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Statistics for the Terrified Talk 4: Analysis of Clinical Trial data 30 th September 2010. Janet Dunn Louise Hiller. Data types. Data types. 2-level categorical (binary) data. Frequency Table. Variable 1. Variable 2. 2-level categorical (binary) data - Test of association.
Statistics for the Terrified Talk 4: Analysis of Clinical Trial data 30th September 2010 Janet Dunn Louise Hiller
2-level categorical (binary) data Frequency Table Variable 1 Variable 2
2-level categorical (binary) data - Test of association Null hypothesis: The 2 factors are independent Chi-squared test, with continuity correctionc2=11.4 p=0.0007 Treatment and gender are NOT independent Treatment Gender
2-level categorical (binary) data - Test of association Null hypothesis: The 2 factors are independent Commonly used with small numbers, Fisher’s exact testp=0.51 Treatment and gender are independent Treatment Gender
2-level categorical (binary) data – Measure of agreement A measure of agreement between reviewers, above that expected by chance Kappak=0.71 (95%CI 0.60-0.83) • There is good agreement between reviewers Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Altman guidelines <0.20 poor 0.21 - 0.40 fair 0.41 - 0.60 moderate 0.61 - 0.80 good 0.81 - 1.00 very good
2-level categorical (binary) data – Measure of agreement A measure of agreement between reviewers, above that expected by chance Kappak=-0.04 (95%CI -0.24 - 0.15) • There is poor agreement between reviewers Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Altman guidelines <0.20 poor 0.21 - 0.40 fair 0.41 - 0.60 moderate 0.61 - 0.80 good 0.81 - 1.00 very good
2-level categorical (binary) data – Exploring patterns in the data Response Odds ratio (OR): the ratio of the odds of an event occurring in the 1stgp to the odds of it occurring in the 2ndgp OR=1 - event is equally likely to occur in both gps OR>1 - event is more likely to occur in 1stgp OR<1 - event is less likely to occur in 1stgp OR=4.1 (95%CI 2.2-7.9) The odds of a male having a response are 4 times those of a female having a response Gender
2-level categorical (binary) data – Exploring patterns in the data SAE suffered Relative Risk (RR): the ratio of the risk of an event occurring in the 1stgp to the risk of it occurring in the 2ndgp RR=1 - event is equally likely to occurin both gps RR>1 - event is more likely to occur in 1stgp RR<1 - event is less likely to occur in 1stgp RR=1.7 (95%CI 0.64-4.50) New trt patients are 1.7 times more likely to suffer an SAE than control patients Treatment
Exploring patterns in multivariate data - Logistic Regression • A statistical modelling method that describes the relationship between a categorical response variable and 1 or more categorical and/or continuous variables e.g. Association between bearing grudges & medical conditions
Ordered categorical data – Test for trend Null hypothesis: No linear trend between groups Chi-squared tests for trendc2=10.8 p=0.001 There is a linear trend between groups Treatment Toxicity
Ordered categorical data – Test for trend (>2 rows & columns) Null hypothesis: No linear trend between rows and columns Chi-squared tests for trendc2=7.1 p=0.008 There is a linear trend between rows & columns Treatment dose Toxicity
Ordered categorical data – Measure of agreement A measure of agreement between reviewers, above that expected by chance Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Altman guidelines <0.20 poor 0.21 - 0.40 fair 0.41 - 0.60 moderate 0.61 - 0.80 good 0.81 - 1.00 very good Weighted kappak=0.38 (95%CI 0.27-0.49) There is fair agreement between reviewers
Non-ordered categorical data - Test of association Null hypothesis: The 2 factors are independent Chi-squared testc2=0.51 p=0.78 Treatment and disease site are independent Treatment Disease site
Non-ordered categorical data – Measure of agreement A measure of agreement between reviewers, above that expected by chance Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Altman guidelines <0.20 poor 0.21 - 0.40 fair 0.41 - 0.60 moderate 0.61 - 0.80 good 0.81 - 1.00 very good Kappak=0.31 (95%CI 0.20-0.42) There is fair agreement between reviewers
Normally distributed data • Data forms a bell-shaped curve • Non-significant Shapiro-Wilk test result
Mean & Standard Deviation graph Treatments Change over time in QOL (%)
Parametric tests • Differences between means of 2 groups • T-tests • Differences between means of >2 groups • ANOVA • Linear regression • Correlation • Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r
Box and Whisker graphs • Outliers (observations that lie outside of the 95% CIs) are sometimes plotted individually
Box and Whisker graphs • Parallel box plots show the differences between groups
Non-parametric tests • Differences between medians of 2 groups • Wilcoxon rank sum test • Differences between medians of >2 groups • Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of variance test • Correlation • Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient, r
Transforming data • Can transform non-normally distributed data (e.g. logarithm, square root,reciprocal) to make create normally distributed data • Then analysetransformed data using parametric methods
Time-to-event data • Why is this different to other continuous data? • Censoring TNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time 20* 8 8* 14 1* 16* KEY Randomisation date Date of event Censor date
What time? What event? • Start date? • Diagnosis • Surgery • Event? • Onset / worsening of pain • Hospital discharge • Death (OS) • Relapse (RFI/DFI/ Plateau) • Relapse or death (RFS/DFS) You need to know what you’re looking at to know how to interpret it / what to compare it to • Randomisation • Start/End of treatment
Time-to-event data analysis (‘Survival Analysis’) • Can be used to measure time to any event • Arthritic joint remaining pain-free post steroid injections • Elderly patient with a fractured hip remaining in hosp. • Calculate ‘survival’ time for each patient (some may be censored times) • Recruitment takes place over time so varying lengths of follow-up are expected • Rank these times and calculate proportions alive at certain points, with due allowance for incomplete follow-up • These proportions and times are plotted and overall distributions of curves compared
Time-to-event data • Why is this different to other continuous data? • Censoring TNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time 20* 8 8* 14 1* 16* KEY Randomisation date Date of event Censor date
Kaplan-Meier Curves Minimum & median FU indicate the maturity of the data Median survival = 1.3 years
Kaplan-Meier Curves 84% 78% Numbers at Risk: ECMF 1189 1171 1120 1073 1020 965 826 606 380 196 53 CMF 1202 1178 1099 1024 957 888 759 564 352 176 55
Statistical tests for time-to-event data • Log-rank tests compare the overall distributions of the curves (c2 and p-value presented) • Null hypothesis: all curves are samples from populations with the same risk of the event • Compares the number of deaths observed on each treatment arm with the number expected under the null hypothesis that the 2 survival distributions are identical • Cox proportional hazards model (Hazard Ratio, 95% CI’s and p-value presented) • Identifies which variables from a group of several are independently related to survival • In what order of importance • Gives you a measure of their relation to survival
Forest plots [Bars=95% confidence interval. Size of boxes can represent sample size]
Longitudinal data analysis • A variable can be measured on the same patient over time (e.g. Baseline, 3 month, 6 month …) • Can be any type of data (categorical, continuous)
Longitudinal data analysis – Summary Measures Change from Baseline in Global QOL Improvement Deterioration TRT A TRT B CMF ECMF Change at 1 year (p=0.01) Change at 2 years (p=0.06)
Longitudinal data analysis – Modelling Pulmonary function (TLCO score) over time Graphs show each patient as a separate line Solid line = Trt A pts Dashed line = Trt B pts Random effects modelling predicts the average patient score on each treatment arm
Cluster Randomised Trial data • Patients within 1 cluster are often more likely to respond in a similar manner, and thuscan not be assumed to act independently • ICC = IntraclusterCorrelation Coefficient. A statistical measureof this dependence • Takes values between 0 and 1 • Higher values = greater between-cluster variation. e.g. Management within sites are consistent but, across different sites, there is wide variation • Analysis must incorporate the effects of clustering i.e. the values of the ICC and design effect
Useful References • Gore & Altman – Statistics in Practice • Bland - An Introduction to Medical Statistics • Altman - Practical Statistics for Medical Research • Peto et al - Design and Analysis of Randomized Clinical-Trials Requiring Prolonged Observation of each patient • 1/ Introduction and Design. British Journal of Cancer 1976. 34(6) 585-612 • 2/ Analysis and Examples. British Journal of Cancer 1977. 35(1) 1-39