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PASI2006 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. Marleigh Sheaff (University of Wisconsin, USA), chair Marcela Carena (Fermilab, USA) Daniel Chung (University of Wisconsin, USA) Joao dos Anjos (CBPF, Brazil) Miguel-Angel Perez (CINVESTAV, Mexico). MOTIVATION.
PASI2006 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Marleigh Sheaff (University of Wisconsin, USA), chair • Marcela Carena (Fermilab, USA) • Daniel Chung (University of Wisconsin, USA) • Joao dos Anjos (CBPF, Brazil) • Miguel-Angel Perez (CINVESTAV, Mexico) Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
MOTIVATION • Present the evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). • Demonstrate that these three fields are not disjoint, but that results in each inform the others. • Showcase the very fine work going on in these fields in the Americas. • Bring together young physicists (Post Docs and Advanced Graduate Students) working in the three fields throughout the hemisphere. • Foster future collaborations that are both multidisciplinary and multinational. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
PLANS • Start with eight Days of Lectures given by physicists who are not only experts in each area but also have excellent presentation skills • Discussion sessions following each day's lectures where students can ask questions. A number of Mexican physicists with expertise in these fields have agreed to help us with these sessions. • Joint program for PASI2006, VI-Silafae, and XII-MSPF for the next eight days. Mostly research seminars given in plenary sessions. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
LECTURERS • Marcela Carena (Fermilab, USA) - Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, SM and Beyond, Higgs Physics at the LHC/ILC • Daniel Chung (U. of Wisconsin, USA) - Particle Cosmology Fundamentals • Daniel de Florian (Buenos Aires U., Argentina) - QCD, a Background to New Physics • Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern U., USA) - Neutrino Physics, Phenomenology • Scott Dodelson (Fermilab and U. of Chicago, USA) Cosmology • Joao dos Anjos (CBPF, Brazil) - Neutrino Physics, Experiment • Boris Kayser (Fermilab, USA) - Neutrino Physics, Theory • Alex Kusenko (UCLA, USA) - cosmology/astroparticle physics • Mattias Neubert (Cornell U., USA) - B/K Physics • Abdel Perez-Lorenzana (CINVESTAV, Mexico) - Extra Dimensions at LHC/ILC • Carlos Wagner (Argonne Lab and U. of Chicago, USA) - SUSY, including LHC/ILC Physics Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
DISCUSSION LEADERS • Guilermo Contreras (CINVESTAV, U. Merida) • Jens Erler (IF-UNAM) • Ricardo Lopez (CINVESTAV, Mexico) • Omar Miranda (CINVESTAV, Mexico) • Eduardo Ponton (Columbia U., USA) • Sarira Sahu (ICN-UNAM) • Alberto Sanchez (CINVESTAV, Mexico) Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
What is the SM? • Gauge theory. • Describes strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions. • SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) • Explains the results of all experiments to date. (Well, almost!) • Basic theory is massless. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
What does the SM tell us? • Basic Building Blocks found in ordinary matter or in all particles produced in experiments to date are the 3 families of quarks and leptons and their antiparticles. • To each quark and lepton there corresponds an antiquark or antilepton for which all additive quantum numbers are of the opposite sign. These are not found in ordinary matter but can be produced in experiments. • Forces between the quarks and leptons can be understood as the exchange of force carriers (gauge bosons) for three of the four known forces (Weak, EM, and Strong). Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
What does the SM NOT tell us? • Why are the masses of the gauge bosons so different? • Why are the masses of the various quarks and leptons so different, spanning many orders of magnitude? • Why are there three families of quarks and leptons? Ordinary matter is made up only of u and d quarks and electrons. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
HIGGS Field • Breaks electroweak symmetry by spontaneous symmetry breaking giving masses to the W and Z. • Also gives masses to the quarks and leptons (slows them down so they do not travel at c). • Must permeate all space in order to do this. • Its couplings are proportional to mass. • Simplest interpretation, the SM Higgs, is a single scalar boson, but this is only one of the many possibilities proposed. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
SM Higgs at the LHC • Finding the Higgs is the primary goal of the two main experiments being built for the the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, CMS and ATLAS. • The LHC is expected to come on line and to be commissioned sometime in Fall 2007. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
From Joe Lykken at Pheno 06 - Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
Compact Muon Solenoid Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
SM Higgs in CMS Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
SM Higgs in ATLAS Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
The International Linear Collider Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
SUSY must be a broken symmetry • If SUSY were an exact symmetry, superpartners would have exactly the same mass as their SM counterpart. • No superpartner has yet been discovered, although searches have been carried out up to the highest masses achievable in present experiments. • We expect that, if SUSY particles do exist, the lowest mass states are likely to be discovered at the LHC. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
What does the SM NOT tell us? • What everything else is. • Cosmological observations indicate that SM particles comprise only ~ 5% of the energy budget of the universe. • Since cosmological observations and particle physics must agree, new physics (i.e., physics beyond the SM) is needed to explain this. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
Evidence for Dark Matter Rotational Curves of Galaxies and Galactic Clusters • Expect vc ~ r -1/2 outside luminous region • Find vc a constant • Inconsistency resolved by postulating Dark Matter. • Confirmed by measurements of gravitational lensing NGC 2403 Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
Distribution of Dark Matter Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
What does the SM NOT tell us? • Why there is a complete asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe. Where did all the antimatter go? • The relatively small CP violation seen in the quark sector does not appear to be large enough to produce this. • The discovery of large mixing angles in the lepton sector indicates we are seeing new physics. More experiments are needed to elucidate it. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin
Other Evidence for Physics Beyond the SM - The Neutrino Revolution • Over the past 8 years, neutrino experiments have become precise (and clever) enough to discover that neutrinos oscillate. • This means that neutrinos have mass. • SM neutrinos are only left-handed. This can't be if they have mass. OK if neutrinos are their own antiparticles. • SM neutrinos conserve lepton number, but not if they are their own antiparticles. Marleigh Sheaff, Wisconsin