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Central Exclusive Production at the Tevatron (CDF). Mike Albrow (Fermilab) for the CDF Collaboration. pp p X p where X is a simple system completely measured. VeryFewParticle. Introduction ISR : π + π - etc. Tevatron: e+e-, γγ , μ + μ -, J/ ψ , ψ (2S), χ _c, Υ …. Z?
Central Exclusive Production at the Tevatron (CDF) Mike Albrow (Fermilab) for the CDF Collaboration pp p X p where X is a simple system completely measured VeryFewParticle Introduction ISR : π+ π- etc. Tevatron: e+e-, γγ, μ+μ-, J/ψ, ψ(2S), χ_c, Υ …. Z? LHC: Z, H, W+W-, … JJ
ISR – Tevatron -- LHC p p p p G? H? p p p p • Central Exclusive Production: • LHC: Study of Higgs through p + H + p, WW and ZZ + + + • FP420: R&D project; proposing extensions to ATLAS & CMS. Our measurements are the first 2-photon in hadron-hadron, and test both the production mechanisms and calibration techniques. ~ same diagram
Central Exclusive Production in Different Machines In collisions (through LEP energies I L C) : hadrons, and at high energy: WW WW, WW Z,H ; WZ W In ep collisions (HERA) : gamma-IP vector mesons ( too but buried?) In (ISR Tevatron and LHC) : IP IP hadrons (can be single hadron), Higgs, -IP vector mesons (.. ,Y, Z(allowed but tiny)) l+l- ( too but buried?) In AA (RHIC, LHC) mainly (E-fields) -IP and IP+IP New in CDF
Central Exclusive Production is very clean, ~ no backgrounds p ~ -7.4 ~ 7.4 |y| < 1 Rapidity y p With rapidity gaps > 6 on both sides, t-channel exchanges are very limited: Charge Q = 0, No color, and spin J >= 1.0 Allowed exchanges: only photons, IP = pomeron {~gg} Odderon {~ggg} not yet observed, Z (but p would always break up!) t only from IP, OIP(?) only from , continuum. only from IPIP.
Central Exclusive Production of Higgs Higgs has vacuum quantum numbers, vacuum has Higgs field. So pp p+H+p is possible. Allowed states: Process is gg H through t-loop as usual with another g-exchange to cancel color and even leave p’s in ground state. If measure p’s: J >= 2 strongly suppressed at small p angle (t) t H 4-vectors ! MGA+Rostovtsev: hep-ph/0009336 Aim: be limited by incoming beam momentum spread
Central Exclusive Production at ISR = 63 GeV (AFS) Axial Field Spectrometer (R807) Added very forward drift chambers D.P.E. & Search for “Glueballs” p p data ALSO 3500 events/25 MeV G(1710)?? Structures not well understood beyond f(980) Not studied at higher DPE would be great for G-spectroscopy. Waiting to be done at Tevatron! Student?
CDF Detector at Fermilab Tevatron Muon Chambers Calorimeters MiniPlugs 980 GeV pbar 980 GeV p
Installed very forward Beam Shower Counters (BSC) for rapidity gaps and scintillating fiber trackers in Roman pots for pbar detection Not at all to scale! Roman pot detectors 20mm x 20mm 55 m downstream. Beam Shower Counters BSC tight around pipe. Full coverage –7.4 < < +7.4 by beam shower counters In this talk I do not use Roman pots; do not have acceptance for low mass
Exclusive Electron-Positron Production in Hadron Collisions (CDF) Phys.Rev.Lett 98,112001(2007) 16 events QED process : collisions in pp Monte Carlos : LPAIR, GRAPE, STARLIGHT
Exclusive H Theory Calibration: Exclusive 2-Photon MGA et al. (2001) hep-ex/0511057 Khoze, Martin and Ryskin, hep-ph/0111078, Eur.Phys.J. C23: 311 (2002) KMR+Stirling hep-ph/0409037 QCD diagram identical to pHp Tevatron 36 fb Claim factor ~ 3 uncertainty ; Correlated to p+H+p
Exclusive Production in Hadron-Hadron Collisions Phys.Rev.Lett. 99,242002 (2007) 3 candidates observed: s Prediction V.A.Khoze et al. Eur. Phys. J C38, 475 (2005) (our cuts) = (36 +72 – 24) fb = 0.8 +1.6 –0.5 events. Cannot yet claim “discovery” as b/g study a posteriori, 2 events corresponds to ~ 90 fb, agreeing with Khoze et al. ExHuME Monte Carlo James Monk & Andy Pilkington (MCR) It means exclusive H must happen (if H exists) and probably ~ 5 fb within factor ~ 3. is higher in MSSM
New Results, hot off the press: Region rich in physics. First observations in (elastic) hadron-hadron: 1) 2) 3) 1 & 2 ) Forward proton momenta precisely known: calibrate momentum scale of forward spectrometers for p + p p + H + p at LHC. 3) Calibrate theory (x-sn) of p + H + p
There are 4, maybe 5, physics processes in this data! IP = pomeron • 2-photon (QED) production of the continuum (no resonances) • We published this in 2007 for e+e- [ee] with M > 10 GeV(16 events as in QED) • Photon + IP … photoproduction, as in ep at HERA • Photon + IP … photoproduction, as in ep at HERA • IP + IP or 1) 2,3) 4)
Data: Feb 2002 – March 2007 Luminosity (Good Runs) = 1.48/fb (+/- 6%) Trigger = muon + track +BSC1 gaps 2 muons Number of events on tape: ~ 1.6 million ) Reject cosmic ray events (ToF, colinearity) … 100% efficient Exclusivity: Require all detectors < noise cuts except in mumu direction
Exclusivity cuts Want to be sure no other particles were produced. Take 0-bias = bunch crossing data. Put in two classes: non-interaction (dominated), no tracks, no CLC hits, no muon stubs interaction (dominated), all others For each sub-detector: 5 calorimeter regions, 3 BSC counter hodoscopes Find largest signal and plot it as [Log_10 max ADC counts] We did this for each of (11) periods of data, finding cut efficient at selecting “nothing” i.e. noise thresholds. Red mini-peak is not ineffiency, mainly mini-gaps with no pile-up. 500 ADC counts
36 bunch x bunch crossings Have different luminosities Distribution over a “period” Exclusive efficiency Exclusive efficiency x L(bunch) Integral = L_1(effective) – no PU Eff(excl) = 0.093 , 1.48/fb (139 +/- 8) /pb (6%)
Single muon acceptance > 90% for pT > 1.5 GeV. Lower pT range out in calorimeters Very well fit by empirical function: F = 0.1 at M = 3.05 F = 0.6 asymptotically
402 events Fit: 2 Gaussians + QED continuum. Masses 3.09, 3.68 GeV == PDG Widths 15.8,16.7 MeV=resolution. QED = generator x acceptance 3 amplitudes floating Paper in preparation
x QED spectrum ~ Only normalization A floating STARLIGHT & LPAIR MCs Good description: v.low pT
photoproduction (or possible odderon exchange) Kinematics well described by STARLIGHT MC Much broader pT,dphi than
photoproduction (or possible odderon exchange) Kinematics well described by STARLIGHT MC Much broader pT,dphi than
Dissociation background: Take (90 +/- 10%) for eff (BSC) (10 +/- 3)% Indication of small non-exclusive b/g as not described by MC Non-exclusive correction: QED: 0.91 +/- 0.05 J/psi, psi’ 0.97 +/- 0.03
Exclusive (<80 MeV) Best fit is with ~ 1/3 but with very large uncertainty Interpretations: (1) Large component (not supported by Method 2) (2) Decay simulations not precise (3) 1.5 sigma fluctuation (4) An odderon component (also larger )
Events with EM shower Good fits to mumu kinematics with only chi_c’s, if EM shower
EmEt spectrum with J/psi mass cut: Empirical functional form: Fit shown (ET in MeV): A = 0.00025 B = 2.5 C = 0.0125 (per MeV) Fraction under 80 MeV small: 2.8 below 80 MeV (1% of J/psi) From varying A,B,C (1 +/- 1)% & # chi_c = 68 +/- 8 Combine (1) and (2) : f = (1.9 +2.8 -1.9) % Total number of chi_c = 68.2 (65.2 are above 80 MeV cut)
Run,Evt: 220182.13272933 M=3.101, pT=1.54, dphi=2.18 CENTRAL DRIFT CHAMBER CALORIMETERS: LEGO PLOT BSC empty CLC W empty CLC E empty Note: CLC and BSC all empty although we did not require that.
Summary of Results Assumed Suppressed by J_z=0 rule
Search for Odderon exchange Odderon O, C = -1 partner to IP … at least 3 gluons In QCD but not yet observed. Possibly O + IP & Signature: Excess of exclusive & and Upsilons Y over rate expected from photoproduction (tuned to HERA data). t(p)-distribution would be flatter and hence VM should have larger <pT> and Kinematic behavior different, but not well known. not known
Some predictions for J/psi photoproduction: e.g. Schafer and Szczurek: arXiv:0705.2887 [hep-ph] Machado,Goncalves 3.0 nb Khoze, Martin, Ryskin Motyka and Watt: 3.4 nb Schafer & Szczurek ~ 2.8 nb Nystrand 2.2 nb Our result: 3.96 +- 0.64 nb Machado is considered too high by KMR Take 3.0 +- 0.8 We are consistent, & so we can put a limit on odderon exchange. If theory gets more precise, our limit can change
Invariant Mass Distribution- Upsilon Region Trigger: μ+μ- |η|<0.6 , pT(μ) > 4 GeV/c CDF Run II Preliminary Inclusive Photo-production of Y, Y’ (first observation in hadron-hadron) Y(1S) Invariant Mass (nassoc_tracks = 0) pT(μμ) < 6GeV/c CDF Run II Preliminary Y(2S)
Exclusive Upsilon(1S) candidateRun/Event: 204413/8549136 M ~ 9.4 GeV R-z, Muon hits Lego, threshold ET > 10 MeV Plugs, Miniplugs, CLC, BSC empty
Search for Exclusive Z, and observe high mass lepton pairs. Spectrum extends to M(ll) > 100 GeV! We have observed a candidate exclusive event with M ~ 64 GeV, which appears to be exclusive. Run 166529 Event 10107956 Forward counters both sides CLC and BSC were empty. Roman pot had pbar track This is exactly the type of event for calibrating p(FP420)
FP420 : Forward Protons 420m downstream of CMS & ATLAS CMS: Inner Vacuum Tank insertion CMS ||| ||| ||| ||| 420 & 220m 220 & 420m ATLAS
Summary We have observed the following exclusive states X in p + X + p at the Tevatron with CDF: These are all “first observations” for hadron-hadron “elastic”. (unless you call {A,Z} a hadron) processes agree with QED predictions Photoproduction of V agree with expectations & HERA. Hence limit on odderon exchange, near theory. IP+IP within theoretical uncertainties, and demonstrates that exclusive H should happen, if H. Furthermore, exclusive di-leptons provide a calibration of forward p – spectrometers, momentum scale and resolution
What is exclusive H cross section? Calculation involves: gg H (perturbative, standard, NLO) Unintegrated gluon densities Prob.(no other parton interaction) (“Gap survival”) Proton form factor Prob.(no gluon radiation no hadrons) Sudakov Suppression H ~ 3 fb (M(H)=125 GeV) “factor ~ 3 uncertainty” 30 fb^-1 ~ 100 Ae events (Ae = acceptance, efficiency) But other estimates differ by “large” amounts! Need to “calibrate” theory! Exclusive Durham Gp: Khoze, Martin, Ryskin, Stirling hep-ph/0505240 ++