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West Georgia RESA

West Georgia RESA. The West Georgia RESA team is Committed to promoting student Achievement through collaboration, innovation, service and leadership. Designing Instructional Environments for In-School Suspension or Strategies for Keeping SWD on Target. Terry Flanders.

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West Georgia RESA

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  1. West Georgia RESA The West Georgia RESA team is Committed to promoting student Achievement through collaboration, innovation, service and leadership.

  2. Designing Instructional Environments for In-School Suspensionor Strategies for Keeping SWD on Target • Terry Flanders

  3. All information provided today is based on: • Numerous research studies • Professional articles • Interviews with ISS staff • Interviews with handicapped and non-handicapped students serving time in ISS

  4. Let’s begin with the premise that all students are capable of choosing appropriate behavior…but we cannot assume they know what appropriate behavior is. So what do we do?

  5. To this day, researchers have validated the findings of J.S. Kounin in regard to identifying strategies for effectively managed classrooms. • Teach behavioral rules and procedures as one teaches instructional content. • Through personal warmth and encouragement communicate high expectations for student learning and behavior.

  6. Specify consequences and explain the connection between rule violations and imposed sanctions. • Enforce classroom rules promptly, consistently and equitably. • Students share in classroom management rather than viewing discipline as something imposed from the outside. (empowerment) • Maintain a brisk pace for instruction

  7. Observe and comment on student behavior, reinforce through verbal, symbolic and tangible rewards. • Use humor • Intervene quickly • Improve communication with parents.

  8. What Practices Contribute to Student Misbehavior? • Vague or unenforceable rules • Teachers ignoring misconduct • Ambiguous or inconsistent teacher responses to misbehavior • Punishment which is excessive or which is delivered without support or encouragement for improving behavior

  9. Now we need to look at discipline vs. punishment • Discipline is proactive-training that produces specified patterns of behavior • Punishment is reactive-the imposition of sometimes arbitrary consequences by adults

  10. Discipline, Punishment or Reward • What does ISS look like in our area?

  11. 2006-2007

  12. 2006-2007

  13. Frequently non-certified personnel supervise. • They are not always aware of SWD or have the skills to work with them • FAPE could become an issue • They may have the power to add days

  14. Frequently ISS was housed in a mobile unit away from the main building • Most individual cubicles stained gray • ISS teachers had phones, walkie-talkies and a computer • Students ate lunch in cubicles or in the cafeteria before others arrived • In some situations regular restroom breaks were scheduled, sometimes students went alone

  15. Several Schools use coaches to man ISS • Typically the atmosphere was very positive • Students returned just to “visit” • Frequently too reinforcing

  16. 10 Reasons Student’s Gave for Being in ISS

  17. 10. Talking in Class • 9. Fighting, but not my fault • 8. Repeated tardies • 7. Accumulated demerits • 6. Possession of cell phone, text msg. in class • 5. Dress code violation, teacher said crack was showing

  18. 4. Would do anything to avoid going to Ms. Pruneburger’s 7th period class • 3.Put pom-poms in my BMW without a pass • 2. Superglued a girl’s rear-end to her chair • 1. The illusive Georgia beast… “hellifIknow”

  19. ISS students seem to fall into three categories: • Yes • Maybe • No Research Report: In-School Suspension Is It Working?

  20. “Yes” students are rarely in trouble, horrified when caught and their parents will follow up at home. ISS has an immediate emotional impact. • “Maybe” students are altogether different. They are rule testers and constantly challenge the system. Maybe they will follow the rules, maybe not. ISS helps them if emphasis is put on values clarification. • “No” students say no to school, no to rules, no to extra-curricular activities. Typically they struggle in school, have low grades, neither parent contact nor intermittent counseling concurrent with suspensions help.

  21. What Does Help the “No” Student?In addition to a consistent, fair and predictable environment add: • An emotional connection with at least one adult in the school setting • One to one attention • True discipline with a focus on rehabilitation • Providing a feeling of academic support

  22. Convincing them they need help and it is O.K. to take it • Reflection sheets and dialogue by themselves do not elicit change but do provide an avenue for making the connection required for genuine discipline

  23. ISS Staff Concerns • Teachers do not always send assignments • Do not know who is a SWD • Not sure how to treat SWD • Most report approximately 30% to 50% as SWD • Not equipped with books or computers • Feel strongly that some teachers work hard to write up students just to get them out of their class.

  24. Tardies • For those who do know who is a SWD, most are concerned with the high rate of recidivism • Special Ed. Teachers do not have the time to consistently work with students in ISS

  25. Factors That Contribute to Success in ISS: • Several computers for student use • Computer programs-contact barbara.bishop@west.gaettc.org • Support for parents who really do not have control over their children • Counselors work with repeat offenders 1 on 1 • Anger management counseling • Work with graduation coach

  26. In some situations allowing a student to attend 1 period per week as a reinforcing time out procedure • Teach study skills • Teachers using some of their planning time to work with ISS students • Allow appropriate 12th graders to mentor 9th and 10th graders

  27. Coach regular ed. teachers to improve classroom mgt. and student/teacher relations • Increased parent contacts • Participation in the negotiation of contracts

  28. “What are you going to do to make it right?” • Training in problem solving, self instruction and situation awareness • Social and extrinsic reinforcement of acceptable behaviors • Funding for after hours transportation • Increased contacts with probation officers • Redeveloping the FBA and BIP of students with disabilities

  29. Generic Continuum of Strategies

  30. Alternate Continuum

  31. The impact of the ISS discipline program appears highly dependent on the individual student. Since the possibility of one strategy being successful for every student personality is highly unlikely considering the multitude of variables per setting, let’s rethink how much importance and what placement ISS should receive.

  32. The Bottom Line • Think of every positive reinforcer and every negative consequence that could possibly be implemented in the building of a positive school environment as equal. They have equal effectiveness just as each brick in the school building has an equal effect.

  33. Remember, ISS isn’t a cure all. “All in all it’s just another brick in the wall!”

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