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Information taken from: http://www.ukspeedcameras.co.uk/guide.htm. GATSO’s and Average speed camera’s. GATSO.
Information taken from: http://www.ukspeedcameras.co.uk/guide.htm GATSO’s and Average speed camera’s
GATSO The Gatsometer BV company which originates from the Netherlands, was founded in 1959 by Maurice Gastonides, a famous rally driver and winner of the Monte Carlo Rally in 1953. The Gatso speed camera uses radar technology, the equipment can be used in a stationary position, in a car, in a trailer on a tripod or from a moving vehicle. Fixed installation post (F.I.P) Gatso speed cameras are rear facing as they use a 'flash' to capture the image required for prosecution.The images are stored on a film, which needs to be changed and processed. With each film reel only having the ability to take 400 pictures before needing to be changed, cameras in busy places or where speeding offences occur more often can only last a few hours before needing to change the film. Some Gatso's can also tell the difference between a car and HGV, so if for instance the limit was 60 mph for cars and for HGV's it was 40 mph, if HGV's pass the threshold of approx 45-50mph the camera would be triggered.
Average speed Speed Violation Detection Deterrent, SVDD is the digital brain which the SPECS system is based upon, it uses state of the art video system with Automatic Number Plate Reading digital technology. Consisting of two video cameras each fitted with infra red illuminators, giving the ability to work 24hrs 7days a week. SPECS are fitted either at the roadside or central reservation a set distance apart to create a speed controlled zone, or where appropriate, groups of cameras can be linked to create a speed controlled network. As vehicles pass between the entry and exit camera points their number plates are digitally recorded, whether speeding or not. Then, the images on the video of matching number plates are paired up, and because each image carries a date and time stamp, the computer can then work out your average speed between the cameras. This data is then digitally stored on a central computer, so that there is no need for film to be collected and changed at the cameras site.