-Creditable foods do not meet requirements for any component in the meal pattern Most non-creditable foods are still allowable CACFP purchases and can be served as extras to a reimbursable meal
How do you know if it’s creditable? • Foods not indicated as creditable in What’s In a Meal or not listed in the Food Buying Guide are not creditable • What's In a Meal • Food Buying Guide
Food Buying Guide Section 5: Other Foods Foods in this section do not meet the requirement for any component Bacon Coconut Jams, jellies, preserves Pickle relish Popcorn Potato chips or potato sticks Pudding • Ketchup • Mustard • Chili sauce • Salad dressing • Syrup • Cream cheese • Egg product (frozen egg whites/yolks) • Dried or evaporated milk
Other Non-Creditable Foods Seen on Menus • Jell-O • Fruit or full strength 100% juice in gelatin salads may be credited if each serving contains a minimum 1/8 cup fruit, vegetable or full-strength fruit or vegetable juice • Juice that is not 100%, e.g. juice drink, kool-aid, energy drinks • Fruit Snacks • Ice Cream, sherbet, frozen yogurt • Box macaroni and cheese (made with powder cheese) • Tofu and tempeh (without a CN label) • Cheese product, imitation cheese • Velveeta, cheese sauce
Vegetable Straws or SticksNot Creditable • Vegetable straws are a snack food made from ingredients that include vegetables (such as tomatoes and spinach), seed oils, grain starches, and flours made from vegetables (potato) and grains, formed into the shape of long square pegs • Vegetable straws cannotbe credited as a fruit/vegetable because they are considered a processed food item and are not found in the Food Buying Guide • They may be creditable as a grain/bread when the primary grain ingredient is whole or enriched grain. Some, but not all, vegetable straws are made with whole or enriched grains.
Non-creditable Shelf-stable, dried meat, poultry, and seafood snacks • Non-creditable meat snacks: smoked snack sticks made with beef and chicken; summer sausage; pepperoni sticks; meat, poultry, or seafood jerky such as beef jerky, turkey jerky, and salmon jerky; and meat or poultry nuggets (shelf-stable, non-breaded, dried meat or poultry snack made similar to jerky) such as turkey nuggets • Dried meat, poultry or seafood snacks do not qualify for the CN Labeling Program because they cannot contribute to the meat component; fact sheets or company certified product formulation statements (PFS) cannotbe accepted for these products. USDA Technical Assistance 05-2011
Creditable meat stick products • Creditable meat snacks: The following are examples of meat stick products that may credit with CN Labels or company certified product formulation statements: • Cooked, cured meat and/or poultry sausages (excluding byproducts, cereals, binders or extenders) such as Bologna, Frankfurters, Knockwurst, and Vienna Sausage as are listed on pages 1-36 and 1-37 of the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs; • Extended meat or poultry “patty-like” products shaped into sticks which are usually breaded and either frozen or refrigerated; and • Dried pepperoni when used as a topping on a CN Labeled pizza. USDA Technical Assistance 05-2011
Nutella and other “spreads”Not Creditable • Nutella is a hazelnut spread. Any item labeled as a type of nut “spread” is not creditable towards the meat/meat alternate component; this includes peanut butter spread. • Look closely at the food label of peanut butter or any nut “butters” to assure that they are not labeled as “spreads.” • Only nut “butters” listed in the “Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs” (page 1-40) are creditable towards the meat/meat alternate component and thus may count towards a reimbursable meal. • Creditable nut butters: almond, cashew nut, peanut, reduced fat peanut, sesame seed, soy nut, and sunflower seed
Fruit Smoothies – HomemadeCreditable • Milk can credit in a smoothie • Fruit and fruit juice can credit in a smoothie • Vegetables, grains and meat/meat alternates (including yogurt) may not be credited when served as a beverage USDA Guidance Memorandum CACFP 17-2012
Fruit Smoothies - Homemade • Breakfast and lunch/supper: Milk and fruit/fruit juice can be credited in homemade smoothies • Breakfast: pureed fruit/juice in a beverage may be counted as the entire daily fruit/vegetable component • Lunch/supper: pureed fruit/juice may only count toward half the fruit/vegetable component • Snack:both juice/pureed fruit and milk are creditable, but must be served alongside a 3rd creditable component (not milk or juice) as the meal pattern states that juice cannot be served when milk is the only other snack component USDA Guidance Memorandum CACFP 17-2012
Smoothies at Snack, Is it Creditable? *Vegetables, grains and meat/meat alternates (including yogurt) may not be credited when served as a beverage • Consider the costs associated with the requirement to serve a 3rd component when deciding to serve smoothies as a snack.
Go Gurt and Drinkable Yogurt • Go Gurt • Creditable • It is a coagulated milk product therefore it is creditable as a meat/meat alternate • 4 oz yogurt = 1 oz meat/meat alternate • 1 tube = 2.25 oz • 2 tubes of gogurt = 1 oz meat/meat alternate • Drinkable Yogurt (Danimals, etc.) • Not creditable • Does not meet the definition of yogurt so it cannot credit as a meat/meat alternate
Ground Beef Patty • “Ground Beef Patty, ” “Hamburger,” “100% Beef,” “Pure Beef Patty,” is creditable • Both hamburger and ground beef can have seasonings added, but no water, phosphates, extenders, or binders may be added • “Beef Patty” is not creditable without a CN label because it may be made with one or more of the following: • Soy Concentrate • Soy Isolate • Soy Flour • Ground Fruit • Ground Chicken
These products are creditable: This product is not creditable without a CN label: Ingredients: Beef, water, soy protein concentrate, dehydrated onions, salt, monosodium glutamate, and pepper.
Requirements, Medical Statements and Non-Dairy Milk Substitutions MILK
Milks Creditable to Meal Pattern • Fluid milk served to children who are two years of age and older must be fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk • Fluid milk served may also be fat-free or low-fat lactose reduced milk, fat-free or low-fat lactose free milk, fat-free or low-fat buttermilk, or fat-free or low-fat acidified milk. • In order to credit to the meal pattern, the agency must purchase these products • Whole milk and reduced-fat (2%) milk may not be served to children over two years of age as part of a reimbursable meal • Whole milk is recommended to be served to children between one and two years old
What About Lactose Intolerance? • Not a disability, it is a food intolerance • In order to claim a child’s meals for reimbursement you must obtain a statement from a medical authority • List intolerance and product(s) to be substituted (soy milk, almond milk, water, juice, etc.) • Any milk substitute is okay (soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, etc.) • Center or parent may supply substitution • Center must supply all other components in order to claim meal/snack for reimbursement
Non-Dairy Milk Substitutions • Parents/guardians wanting their child to drink something other than cow’s milk (in absence of a medical statement) may request in writing that their child be served a non-dairy milk substitution without providing a medical statement • This provision only applies to children ages one year and older. It does not apply to infants (children under 1 year of age) • Written request must identify the medical or other special dietary need (i.e. life style choice) and state the name of the non-dairy milk substitution to be used
Non-Dairy Milk Substitutions • The non-dairy milk substitution must be nutritionally equivalent to milk and meet nutritional standards for nutrients listed here • Nutrition Facts Label on products may not list all the required nutrients. Providers or parents will need to request documentation from the manufacturer to confirm the presence of all required nutrients at the proper levels Milk Substitute Nutrition Standards (GM 12C) Nutrient Per Cup Calcium 276 mg Protein 8 g Vitamin A 500 IU Vitamin D 100 IU Magnesium 24 mg Phosphorus 222 mg Potassium 349 mg Riboflavin .44 mg Vitamin B-12 1.1mcg (μg)
Products approved in Wisconsin for use as non-dairy milk substitutions Kikkoman Pearl Soymilk, Smart Creamy Vanilla * 8.25 fluid ounce single-serving container, UPC Code 0-41390-06141-7 Kikkoman Pearl Soymilk, Smart Creamy Chocolate * 8.25 fluid ounce single-serving container, UPC Code 0-41390-06151-6 Pacific Natural Foods Ultra Soy All Natural Nondairy Beverage, Vanilla * Quart (32 fluid ounces), UPC 0-52603-08225-9 Pacific Natural Foods Ultra Soy All Natural Nondairy Beverage, Plain * 8.25 fluid ounce single-serving container, UPC 0-52603-08311-9 * Quart (32 fluid ounces), UPC 0-52603-08200-6 8th Continent Soymilk, Original *Half gallon (64 fluid ounces), UPC 0-53859-07066-3 SunOptaSunrich Naturals Soymilk, Original, * 8 fluid ounce single-serving container, UPC 7-82758-33108-6 SunOptaSunrich Naturals Soymilk, Vanilla * 8 fluid ounce single-serving container, UPC 7-82758-33208-3 *This list is provided in Guidance Memorandum 12
Non-Dairy Beverage Calculator Guidance Memorandum #12: http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos
Non-Dairy Milk Substitution Products Not Approved • If a milk is served that is not on the approved list or there is no documentation to show that the non-dairy substitute meets the nutrition standards of cow’s milk the center cannot claim the entire meal (breakfast, lunch, supper) for reimbursement or snack when it is served as only 1 of 2 components
What About Organic Milk? • Organic milk does not qualify as a non-dairy substitute because it is a dairy product • If parent/guardian provides organic milk the center cannot claim that child’s meals/snacks for reimbursement unless there is a medical statement on file stating a medical reason for serving organic milk • The center can purchase and provide organic milk and claim meals/snacks for reimbursement
Other Special Diet Needs What is Your Center Responsible For? SPECIAL DIETS
Special Diet Needs:What is a center responsible for? • Sometimes a child is not able to consume one or more meal pattern components, or requires food or eating modification, because of a disability or special dietary need • Depending on the type of disability or special dietary need, the center may be required to supply the food substitution or meal modification
What’s the Difference? Disability • Physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities (caring for one’s self, eating, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working). • Food related diseases and conditions include metabolic diseases such as diabetes or phenylketonuria (PKU); food anaphylaxis (severe food allergy); epilepsy; cancer; specific learning disabilities; etc. • If a licensed physician assesses that a child’s food allergy may result in severe, life-threatening reaction, the child’s condition would meet the definition of “disability.” Allergy / Intolerance • Food Allergy is a reaction of the body’s immune system to a protein in a food called an allergen • Food Intolerance is a reaction that involves the digestive system • Food allergies / intolerances are generally not a disability as defined under either Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or Part B of IDEA. • Examples include lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance (celiac disease), sugar sensitivity.
Medical Statement Flow Chart Guidance Memorandum 12 http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos
When it is a Disability • USDA regulations 7 CFR Part 15b require centers to provide food substitutions or make modifications in meals for children whose disabilities restrict their diets • The need must be supported by a statement signed by a licensed physician • The physician's statement must identify: • the child's disability; • an explanation of why the disability restricts the child's diet; • the major life activity affected by the disability; • the food or foods to be omitted from the child's diet, and the food or choice of foods that must be substituted.
Eating and Feeding Evaluation Form • Licensed physician (not other medical authority) completes • Part A to identify disability • Part B to explain special nutritional or feeding needs Guidance Memorandum 12
When it is an Allergy / Intolerance • The center may provide food substitutions, at their discretion, for individual children who do not have a disability, but who are medically certified as having a special medical or dietary need. • This provision covers those children who have food intolerances or allergies but do not have life-threatening reactions (anaphylactic reactions) when exposed to the food(s) to which they have problems. • Must be supported by a statement from a medical authority. This should identify: • the special dietary need • the food(s) to be omitted from the child’s diet • the food(s) that may be substituted • In order to claim the meal for reimbursement the center must supply all other meal pattern components. • Centers should make every effort possible to provide all food components
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