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UAV Development and History at Northrop Grumman Corporation Ryan Aeronautical Center

SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief. UAV Development and History at Northrop Grumman Corporation Ryan Aeronautical Center. Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726. File Name. 1 As of (date). UAV Family Tree.

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UAV Development and History at Northrop Grumman Corporation Ryan Aeronautical Center

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  1. SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief UAV Development and History at Northrop Grumman Corporation Ryan Aeronautical Center Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726 File Name.1 As of (date)

  2. UAV Family Tree Historically, no single, universally accepted definition has adequately categorize the Unmanned Air Vehicle. Vehicle Ballistic Powered Guided Unguided Unguided Guided Smart Bomb Bullet Shell Free Fall Bomb ICBM Simple Rocket Unmanned Manned Recoverable Recoverable Expendable Expendable Conventional Aircraft Kamikaze Remote Control Automatic Control Remote Control Automatic Control Current Definition of a UAV Guided Missile Cruise Missile RPV Drone

  3. Unmanned Air Vehicle Origins Necessity, the “mother of invention” produced flying bomb concepts during the First World War. The armistice halted experiments on all but targets. • 1917: French artillery officer, Rene`Lorin proposed flying bombs using gyroscopic and barometric stabilization and control. • 1918: Germany halts development of guided weapons. • 1918: Charles Kettering (USA) flies Liberty Eagle “Kettering Bug” and Army Air Corps orders 75 copies. • 1920: Elmer Sperry perfects the gyroscope and the first enabling technology makes flight control feasible • 1932: RAE “Fairey Queen” crashes, technology is still in its infancy. Fairey Queen IIIF Mark IIIB, 1932

  4. USA - Targets Become Successful 1935 - Reginald Denny develops the RP-1 and launches the Radio Plane Company, later to become the Northrop Ventura Division.

  5. V-1 Debuts in 1943 Advanced technologies of the Forties provided control, guidance and targeting. Azimuth Control by gyroscope governed by magnetic compass Speed was determined by engine performance at max. power Aneroid barometer altitude control Propeller driven “air-log” governed range

  6. Launch Systems A wide variety of launch systems have been developed for UAV applications Pneumatic Catapult Air Launch JATO/RATO Launch Runway Launch

  7. UAV Recovery Techniques Recovery schemes are determined by application and UAV size, the trend is toward autoland capability Parachute ABIAS Mid Air Retrieval System (MARS) Conventional Net

  8. SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief Ryan Aeronautical UAV History Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726 File Name.8 As of (date)

  9. Ryan XAAM-A-1 Firebird Firebird ushers in the missile age at Ryan in 1949 Speed was determined by engine performance at max. power 7.5’ without booster Aneroid barometer altitude control Early radar guidance was a forerunner to Sparrow missiles

  10. BQM-34 Firebee Subsonic Aerial Target High Performance, Jet-powered UAV designed to simulate hostile aircraft or missile threats • Primary Missions • Air defense weapons development, test & evaluation • Air defense weapons training • Secondary Missions • Aerial reconnaissance • Experimental aerial platform • System Capabilities • Ground launch • Air launch from C-130 • Recovery by parachute on land or at sea • 8-12 flights per vehicle • Flight Control and Navigation • Remotely piloted from airborne or ground control station • Preprogrammable Microprocessor Flight Control System ( MFCS) for autonomous flight BQ-34 Firebee evolved from the Ryan KD-A

  11. BQM-34E Firebee II Supersonic Aerial Target Turbojet Powered UAV designed to simulate high speed hostile aircraft and anti-ship missiles • Primary Missions • Air defense training • Aerial combat training • Weapons systems development • Secondary Missions • Test vehicle for advanced aerodynamic technology research (NASA) • System Capabilities • Ground Launch • Air launch from C-130 • Recovery by parachute on land or at sea • 8-12 flights per vehicle Firebee II with external fuel tank in subsonic flight

  12. AQM-91A Compass Arrow Twenty plus vehicles built in the late ‘60’s, still holds the unmanned turbine powered altitude record, 80,000 ft. • Incorporated several low observable features. • Significant reduction in the RCS features of the aircraft as seen from the ground. • Vertical tails and fuselage sides canted toward centerline to eliminate the specular reflections from the side aspect at or below the horizontal plane. • The engine inlet, located on top of the fuselage was lined with RAM, to conceal it from angles below the horizontal plane. • Exhaust nozzle was cooled to reduce IR signature, and like the inlet, was placed so as to be hidden by other airframe features at many aspects of observation. RAM was applied to the leading edges of the wing and to some portions of the fuselage. • First large UAV specifically designed to survive by stealth. • Compass Arrow operated at altitudes in excess of 80,000 ft. while traveling at subsonic speeds.

  13. AQM-81A/N Firebolt Rocket-powered target missile designed to replicate high altitude and high speed threats. • Primary Mission • Provide a realistic threat simulation of advanced enemy threats that fly in the upper reaches of earth’s airspace for… • Air defense training • Aerial combat training • Weapons systems development • Reusable Hybrid Rocket Powered Target Missile • Air Launch • Recovery by MARS over land or sea • 20 Flights per vehicle • Flight Control and Navigation • Pre-programmable Mission Logic Control Unit (MLCU) • Remotely piloted from Ground Control Station

  14. YQM-98A Compass Cope Two units built and flight tested in 1976, held the unmanned turbine engine endurance record of 28 hr. 11 min. until surpassed by Global Hawk on March 21, 2001 • Primary Mission • High altitude endurance reconnaissance and surveillance • Minimum 24 hours of endurance • 750 lbs. payload capability • Triple redundant autoland system • Dual redundant avionics system • Quadruple redundant Command & Control System • First major Use of GOTS/COTS hardware

  15. Model 410 Long Endurance UAV Economical aerial reconnaissance and surveillance system for civilian or military customers • Primary Mission • Provide a long-range or long-endurance aerial platform for: • Military reconnaissance • Electronic communications relay • Electronic warfare countermeasure • Law enforcement, drug interdiction • Border surveillance • Disaster area observation • Natural resources monitoring

  16. Model 410 Long Endurance UAV (continued) Economical aerial reconnaissance and surveillance system for civilian or military customers • System Components • Long Endurance Aerial Vehicle • Composite construction • Modular design • Two-man assembly / disassembly • Short, unimproved runway capability • Ground Control Station • Self contained, transportable, fully integrated • Autonomous flight control & mission programming • Remote manual flight & sensor control • Real-time datalink • Image data processing • Onboard Flight Control & Navigation • Central Flight Control Computer (CFCC) • Global Positioning System (GPS) • Auto takeoff and landing • Payload • 300 pound capacity • 24 cubic foot volume • Stabilized retractable sensor platform

  17. Model 324 Medium Range Mobile and transportable advanced technology unmanned aerial reconnaissance system • Primary Mission • Conduct autonomous tactical aerial reconnaissance and surveillance • System Components • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) • Composite airframe • Ground launch from mobile transport trailer • Recovery by parachute with air-bag attenuation system • Onboard Flight Control & Navigation • Mission Logic Control Unit (MLCU) • Inertial Navigation System (INS) • Global Positioning System (GPS)

  18. Model 324 Medium Range (continued) Mobile, and transportable advanced technology unmanned aerial reconnaissance system • System Components (con’t) • Mobile Launch & Recovery Vehicle (LRV) • 8 wheel all-terrain tractor • 6 wheel trailer transport/launcher • Self-contained command 7 control shelter • Autonomous flight control & mission programming • Remote manual flight control • Command tracking & telemetry system • Payload • CAI/Recon Optical KS-153A camera • Loral IRLS D-500 Infrared line scanner

  19. SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief Ryan Aeronautical Modern UAV Design & Technology Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726 File Name.19 As of (date)

  20. Model 350 Medium Range UAV Advanced technology tactical unmanned aerial reconnaissance system • Mission • Provide near real-time optical and/or infrared images of heavily defended areas • Target detection • Target identification • Battle damage assessment • System Components • Onboard Flight Control & Navigation • Mission Logic Control Unit (MLCU) • Inertial Navigation System (INS) • Global Positioning System (GPS) • Payload • Advanced Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System (ATARS)

  21. Model 350 Medium Range UAV Advanced technology tactical unmanned aerial reconnaissance system • System Components • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) • Ground launch • Air launch ( from F/A-18 and F-16R) • Soft landing recovery by parachute or by Mid-Air Recovery System (MARS) • Local Control & Monitoring Station (LCMS) • Self-contained, transportable • Autonomous flight control & mission programming • Remote manual flight control • Command, tracking, telemetry & image data link systems • Image data processing system

  22. Global Hawk HAE UAV High Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance System • Mission • Provide continuous day / night, high altitude, all weather surveillance and reconnaissance in direct support of allied ground and air forces across the spectrum of conflict • Increase the reach of existing and future surveillance systems • Extraordinary range and endurance • Fewer number of systems required to maintain global ISR coverage

  23. Global Hawk HAE UAV The Global Hawk is an Integrated System Speed(n.miles/hour)

  24. Global Hawk System Overview

  25. U-2 B-737 Global Hawk L e n g t h : 6 3 . 1 f e e t L e n g t h : 9 7 f e e t L e n g t h : 4 4 . 4 f e e t W i n g s p a n : 1 0 4 . 8 f e e t W i n g s p a n : 9 4 f e e t W i n g s p a n : 1 1 6 f e e t H e i g h t : 1 6 . 7 f e e t ( a t t a i l ) M a x T a k e o f f W t : 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 l b . H e i g h t : 1 5 . 2 f e e t ( a t t a i l ) 573 kts. TAS M a x T a k e o f f W t : 4 0 , 0 0 0 l b . L o i t e r S p e e d : M a x . T a k e o f f W t : 2 5 , 6 0 0 l b . 343 kts. TAS M a x i m u m S p e e d : 410 kts. TAS O p e r a t i o n a l C e i l i n g : 4 0 , 0 0 0 f e e t L o i t e r S p e e d : O p e r a t i o n a l C e i l i n g : o v e r 7 0 , 0 0 0 f e e t M a x U n r e f u e l e d R a n g e : 2 , 7 0 0 N M O p e r a t i o n a l C e i l i n g : 6 5 , 0 0 0 f e e t M a x U n r e f u e l e d R a n g e : o v e r 3 , 0 0 0 N M M a x U n r e f u e l e d R a n g e : o v e r 12,000 N M Global Hawk Vehicle Size

  26. Global Hawk Integrated Sensor Suite

  27. SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief Ryan Aeronautical Future UAV Technology Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726 File Name.27 As of (date)

  28. Telepresence Telepresence, also called virtual presences, is participation in an environment from a remote location • A subset of virtual reality, telepresence uses external mechanics to view the environment, • Lethal UAV weapons delivery systems of the 1970’s put the shooter out of harms way. • Ryan developed systems to launch a variety of guided standoff weapons from BGM-34C UAV’s. • Virtual Reality software today contains the following features: • Object database - descriptions of virtual objects or environments • Attribute database - color, texture, orientation • Sensor driver- monitors tracking devices to know actual position • display driver- reality engine updates object for display • Simulation manager - coordinates entire system maintaing proper perspective between objects

  29. Virtual Reality Web sites Commercial VR packages are available from many houses on the web. • World Tool Kit Sense8 www.sense8.com • VR Development Systems VREAM www.vream.com • Walk Through Virtus www.virtus.com • Virtual Reality Studio Danmark Software WWW.domark.com • Cyberspace Development Kit Autodesk www.autodesk.com • Recent check of the links, Red are no longer pertinent or active.

  30. Fuzzy Logic / Neural Nets The development of an adaptive control system to enhance engine performance is on the horizon • Fuzzy logic algorithms and hardware have enjoyed a recent development frenzy • The technology is ready for transition to UAV class engine controllers when the need is great enough • Current F/A-18 Fuzzy logic engine control work is funded and ongoing

  31. Voice Directed UAV Speech recognition could replace some navigation logic allowing mixed use of UAV’s and manned aircraft • Neural Network computing methods could be applied to artificial speech recognition and UAV command language • This will increase asset interoperability for a force commander or commercial air traffic controller • Minimizes ground control station assets

  32. Damage Detection / Failure Prediction UAV Mission Failure rate can improve airframe monitoring and failure prediction. • In high threat areas, damage may occur due to hostile action. • With proper sensors, a UAV could “decide” to return to base if damage or failures were detected prior to catastrophic failure. • Smart structure technologies will detect damage, predict useful life, continue operation at optimal flight conditions. • The UAV will react by reducing speed, flying minimum G profile or dumping fuel and returning to base

  33. SI4000 SUMMER 2004 UAV Brief UAV’s - Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going Norman S. Sakamoto norm.sakamoto@ngc.com 619.203.5726 File Name.33 As of (date)

  34. Customers • Sandia • Los Alamos • LLL • NASA • DARPA • DARO • MDA • NATO • DEA • DNA • DOT • CIA • FBI • NSA • INS • USAF • USA • USN • USCG • RCAF • JDF • GOI • GOE

  35. Performance • Altitude 7 Ft to 100,000 Ft • Velocity 60 Kts to Mach 4 • Endurance 7 Minutes to 40 hours • Range 25 NMi to 14,000 Nmi • Take-Off Gross Weight 200 Lb to 34,500 Lb • Payload Weight 25 Lb to 3,000 Lb

  36. Missions • IMINT • SIGINT • GPS Pseudolite • Air Sampling • Strike • EW/ESM • Decoy • BPI/BPLI • Target • Cargo / Logistics • ACN

  37. Aerodynamics • Twin Verticals • V - Tails • Canards • V/STOL • Non Atmospheric • Hypersonic • Conventional Airfoil • Rogallo Wing • Laminar Flow • SuperCritical • Ailerons, Elevators, Rudders, Ruddervators, Spoilers, Speed Brakes, Flaps, Elevons • BLC

  38. Airframe • Metallic • Aluminum • Steel • Titanium • Magnesium • Composite • Fiberglass • Graphite • Molded • Sheet Molded Compound

  39. Low Observables • Radar • Acoustic • Visual • IR

  40. Propulsion • Reciprocating ( Aircraft) • 2 Cylinder 2 Cycle • Turbo Prop • Turbo Jet • Turbo Fan • Ramjet • Pulse Jet • Rocket • Electric Motors

  41. Payload Sensors • Chaff • Active EW Jammers • COMINT • ELINT • ESM • Ordnance • Leaflets/Propaganda • Cameras • Still • Motion • Panoramic • Electro-Optical • FLIR • IRLS • SAR • ISAR • IFSAR

  42. Navigation • Dead Reckoning • Doppler • LORAN / Omega • INS • GPS/DGPS • INMARSAT

  43. Flight Controls • AHRS (Gyros) • Inertial • Formation Flight • Autonomous Flight • Active Real-Time • Re-Planning • Re-Tasking • Analog • Digital • Hybrid • Duplex • Triplex • Electrostatic

  44. Secondary Power • Batteries • Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) • Solar • Generator

  45. Actuation System • Hydraulic • Pnuematic • Electro-Mechanical • Linear/Rotary • Push/Pull • Cables/Pulleys

  46. UAVs - Current Development and Emerging Uses

  47. The Networked Vision of the Future UAVs Are A Major Part of the Vision

  48. Warfighter’s Challenge ~ Future Combat • Regional & Global Asymmetric Warfare • Proliferation of Ballistic Missile/Cruise Missile Threats • Proliferation of WMD Capabilities /Systems ~ and the Will To Use Them • Uncertainty In Situational Awareness/Decisions • Non-Traditional Roles & Missions ~ With Force Structure Pressures • Acquisition of Advanced Technology Force Structures • Technologies, Applications, Systems & Insertion Sequencing • Force Mix, Postures, Basing, CONOPS & Employment Concepts • Sustaining Capability in the Transition/Transformation • Establishing & Sustaining Affordability - No Immunity To Budget Constraints Understanding & Integrating UAVs Is A Significant Part of the Challenge

  49. Some of the Emerging Concepts & RequirementsThat UAVs Can Meet Military BM/C4ISR BPLI - Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Cruise Missile Defense - BM/C4ISR & Intercept Battlespace ~ Infosphere Comms & Reach-Back Kinetic & Non-Kinetic Combat Operations PSYOPs & SOF Operations SBIRS Low Adjunct & Tactical Surrogate Satellite / Sensor Test Bed Space Sensing Space Surveillance Space Tracking Space Comms/Data Relay Military Science Military R&D Augmentation of GPS These Lists Are By No Means Comprehensive Civil Authority & Commercial Applications Communications Law Enforcement Drug Interdiction Disaster Preparedness & Management Global Meteorological (NOAA) Forest Fire Surveillance Environmental Monitoring, Management & Enforcement Agricultural Resource Surveillance & Management Natural Resource Surveillance & Management Scientific Research

  50. Questions?

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