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The Conception, Gestation and Birth of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group

The Conception, Gestation and Birth of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group. … a story. Prepared by Sara Meltzer, Initial chair of the Study Group Now past-chair moving off the executive…. Diabetes and Pregnancy Groups forming worldwide .

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The Conception, Gestation and Birth of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group

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  1. The Conception, Gestation and Birth of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group … a story Prepared by Sara Meltzer, Initial chair of the Study Group Now past-chair moving off the executive…

  2. Diabetes and Pregnancy Groups forming worldwide • the ADA Pregnancy Section, as well as East and West North American groups • the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group as a subgroup of the EASD (DPSG) • The Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Group • Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India (DIPSI)

  3. IADPSG… International Association for Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups • Initially developed as a means of facilitating cooperation to run the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study, it progressed into a cooperative mechanism to create discussion for the many Diabetes and Pregnancy Study groups

  4. Why a Canadian Group? • As a cooperative group bringing together not only CDA endocrinologists, but as many as possible interested obstetricians, paediatricians and involving all the health professionals who participate in the care of pregnant women with diabetes and their offspring

  5. Initial Activities • At the CDA meeting in 2004, a small group of people interested in the potential of an Interest Group met after a session with a topic related to pregnancy, put their name on a electronic list and determined to work toward the creation of an “Interest Group for Pregnancy”

  6. The pre-inaugural meeting • “CDA Diabetes in Pregnancy Section”…or… as a title, a no go because within the CDA, the sections are the C&SS and DES… and our little group would not be on a par with their importance… • “Canadian Society for Diabetes in Pregnancy”… a subsection of the CDA would not really be a society… so initial plan to call the group the “Canadian Diabetes in Pregnancy Interest Group” …orCanadian Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (i.e. CanDIPS Group)

  7. Inaugural Meeting: Oct. 20th, 2005 in Edmonton… • Call to order & identification of scribe • Background, objectives and membership • Funding plans • Start-up grant, CIHR • Membership fee $20? • Vote for Inauguration of the Group by people present • please write your name on the list!… • Election of initial officers and council

  8. Objectives • To advance clinical care in Canada for the woman with diabetes in pregnancy • To advance clinical and scientific knowledge of diabetes in pregnancy, and its effect on the child • To encourage dissemination of this knowledge and • To foster collaboration with other regional and worldwide societies interested in diabetes in pregnancy.

  9. CDA Relationship • We have requested that the CDA consider the best manner that we can relate with the organization, realizing that we want participation from both C & SS and DES sectors. • Present format has a model of a Paediatric Interest Group which we will likely mirror.

  10. Membership • Any person (member of CDA or Diabetes Quebec) who is engaged in clinical practice or research in the field of diabetes in pregnancy, or who has demonstrated particular interest in this area is eligible to participate.

  11. Funding • CIHR Start-up grant applied for and obtained … approximately $10,000. • A $20 membership fee to cover secretarial and office supplies… to be collected and held by the CDA “secretariat”… details worked out over the next 2 years

  12. Vote to Inaugurate the Society • We, the people present in this room today, would like to vote to create the “Canadian Diabetes in Pregnancy Interest Group” with the objectives as discussed and agreed upon. • The initial executive committee will have as their role the clarification of: • The bylaws, or terms of reference (?) • The relationship with the CDA • This Executive Committee is charged with reporting back to the membership within the year

  13. Election of Officers

  14. Election of Council

  15. Future + Present Members Membership Form … Members were invited to complete the form…& leave at back of room or send in to address stated on form. Voting Form … created if needed Discussionabout the roles seen for the group in the major areas of: • Clinical Care • Research, • National Role • International Role

  16. The CanDIPS (or CanDPSG)becomes a reality… • On the 23rd of May, 2009, the past-chair prepared and submitted a detailed report to the combined executive meeting of the DES and C&SS. • Subsequent to the presentation, the combined CDA professional sections voted to create the Canadian Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group and accepted our draft of terms of reference… reporting to the combined meeting as requested with the staff liaison being the Director of Professional Sections.

  17. CanDIPS goes international… • As part of the IADPSG, our suggestions were considered for the new recommendations for diagnostic criteria for GDM… • We hosted a Diabetes and Pregnancy Symposium in conjunction with the IDF Montreal meeting, 2009. • We continue to have an councillor position on the IADPSG executive…

  18. Future directions… • Depends on the vitality and interest of the group !!! Get involved !!!! • Hopefully long-term plans such as Canadian pregnancy databases, best-practices, sharing of protocols and prepared pamphlets, networking… all of this and more should happen…

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