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Recent jet measurements at the Tevatron. Sofia Vallecorsa University of Geneva. Outlines. The Tevatron and the experiments Jet Recostruction Inclusive jet cross section Cone algorithm (CDF,D0) K T algorithm (CDF) Boson+ jets W+jets (CDF) Z+jets (D0) Heavy flavour
Recent jet measurements at the Tevatron Sofia Vallecorsa University of Geneva
Outlines • The Tevatron and the experiments • Jet Recostruction • Inclusive jet cross section • Cone algorithm (CDF,D0) • KT algorithm (CDF) • Boson+ jets • W+jets (CDF) • Z+jets (D0) • Heavy flavour • - tagged jets (D0) • Inclusive b-jet cross section (CDF) • bb correlation (CDF) • Conclusions Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
The Tevatron Highest energy collider currently running • Peak luminosity ~1.8 1032 cm-2 s-1 • Integrated lumininosity ~ 25 pb-1/week ~ 1.6 fb-1 already delivered ~1.2 fb-1 on tape
CDF and D0 Both detectors: • Silicon Microvertex Tracker • Calorimeter • Muon Chambers • High speed Trigger/DAQ CDF: L2 trigger on displaced vertex Excellent tracking resolution D0: Excellent ID and acceptance Excellent tracking acceptance || < 2-3
Jets at Tevatron JETS: collimated flows of hadrons Measurements @HADRON LEVEL Theory prediction @PARTON LEVEL • Cone based algorithms MidPoint (new RunII ) Infrared safe and well defined • Merging pairs of particles according to their relative pt Kt (recently used @ CDF) Infrared and collinear safe • TO COMPARE: • Need a common and unambiguous • definition for theory and experiments. • Jet reconstruction algorithms: • Jet corrections Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Hadronic showers EM showers Jet corrections • Calorimeter jets: complex detector behavior. • correct for detector resolution and efficiency • correct for pile-up interactions (~up to 6 extra interactions) • Hadron jets: model dependent correction • Underlying event subtraction • Remove fragmentation/hadronization effects • MC based -> need to be tuned on data by using different observables • Parton jets: model dependent correction • Gluon radiation, energy loss (MC based) Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Inclusive jet cross section Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
data/theory – 1, % Inclusive Jet Production: Run I • Run I • Cone jet finding algorithm • Apparent excess at high pT, but within the overall systematic errors • Is it New Physics or parton distribution function ? • Between Run I and Run II • Machinery for improved jet finding algorithms: - MidPoint Cone Algorithm - kT Algorithm PDFs are further tuned Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Inclusive jet cross section L=1fb-1 • MidPoint algorithm cone 0.7 • Inclusive calorimetric trigger L3 Et>20,50,70,100 • Central jets 0.1<|y|0.7 Sensitive to UE+Hadronisation effects for PT<100 GeV/c • DATA: dominated by • JES uncertainties (2-3%) • NLO:dominated by • high X gluon PDFs Good agreement with NLO Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Inclusive jet cross section • MidPoint algorithm R = 0.7 • 2 regions in rapidity explored |yjet|< 0.4, 0.4 <|yjet|< 0.8 JES gives biggest contr. to uncertainty L = 380 pb-1 Good agreement with NLO prediction (NLOJET++)
Inclusive jet cross section L~1fb-1 Measurement extended over 8 orders of magnitude Very good agreement with NLO • KT algorithm D=0.7 • Inclusive calorimetric trigger L3 Et >5,20,50,70,100 • Central jets 0.1<|y|<0.7, pt>54 GeV/c NLO corrected to hadron level
Inclusive jet cross section • Forward jets measurements constrain gluon distribution in a kinematic region where no effect from new physics is expected -> help to distinguish between new physics and PDF if any excess is found in the central region • KT jets D=0.7 • 5 region in rapidity: • |Y| < 0.1 • 0.1 < |Y| < 0.7 • 0.7 < |Y| < 1.1 • 1.1 < |Y| < 1.6 • 1.6 < |Y| < 2.1 Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Boson + jets Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
W+jets production • Background to top and Higgs Physics • Testing ground for pQCD in multijet environment • Key sample to test LO and NLO ME+PS predictions L = 320 pb-1 • Restrict W : • W ev, |e|< 1.1 • JETCLU jets (R=0.4): • ETjets>15 GeV, |jet|< 2. • Uncertainties dominated by background subtraction and Jet Energy Scale LO predictions normalized to data integrated cross sections Shape comparison only Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
W+jets production Differential cross section w.r.t. di-jet invariant mass in the W+2 jet inclusive sample Differential cross section w.r.t. di-jet DR in the W+2 jet inclusive sample LO predictions normalized to data integrated cross sections Shape comparison only More exhaustive comparisons expected soon!!! Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Z+jets production L = 343 pb-1 • Same motivations as W + jets • (Z) ~ (W) / 10, but Ze+e- cleaner • Central electrons (||<1.1) • MidPoint jets: • R = 0.5, pT > 20 GeV/c, |yjet|<2.5 Z+j MCFM: NLO for Z+1p or Z+2p good description of the measured cross sections ME + PS: with MADGRAPH tree level process up to 3 partons reproduce shape of Njet distributions (Pythia used for PS) Z+2j Z+3j pT spectra of nth jet distribution
Heavy flavour jets Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Inclusive b jet cross section: Run I • In Run I, a factor 3 discrepancy was reported between theory predictions and experimental data by both CDF and DØ in b-hadron cross sections • Recent theory development: • FONLL (Cacciari et. al.) – NLO resummed • • Very good agreement with more exclusive • B-hadron production • • check for more inclusive observable - bjet production – comparison with NLO only Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Tagging b jets • B hadrons are massive • decay into lighter flavors • use decay products to tag B • ‘Soft Lepton Tag’ • B hadrons are long lived • c ~ 460 m • give rise to secondary vertices • tracks from secondary vertex have non-vanishing impact parameter d0 at primary vertex • ‘Secondary Vertex Tag’ & ‘Jet probability’
-tagged jets production • Midpoint cone R=0.5 jets • Central region |Y|<0.5 • Require pt>5 GeV/c inside cone R=0.5 • Heavy flavour fraction 70-45 % from MC L=300 pb-1 NLOJET++(CTEQ6M, =pt/2) b - fraction (from Pythia) NLOJET++ Main systematics on data: JES and HF fraction Data/Pythia ~1.3
Inclusive b-jet cross section L = 300 pb-1 • MidPoint jets: R = 0.7, |y jet|< 0.7 • Reconstruct secondary vertex from B hadron decays (b-tagging) • Shape of secondary vertex mass used to extract b-fraction from data • More than 6 orders of magnitude covered • Data systematic uncertainties dominated by Jet Energy Scale and b-fraction uncertainties • Main uncertainties on NLO due R/F scales Agreement with pQCD NLO within systematic uncertainties Sensitive to high order effect (NNLO)
bb correlations Total cross section • JetClu (RunI cone) jets R=0.7 • ||<1.2, Et>20 GeV,30 GeV • Main systematics: • Jet energy scale (~20%) • b tag efficiency (~8%) • UE Herwig description • MC@NLO + JIMMY Generator for multiparton interactions (links to Herwig) --> Better description of underlying event = 36 2 nb
Conclusions • In 2005, Tevatron achieved the 1 fb-1 goal • Delivered total luminosity 1.6 fb-1 • 1.2 fb-1 on tape available to analyses • Very rich QCD physics program ongoing at CDF and D0 • Explore different jet algorithms • W/Z + jets production provides good feedback for MC tools (Matrix element and Parton showering) • Precision measurements to test pQCD and constrain PDF Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Back-up Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Cone algorithms: Seed towers Only iterate over towers above certain threshold JETCLU:Snowmass (ET) - scheme MIDPOINT: E - scheme MidPoint adds extra seed in centre of each pair of seeds Infrared and collinear safe Ratcheting (JetClu only) All towers initially inside a cone must stay in a cone Jet merging/splitting is an issue: Need to define a Fmerge parameter Jet reconstruction algorithms KT algorithm: • Preferred by theory • Partons are separated into jets according to their transverse momentum • Compute for each pair (i,j) and for each particle (i) the quantities • Iteration until find stable jets • Use E-scheme • Infrared and collinear safe • No merging/splitting parameter needed • successfully used at LEP and HERA relatively new in hadron colliders • More sensitive to Underlying event and multiple interactions Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Parton to hadron correction • NLO calculation for inclusive jet production only has 2,3 partons in the final state • -> prediction at parton level • -> Need to correct to hadron level to compare to data • UE : additional energy is added in the jet cone (Multiple Particle Interactions + Beam Remnants) -> Need to add to theory prediction • Hadronization effects: some energy is loss from the jet cone -> Need to subtract to theory prediction • Use Pythia tune A which include tuned parameters for UE Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Inclusive Jet Production • Probes physics at small distances ≈10-19m • Higher reach in pT due to increased √s • Test pQCD over more than 9 decades in • Sensitive to PDF (gluon @ high-x) Uncertainty on gluon PDF (from CTEQ6) Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
Forward jets (kT algorithm) 1.1<|Y|<1.6 1.6<|Y|<2.1 0.7<|Y|<1.1 Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
W+jets production Integrated cross section w.r.t. jet ET in each of the 4 W+n jet inclusive samples Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
b quark production in hadron collisions Leading Order Next to Leading Order Q g Q g g g Flavor excitation other radiative corrections.. Flavor creation Gluon splitting Experimental inputs are B-Hadrons or b-jets rather than b-quark Proton structure Fragmentation NLO QCD => Another stringent test of NLO QCD Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
NLO/LO comparison As example: bjet cross section calculated in the past (2003) R cone jet=0.4, |bjet|<0.6 as function of ET not meant to be direclty compared to the measured one Initial states As function of b inside jets NLO/LO increase at high ET Gluon splitting dominant Contribution more suppressed in a LO MC Pavia, 19-21 Aprile
High PT b-jet cross section (CDF) Displaced tracks inside jet used to reconstruct secondary vertex from B hadron decays (b-tagging) 82 < pTjet < 90 GeV/c Extract fraction of b-tagged jets from data: use shape of secondary vertex mass Pavia, 19-21 Aprile