1. Introduction to Chess Naming the Chess Squares
Names of the Pieces
Initial Setup
2. Naming the Chess Squares A file refers to the squares that go up and down a single line.
Hint: single file
Each file has a letter: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h.
3. Naming the Chess Squares A rank refers to the squares that go side to side in a single line.
Hint: rank = row
Ranks are numbered 1-8.
We usually say 6th rank instead of rank 6.
4. Naming the Chess Squares A square is named by a combination of the file letter and the rank number.
Each square name is unique.
5. PRACTICE: Naming the Chess Squares
6. PRACTICE: Naming the Chess Squares
7. Names of the Pieces
8. Names of the Pieces
9. Names of the Pieces
10. Names of the Pieces
11. Names of the Pieces
12. Names of the Pieces
13. PRACTICE: Names of the Pieces
14. Initial Setup
15. Initial Setup
16. Initial Setup
17. PRACTICE: Initial Setup
18. REVIEW: Initial Setup
19. REVIEW: Initial Setup
20. REVIEW: Initial Setup
21. REVIEW: Initial Setup
22. REVIEW: Initial Setup
23. PRACTICE: Initial Setup