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Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual Framework

Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual Framework. Nir Kshetri Bryan School of Business and Economics The University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Flourishing synergy between organized crime and the Internet.

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Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual Framework

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  1. Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual Framework Nir Kshetri Bryan School of Business and Economics The University of North Carolina-Greensboro IBRF-2005

  2. Flourishing synergy between organized crime and the Internet • Cyber criminals have attacked almost all of the Fortune 500 companies (FBI) • 39% suffered a security breach in 2003 • Hackers have attacked the networks of: • Pentagon • White House • NATO’s military websites • Microsoft, etc. • Cybercrime and cyber-terrorism: FBI’s No. 3 priority only behind counterterrorism and counterintelligence. IBRF-2005

  3. Top sources of cybercrimes IBRF-2005

  4. Goal of this paper • To Provide an understanding of web crimes in terms of: • the principles and purposes • necessary and sufficient conditions • the patterns of origin and targets • Integrate streams of literatures from psychology, e-commerce, warfare and international affairs. IBRF-2005

  5. Characteristics of the source nation • Institutions • Regulative • Normative • Cognitive • Stock of hacking skills relative to economic opportunities Motivation of attack Types of attack Extrinsic motivation Targeted attacks Community/obligation based intrinsic motivation Characteristics of an attacking unit Opportunistic attacks (no pre-defined target) Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation The Pattern of the Global Cyberattacks: A Proposed Model • Profile of targetorganization • Symbolic significance and criticalness • Digitization of values • Weakness of defense mechanisms IBRF-2005

  6. Motivations of cybercrimes • Wars are fought for material goals as well as for intangible ends such as honor, dominance and prestige (Hirshleifer 1998). • Two categories of motivations: • Intrinsic motivation • Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation • Obligation/community based intrinsic motivation • Extrinsic motivation IBRF-2005

  7. Characteristics of the source nation • Institutions • Regulative • Normative • Cognitive • Stock of hacking skills relative to economic opportunities Motivation of attack Types of attack Extrinsic motivation Targeted attacks Community/obligation based intrinsic motivation Characteristics of an attacking unit Opportunistic attacks (no pre-defined target) Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation The Pattern of the Global Cyberattacks: A Proposed Model • Profile of targetorganization • Symbolic significance and criticalness • Digitization of values • Weakness of defense mechanisms IBRF-2005

  8. Types of cyber attacks • Opportunistic attacks: releasing worms and viruses that spread indiscriminately across the Internet • Targeted attacks: specific tools are used against specific cyber targets. • carried out by highly skilled hackers • also initiated by terrorists, rival companies, ideological hackers or government agencies • some motivated by financial gains IBRF-2005

  9. Characteristics of the source nation • Institutions • Regulative • Normative • Cognitive • Stock of hacking skills relative to economic opportunities Motivation of attack Types of attack Extrinsic motivation Targeted attacks Community/obligation based intrinsic motivation Characteristics of an attacking unit Opportunistic attacks (no pre-defined target) Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation The Pattern of the Global Cyberattacks: A Proposed Model • Profile of targetorganization • Symbolic significance and criticalness • Digitization of values • Weakness of defense mechanisms IBRF-2005

  10. Characteristics of the source nation Regulative institutions • Cybercrimes benefit from jurisdictional arbitrage • A strong rule of law: • punishment of transgressors • ability to successfully litigate fraudulent online dealings • Eastern Europe: cybercrime laws but lack of enforcement mechanisms • P1: The rate of origin of online attacks in an economy is negatively related to the strength of rule of laws applied to such attacks. IBRF-2005

  11. Characteristics of the source nation Normativeinstitutions • Cybercrimes are more justifiable in some societies compared to others. • Indonesian hackers: cyber fraud is wrong but acceptable, if the victim is from a developed country. • P2: The rate of origin of online attacks in an economy is positively related to the existence of social norms that justify such attacks. IBRF-2005

  12. Characteristics of the source nation Cognitiveinstitutions • Cognitive programs: affect the way people notice, categorize, and interpret stimuli. • A number of cyber attacks are linked with fights for ideology. • Ideological hackers express nationalistic longings or act against the nation-state where they live. • P3: Perceived attack on the Ideology of an attacking unit contributes to the strength of cognitive legitimacy of its hacking of the adversary’s network. IBRF-2005

  13. Characteristics of the source nation Stock of hacking skills relative to economic opportunities • Cybercrimes are skill intensive • Crime rates: linked to economic opportunities. • Over-educated and under-employed network specialists in Russia/Eastern European countries. • P4: The rate of origin of online crimes in an economy is positively related to the stock of hacking skills relative to the availability of economic opportunities. IBRF-2005

  14. Characteristics of the source nation • Institutions • Regulative • Normative • Cognitive • Stock of hacking skills relative to economic opportunities Motivation of attack Types of attack Extrinsic motivation Targeted attacks Community/obligation based intrinsic motivation Characteristics of an attacking unit Opportunistic attacks (no pre-defined target) Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation The Pattern of the Global Cyberattacks: A Proposed Model • Profile of targetorganization • Symbolic significance and criticalness • Digitization of values • Weakness of defense mechanisms IBRF-2005

  15. Profile of target organization Symbolic significance and criticalness • Attacks initiated by terrorists: likely to be targeted against decisive and critical infrastructure • Attacks initiated by ideological hackers: Symbolic significance • U.S.-China cyberwar (2001) • Chinese attacked: the White House's site, the California Department of Justice, etc. • Americans attacked: sina.com, Xinhua news agency, sites of local governments • P5: The symbolic significance and criticalness of a network increases its likelihood of being a cybercrime target. IBRF-2005

  16. Profile of target organization Digitization of value • Crimes target sources of value • Businesses with a high dependence on digital technologies • online casinos, banks, and e-commerce hubs • P6: The degree of digitization of value of an organization increases its likelihood being a cybercrime target. IBRF-2005

  17. Profile of target organization Weakness of defense mechanisms • Weakness of defense mechanism co-varies positively with the likelihood of attack. • female-headed households in a city is positively related to the number of crimes (Glaeser and Sacerdote 1999). • P7: The weakness of defense mechanisms of a network is positively related to its likelihood of being a cybercrime target.. IBRF-2005

  18. Managerial implications • Higher proportion of targeted attacks: Probability of being a cybercrime target varies. • Large companies start putting stronger defense mechanisms: • SMEs are more likely to become cybercrime targets. • Timely reporting to authorities helps combat cyber threats • Ransom money: positive cognitive messages • further cyberattacks by making criminals more sophisticated and organized. IBRF-2005

  19. Policy implications • Cooperation and collaboration among national governments, computer crime authorities and businesses • Enacting laws requiring • organizations to deploy appropriate defense mechanisms • reporting of cybercrimes mandatory • Increasing probability of arrest rather than severity of punishment. IBRF-2005

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