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The “Automotive Projects Cluster”

The “Automotive Projects Cluster”. Gerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie. Challenges. Competition in the sector is highly developed which does not favour „zones of mutual trust“.

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The “Automotive Projects Cluster”

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  1. The “Automotive Projects Cluster” Gerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie

  2. Challenges • Competition in the sector is highly developed which does not favour „zones of mutual trust“. • Big transnational companies dominating competition do not directly need ongoing educational standardisation for covering their training/education requirements. • Sectoral framework initiatives are therefore mainly driven by educational organisations who want to develop and offer educational content according to the real „state of the art“.

  3. Projects to be Considered • European Automotive Sector Competence Framework • CarEasyVET • Ways to Sustainability • VETAS • Car Careers • Matching Frames • GATEN

  4. European Automotive Sector Competence Meta-Framework (EASCMF) -European Automotive Sector Competence Meta-Framework (EASCMF - coordinated by DEKRA Akademie, project duration 01.01.2007 – 30.04.2008). This project deals with creating conditions for setting up a sectoral framework formulating the requirements of the demand side (i.e. automotive enterprises)

  5. Car EasyVET --         Car EasyVET(coordinated by Universität Bremen, Institut für Technik und Bildung, project duration 01.12.2007 – 30.11.2009). This project deals with preparing a qualification framework in the automotive sector and a credit point system related to it.

  6. VETAS -VET Stakeholders in the Automotive Sector (VETAS – project duration 01.12.2008 – 31.05.2011). This project deals with setting up a network of stakeholders in the field.

  7. Car Careers -        -    Car Careers (coordinated by Universität Bremen, Institut für Technik und Bildung, project duration 01.01.2009 – 28.02.2012) The focus of this projectis the permeability and connection of qualification frameworks in the automotive sector to tertiary education with identification and documentation of domain-related qualifications and vocational competencies.

  8. Ways to Sustainability Ways to Sustainability (01.02.2008 – 31.01.2010, coordinated by DEKRA Akademie) has developed recommendations how the gap between the objectives of EQF and the actual conditions of EQF use could be bridged, using the situation of the automotive sector as an example of challenges, suggesting solutions within a Europe-wide stakeholders’ dialogue).

  9. GATEN • The overall goal of this project is to create a Global Automotive Technical Education Networkbased on already existing or upcoming systems supervised by AMTEC (USA) and DEKRA Akademie (Germany), but open for extensions to other parts of the world. A global structure of collaboration shall be set up which enables stakeholders all over the world to follow strategies for proper implementing educational structures , matching the needs of worldwide automotive production/service, at the same time taking in account the specific contexts of national environments which determine the ways of implementation.

  10. Matching Frames • Matching Frames (coordinated by Universität Bremen, InstitutfürTechnik und Bildung, project duration 01.10.2010 – 30.09.2012) This follow-up project of CarEasyVET shall develop methods appropriate to assign occupational profiles/qualifications of three sectors (automotive, metal, electric) properly to the EQF and NQFs which implies that common grounds for referencing are found: on the basis of work processes.

  11. Commonalities of these Projects • Related to the EQF (with the exception of GATEN) • Related to the automotive sector • Carried out by similar consortia

  12. Advantages of Collaboration at First Glance • Exchange information relevant for all projects of the cluster • Avoid „reinventions of the wheel“ • Build networks for further projects

  13. ... At Second Glance The projects cover different topics of framework requirements: • Sectoral EQF-related frameworks • Credit points • Permeability • Stakeholder networks • Recommendations based on a bottom-up approach of target group involvement This allows for collaboration within a system of functions.

  14. A Functional System as a Perspective of Project Sustainability Projects could achieve better sustainability by • Economising efforts for finding organisational solutions • Enhancing visibility of project work in general • Localising dissemination activities in particular

  15. In overall terms: • User stakeholders can define their needs continuously and systematically. • Public bodies can use this institutionalised bottom-up approach for set-up and up-date of their systems.

  16. An Example: Recommendations of „Ways“ General recommendations: • A Europe-wide stakeholder dialogue should be established, leading to more concrete guidelines for referencing • A communication action line should be established, comprising- the creation of a consistent terminology useable by all stakeholders- suggestions for information campaigns to be addressed at a broader public.

  17. Sequence of Possible Actions • EQF Advisory Group decides to set up referencing guidelines covering sectoral as well as countries’ needs. • EQF Advisory Group establishes a group of experts commissioned to draft referencing guidelines. • Experts’ Group drafts work plan. • Experts’ Group drafts questionnaire. • Referencing stakeholders are identified. • Enquiry is carried out. • Referencing guidelines are drafted. • Draft guidelines are sent to stakeholders for comment. • Final version of referencing guidelines is set up. • Referencing guidelines are sent to stakeholders for use. • Continuous updating is planned and carried out

  18. Functional Relationships Car Careers CarEasyVET EASCMF Project Ways to Sustainability EASCMF EASQMF Credit Model Mat Matching Frames Pool of Resources GATEN VETAS

  19. The Two Axes of Clustering Methodology: EQF Assignment Matching Frames NQF-SQF EQF Predict Ways to Sustainability Car Careers CarEasyVET EASCMF VETAS GATEN Content: Automotive Sector

  20. NQF-SQF • Common Grounds for Referencing NQFs and SQFs to te EQF (NQF-SQF), coordinated by DEKRA Akademie (project duration 01.03.2010 – 28.02.2012) does not deal with the automotive sector, but develops methodological instruments useable for proper assignment of qualifiations to the EQF (on the basis of the work process). To a certain extent, it is a twin project of Matching Frame.

  21. EQF Predict: Objectives • To identify a predictable framework of change and in this framework to describe howEQF-adapted educational elements (curricula, human resources development measures, assessment approaches, legal regulations, certificates, consultancy services) could look like • To support these descriptions by pilots as far as possible, thereby providing for examples of EQF use which are at the same time oriented to the strategic aims of the EQF and the issues of educational practice. • To establish services which can help those who are not familiar with EQF requirements to deal properly with them

  22. The Pool of Resources: VETAS Network Objectives • Stimulate exchange, dialogue, sharing and cooperation among stakeholders in the field • Alllow easy access to information related to VET in the automotive sector in Europe and at a European level (special focus: innovation in VET) • Build the basis for and facilitate the development of zones of mutual trust among stakeholders to discuss training needs and learning processes across borders in Europe

  23. VETAS Network Activities • An online portal with different kind of databases • An online community connected to the portal • Network conferences (with accompanying newsletters and a conference proceeding)

  24. VETAS Portal

  25. VETAS Community

  26. The Issue for Further Work: Harvest project results achieved so far and exploit them within a sustainable structure of future work

  27. As a Consequence: • To list project results achieved by partners in the framework of the described projects and beyond these projects • To identify links between project results • To set up a structure within which these project results can be exploited for future work • To determine the roles of partners within this structure

  28. Websites • http://www.eascmf.eu • http://www.project-ways.eu • http://www.project-predict.eu • http://www.nqf-sqf.eu • http://www.careasyvet.net • http://www.vetas.eu

  29. Thank you!

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