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Carter’s Domestic Issues - 33:iv -

Carter’s Domestic Issues - 33:iv -. [Image source; http://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/l0thar/3_Mile_Island_thumbs_2.jpg]. More Economic Instability. President Carter inherited an unstable economy. [Image source: http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM685&page=teacher].

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Carter’s Domestic Issues - 33:iv -

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  1. Carter’s Domestic Issues- 33:iv - [Image source; http://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/l0thar/3_Mile_Island_thumbs_2.jpg]

  2. More Economic Instability

  3. President Carter inherited an unstable economy. [Image source: http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM685&page=teacher]

  4. [Image source: http://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/theme_papers/final_thm8_v4.htm]

  5. Carter’s inability to work effectively with Congress blocked his plans in many areas. [Image source: http://www.answers.com/topic/capitol-hill]

  6. Carter attempted to prevent a recession by stimulating growth through government deficit-spending.

  7. Cuts in social programs angered liberal Democrats, undermining support for Carter’s presidency. [Image source: http://polipundit.com/index.php?m=200501

  8. A slowdown in the economy resulted in increased unemployment.

  9. Interest rates on mortgages and other loans topped twenty percent, angering consumers. [Image source: http://www.ernharth.com/vi/2006/08/]

  10. Carter’s vacillating approach to solving economic problems left the impression he did not know how to fix the economy. • [Image source:

  11. Energy Crunch [Image source: http://dieoff.org/page197.htm]

  12. Carter tried to boost energy production by deregulating prices for oil and natural gas. [Image source: http://www.bulatlat.com/news/5-23/5-23-oil.htm]

  13. In the late-1970s, the United States importedmore than forty percent of the oil it consumed. [Image source: http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Travel/MiddleEast/index.html]

  14. Carter made energy conservation a major goal, but encountered resistance from Congress and the public.

  15. [Image source: http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/e/energy_conservation.asp]

  16. Some people felt the United States should be more energy self-sufficient. [Image source: http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm?aid=129&idli=1]

  17. [Image source: http://www.petroleumequities.com/cgi-bin/site.cgi?t=5&p=heavyoil.html]

  18. Carter’s comprehensive energy program promoted conservation and created a new cabinet-level Department of Energy.

  19. Carter called the need for energy conservationthe “moral equivalent of war,” and included . . . [Image source: http://moralequivalentofwar.wordpress.com/2007/02/10/olduvai-theory-update/]

  20. (1) taxes on inefficient “gas-guzzling” cars, . . .

  21. (2) conversion of new utilities to fuels other than oil or natural gas, . . [Image source: http://homepage.mac.com/edandhelen/iblog/C1733798907/E20060326090851/Media/ethanol.jpg]

  22. [Image source: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/06/not_all_ethanol.php]

  23. (3) deregulation of prices for domestic oil and natural gas, . . . [Image source: http://www.aquila.com/customers/lingo/]

  24. (4) tax credits or loans to homeowners for using solar energy and improving insulation, . . . [Image source: http://www.ecofuturesbuilding.com/]

  25. and (5) research funds for alternative energy sources such as solar and synthetic fuels. [Image source: http://www.renewableenergyaccess.com/rea/news/story?id=48795]

  26. Nuclear power as a solution to our energy needs received a black-eyewhen the reactor at Three Mile Island experienced a partial meltdown. [Image source: http://www.ohiocitizen.org/campaigns/electric/2004/nuc2004c.html]

  27. Carter alsotook steps to deregulate railroads, trucking,and airlines. [Image source: http://www.glts.com/history.html]

  28. Deregulation continued during the next two administrations, in spite of opposition from consumer groups and liberal Democrats.

  29. Other Domestic Issues

  30. Carter issueda controversial general amnesty for Vietnam War draft-dodgers shortly after taking office.

  31. Carter’s weak support for social programs disappointed many African Americans. [Image source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Coretta_scott_king_ebenezer.jpg]

  32. The Supreme Court’s 1978 decision supporting affirmative action ultimately led to a backlash against the policy.

  33. By 1980, Carter seemed to have lost confidence, speaking of a national “crisis of confidence” and a “national malaise.” [Image source: http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101040705/tjcarter.html]

  34. Many voterswere ready forthe optimism and hopeful rhetoric of Ronald Reagan, the Republican candidate for president. [Image source: http://www.medalofhonor.com/RonaldReagan1983Remarks.htm]

  35. Carter’s Legacy [Image source: http://www.coxandforkum.com/archives/000537.html]

  36. [Image source: http://flapsblog.com/?cat=189]

  37. [Image source: http://www.airamerica.com/node/5483]

  38. [Image source: http://takeastandagainstliberals.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html]

  39. [Image source: http://joshuapundit.blogspot.com/2006/03/jimmy-carter-soils-himself-in-print.html]

  40. [Image source: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1567729/posts]

  41. [Image source: http://www.oph.gov.au/content.asp?pageID=122]

  42. [Image source: http://noolympics.blogspot.com/]

  43. [Image source: http://mparent7777.blogspot.com/2006_11_29_archive.html]

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