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Irregular Verbs Past tense and Past Participles. Sorted by similar phonetic sounds and similar internal changes. To Get. He got a promotion He got a new camera He got tied up and got to the office about 30 minutes late He got an unexpected email from an old flame
Irregular VerbsPast tense and PastParticiples Sorted by similar phonetic sounds and similar internal changes
ToGet • He got a promotion • He got a new camera • He got tied up and got to the office about 30 minutes late • He got an unexpected email from an old flame • He got in trouble when he made a left turn • He got everything he had asked for • He got what he deserved • He got close, but not too close • I thought she hadn’t understood, but she got the message
Verbsthat share thesameform in thepresent tense, past tense and pastparticiple. Beat Bet Cost Put Fit Hit Hurt Let Spit Split Spread He beat me tothedoor Shebet $100 on # 41 Itcost me anarm and a leg He putallhismoney in onebank Thoseshoesfit me justright Thatsong hit #1 in the charts He hurthisfootwhen he fell Theylet me come in earlier Themanspitonhisfriend’spicture Theysplitthebill at the restaurant She spread thewordaboutthe new store in town Theverbs are thesame in thepast and pastparticiple
Verbsthatchange –d to -t I bentthewireuntil I formed a loop He sent me a message I didn’t quite understand I lentthem a handwhentheyweredoing a kitchenmakeover Shespenttheafternoondesigning a website He builthis new home ontheside of theriver
I feltlikewalkingtothe top of thehill Shekepttelling me itwasdangeroustogothere I left as soon as thesunbegantoshine Shelosthertemper and hit the bus driver Shemeanteverywordshesaidtohim He sweptthefloor and removed the spider webs Thechildweptwhenhismotherthrewawayhisoldtoys
Thecrewdug a deephole in theground I hungmyfavorite jeans on a clotheshanger Thebottlespunfor 3 minutes I stuck a plastic bag in theholetopreventmicefromgetting in A waspstungmyhand and ithurtforseveraldays He swungthebatuntil he wasready She won anawardforgettingthehighest scores in school
Theyawoke at the break of dawn Shebrokethelawwhenshemade a leftturn Youchosetostaywhereyou are now Thesnowfroze overnight and causedtrafficjams Youspoketohimbecause he knows a lotaboutpeople He stolethejewels and thenjumpedoutthewindow Shewokethebabytogivehim a bath
Itsoonbeganto rain Wedrank a lot of coffeethismorning Thecompanyforbadesmoking insidethefacilities Thephonerang and rang, but no onepicked up I thinkyourcottonshirtshrank EveryonesangtheNationalAnthem Thepebbleshranktothebottom of theglass He swamallthewaytotheotherside of thelake
Thepicturebroughtmemoriesfromway back Sheboughtherself a nice lunch tocelebratehersuccess I caughtthe bug in the air Whentheassailantattackedhim he fought back He taughtusall a greatlesson Shethoughtaboutmovingtoanother country
Thewindblew so hardwehadto look forshelter He drewthecurtainstolet air in theroom Thebirdsflew South forthesummer Theboygrew so much he isnow taller thanhisfather Sheknewitwasbetternottomentionherreasonsforquitting He threw a fitwhen he heardthebadnews
Thesubjectarosewhenwewerehaving lunch He drovetothecorner and made a rightturn I rodethetrainto Manchester Everyone rose totheirfeetwhenthejudgeenteredtheroom Thesunshonebright and high in thesky Wewrote a commentonhis blog
Themanbledtodeathafter he wasrunover Shefedherchildren as soon as theygot home Theprisonerfled in themiddle of thenight I ledtheexpeditiontothe top of themountain Wemet a fewclimberswhowerealready at the top Shewas so upsetshesped at 100 kph
He soldthefamilyfarm Shemistookmywordsforaninsult Thegroundshookfor 2 minutes duringtheearthquake Shesworenevertotellanyone Thewindtorethescreen off thewindows Shetold me sheknewyoufrom a long time ago I took a couple of aspirin and I wenttobedearly Shewore a nicedresstohersister’sgraduationparty
Wegotlost, butafter a fewhours, wefoundourway back Shelaidthefoundationsforinnovativeteachingmethods Wepaidtheutilitybillsbeforetheyweredue I bit a largechunk of fruit He hidthemoney in thefreezer He wound up in prisonafter he wasarrested and tried in court Shesaiditwas time togo home Hersmilelit up theroomwhenshewalked in Thekidssliddownthehillon a piece of cardboard
He becameselfishafter he inheritedhisparents’ farm Thestormcamerolling in and thewindblewtheroof off We ate everythingtheyofferedus at theconference He neverforgavehisfatherfortreatinghim so harshly Although, he gavehimcreditforpayingforhiscollegetuition He lay there, thinkingaboutthefuture
Aftertheaccident, he fellinto a coma Sheheldhishand and reassuredhimthateverythingwould be allright Thepoliceofficerranafterthethief Weallsattherenotknowingwhattosay Then, wefinallysawhimwalkingdownthe hall Shefell off herchairwhensheheardthenews Theyheld a meetingthatlasted 3 hours I ranout of coffee. Thisisanemergency Shegotchewinggumonherskirtwhenshesatonthechair Wesawtheconsequences of thestormwhenwewoke up
Youforgothowmuchyourfamily cares aboutyou Butyourememberedbecauseyougot a lot of callsfromthemonyourbirthday Thesecurityofficershottheguy in hisleftarm Thepeoplejuststoodtherewatching, notknowingwhatto do I understoodtherewasnothing I coulddo,either Theguywasjustliyingtheregraspingfor air So, I didwhat I thoughtwastherightthingto do I wentoutsidethebank and I called 991 I hadto do something. I couldn’tjust stand there Then I heardthesirenspeedingdownthestreet Theytold me theguymadeit. Well, everyone has therighttolive