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Introduction to the EMMS Chess Federation. Welcome to the EMMS Chess Federation (ECF)! I hope you have a positive experience with the ECF and continue to support us by participating in our groups as well as giving us valuable feedback. What is the ECF?.
Introduction to the EMMS Chess Federation Welcome to the EMMS Chess Federation (ECF)! I hope you have a positive experience with the ECF and continue to support us by participating in our groups as well as giving us valuable feedback.
What is the ECF? The ECF is the current governing body of chess for EMMS. It was officially started in the school year of 2011-2012. Its purpose is to create and manage chess activities for students at EMMS to enjoy and enrich their knowledge. The ECF is made up of 4 official groups and 1 unofficial group on chess.com and 2 intramurals/year at EMMS. To continue reading, visit: http://www.chess.com/news/welcome-to-the-ecf-league-5236
What are the segments? ECF League - current members ECF Staff - staff members ECF Community - past and current members and others in relation with the ECF ECF GA (Group Activities) – activities for past and current members ECF Chat – chat group, no official activity ECF Intramural - Face-to-face meetings that take place during the school year (once a week for about 8 weeks occurring twice a year)
How do I become a member of the ECF? To become: Member of the ECF Participated in at least one intramural during years at EMMS To become: Current member of the ECF Participated in at least one intramural for the current year Your status as a member is very important in deciding which groups you may access online on chess.com.
ECF Posting Rules Complete description here: http://www.chess.com/legal In addition, please keep all posts in official groups related to the ECF or chess. If you wish to discuss other topics, please use the group, ECF Chat or use the Public Chat forum in each ECF group.
ECF Help/Support At often times, you may need help/support when you’re online. It could be a problem, a confusion, etc. When this occurs, please message the emmschessfederation account: http://www.chess.com/members/view/emmschessfederation All requests, questions, feedback, etc. sent to the emmschessfederation account will be replied within 24 hours. DO NOT message ECF Staff for help/support.
What about ECF outside of school or chess.com? Facebook: ECF account: Emms Chessfed, Pages for all segments (e.g. ECF, ECF GA, etc.), and Facebook group: ECF http://www.facebook.com/emms.chessfed Twitter: Follow the ECF at @EmmsChessFed: https://twitter.com/EmmsChessFed Google+: Add EMMS ChessFederation to your circles: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102416405338400555883/posts
About the ECF The EMMS Chess Federation was co-founded by Dr. Roberts (DRocco57) and Kevin Huang (shengyi) in 2011. Dr. Roberts manages the ECF Intramural and Kevin manages the ECF Groups (online portion). Occasionally we may look for helpers to assist the ECF.
What do I need to do? Join Chess.com Join the ECF League, ECF Community, ECF Chat, and ECF GA Send a friend request to account "emmschessfederation" on Chess.com
Is that it? Of course, no!! There are so many other descriptions and content in each of your ECF groups explaining more about the ECF and your personal group. Please look through those as they also contain valuable information. What we went over was the most important (i.e. the basics/structure). Now, let’s move on to chess.com…
Welcome to Chess.com! Some of you may be new to chess.com, so let me introduce you to chess.com. Chess.com is the #1 online chess website on the Internet! It has so many members, content, etc. and best of all…it’s FREE! Dr. Roberts will now go in detail of chess.com through his created files/presentation. Dr. Roberts…
Let’s come back together… So now that you have familiarized yourself with chess.com, what will the ECF be doing? Outside of personal chess.com features (tactics trainer, etc.), the ECF will have group activities occurring in the ECF Group Activities Group! It’s still in the works, but right now there will be team-matches, vote-chess matches, surveys, and weekly puzzles. In the future, there may be more options and content.
What about the ECF Intramural? As for that, this is totally up to Dr. Roberts. All I know is that you will get to play, learn, and enjoy chess! Dr. Roberts, could you give a brief summary?
Sidenote! For those of you who don’t already know, Kevin is unable to attend weekly chess intramurals due to his busy schedules. He will be managing the online portion only. There probably be 2 simul events this year (fall and spring) where Kevin will stop by. If you have any questions concerning this, ask now or message shengyi.
Conclusion – Thanks! We would like to thank everyone for joining and participating in the ECF and hope they will stay with us here and online. Let’s have a great year! Sincerely, Dr. Roberts Kevin Huang