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South Hampton Roads Regional Housing Needs Assessment. Regional Conference Norfolk, VA March 16, 2009 Conducted by the Center for Urban Community Services. Project Overview. Project Deliverables: An inventory of the existing housing supports available to serve homeless people in the region
South Hampton Roads Regional Housing Needs Assessment Regional Conference Norfolk, VA March 16, 2009 Conducted by the Center for Urban Community Services
Project Overview • Project Deliverables: • An inventory of the existing housing supports available to serve homeless people in the region • Recommendations on the type and amount of housing supports needed • Recommendations on effective program models • Final report summarizing relevant national research, best practices, methodology utilized, data gathered, findings and recommendations • Detailed methodology is available in the final report which will be posted on the web
System Dynamics • Majority of inventory (supply) in Norfolk and Virginia Beach • Majority of persons are moving in and out of ES quickly but returns to homelessness are reported to be high • Capacity especially on family side is challenged to meet demand • Transitional housing has good outcomes – 80% employed and moving to PH • Permanent supportive housing supply has grown and regional projects are viewed as highly successful
Identified Opportunities and Gaps in the System • ID, length of stay limits and residency requirements create barriers to receiving homeless services. • Sobriety requirements may be a barrier for some people. Substance use treatment and harm reduction programs for homeless persons are critical needs. • Employment and transportation are needed to help people exit homelessness.
Identified Opportunities and Gaps in the System • Stakeholders are interested in a coordinated regional approach to sharing vacancy information and in using common intake and assessment tools. • Lack of affordable housing identified by all jurisdictions as a gap in the system. • Every jurisdiction indicated need for more PSH and the regional projects were noted to be highly effective.
Recommendations Outreach and Emergency Shelter • Ensure focus of programs is on ending homelessness. • Explore using housing-focused case management service models in homeless programs. Obtaining and maintaining housing should be the primary focus of all services. • Investigate the possibility of implementing a Street to Home (S2H) program. Prioritize most vulnerable.
Recommendations Outreach and Emergency Shelter • Consider creating a new Day Center and/or enhancing existing Day Centers. • Ensure ES is able to meet peak demand and that there is an adequate # of year-round shelter beds to meet needs. • Consider revising emergency shelter length of stay limitations and re-examine admission requirements and program rules.
RecommendationsShelter Exit Strategies • Create or secure more housing options • Grants providing one-shot assistance each year: • 350 for singles 150 for families • Short-term rent subsidies each year (up to 12 months): • 600 for singles 250 for families • Long-term rent subsidies over next 5 years: • 2390 for singles 1100 for families • PSH development over next 5 years: • 3830 units for singles 320 units for families • Strategies include: creating set asides for Section 8, Public Housing, units in low-income housing/CDCs. • Continue to develop regional permanent supportive housing projects (PSH) and direct HUD McKinney Vento resources towards these efforts.
RecommendationsShelter Exit Strategies • Explore targeting referrals for TH and PSH to ensure match between level of support and need. • Prioritize on Vulnerability, Service Utilization, Length of Homelessness. • Consider Critical Time Intervention (CTI) strategies to support housing retention post homelessness.
RecommendationsProgram Development • Consider implementing “Transition in Place” programs that allow persons in scatter site TH to remain in their housing permanently while services and the rent subsidy sunset (or are replaced with another housing subsidy) • Evaluate the roll and function of congregate TH in the system. Analyze cost per household for service.
RecommendationsProgram Development • Consider adopting a Moving-on program for PSH tenants ready to move to independent living. Make vacancies available to those with greatest needs. • Consider implementing Performance-based Contracting for homeless programs w/measurable benchmarks to monitor progress towards ending homelessness (% persons moving to PH, PSH retention, recidivism rates and changes in income and benefits)
RecommendationsSystem Change Strategies • Consider implementing a regional approach to common tools (intake, assessment, and outcome measures) as well as the sharing of vacancy information. • Consider merging local CoCs to create one or more regional CoCs to better maximize federal resources and minimize administrative burdens. • Evaluate new opportunities that will be available as the HEARTH Act is implemented.
RecommendationsSystem Change Strategies • Increase the availability and quality of data for planning purposes. Revisit homeless count methodologies. • Develop a plan to advocate for state funding for rental vouchers for low-income persons to position the region to influence funding decisions, should resources become available. • Explore using HOME funds for Tenant-based Rental Assistance. • Explore using the state mental health block grant to directly fund services in Permanent Supportive Housing.
RecommendationsSystem Change Strategies • Ensure key stakeholders are involved in the Regional Task Force – VA, SSA, DHCD, CSBs, PHAs, CDCs, additional City staff. • Develop mechanisms with the Community Services Boards/Local Behavioral Health Authorities to align homeless responses for a regional approach to services. • Coordinate regional efforts with the Virginia Interagency Council.