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Progress presentation Lima, December 2011. Content. Progress to date Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis. Content. Progress to date Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis. Since 2010 we have trained more than 46,000 business women of 12 MFIs as well as other organziations.
Content Progress to date Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis
Content Progress to date Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis
Since 2010 we have trained more than 46,000 business women of 12 MFIs as well as other organziations • Participated in both campaigns • New in C2 • Only C1 • Women trained during campaign 1 and 2 (as of Dec 2011) • We have trained 46,095 business women from 12 MFIs and other organziations • In campaing 1 we surpassed our goal of reaching 28,800 women (+6%) • In Campaign 2 we have had a good start towards reaching our 30,000 women goald, achieving more than 50% of the goal in the first half of the campaign
. . . And we are attaining a higher level of satisfaction Campaign1 Campaign 2 • Interviewed during campaign 1 and 2 • 100% = C1: 25,429 / C2: 4,132 TTB Event Before: 90.8% Now: 91% TTB Contenido Before: 92.2% Now: 94% TTB Trainer Before: 93.6% Now: 96% Highly satisfied Satisfied • TTB (Top Two Boxes) is high, showing a high level of satisfaction.
En cuanto al programa de mentoría hemos apoyado a 120 empresarias con TB e incorporado a la PUCP para Enero 2011 5 estudiantes escuela de negocios de Thunderbird 10 estudiantes Facultad de Gestión de PUCP Voluntarios Tiempo de participación 8 semanas 12 semanas 120 en total (12 para cada voluntario divididas en 6 por mes por voluntario) # aprox. empresarias a participar 120 en total (24 para cada voluntario divididas en 8 por mes por voluntario) Mibancoo, CajaTrujillo, Credivisión Participantes de eventos de Mibanco Origen de las empresarias Número horas de mentoría x empresaria 10 a 12 10 a 12 Enfoque • Análisis financiero • Identificación de oportunidades de mercado
Content Progress to date • Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis
We expect the SALTA program to have an impact in managerial practices and indicators that improve the women´s standard of living and promote development Change in managerial practices Strengthening capacities Access to finance Increase in security Employment generation Increase in sales
We expect the SALTA program to have an impact in managerial practices and indicators that improve the women´s standard of living and promote development Change in managerial practices Strengthening capacities Access to finance Increase in security Employment generation Increase in sales
A small internal survey of 100 SALTA participants shows they have started to separate the business expenses from their household expenses Haveyoustartedseparatingthebusiness expenses from thehousehold expenses? 100% = 100 women 80% of the women did not initially separate the business expenses from the household expenses but started to do so after the intervention. The impact was slightly more significant after the training
The survey also shows they have started registering their income and expenses Have you started registering income and expenses? 100% = 100 women 75% of the women did not register their income and expenses but started doing so after the intervention. The impact was slightly more significant after the training.
We expect the SALTA program to have an impact in managerial practices and indicators that improve the women´s standard of living and promote development Change in managerial practices Strengthening capacities Access to finance Increase in security Employment generation Increase in sales
Participants also feel more secure in their decision-making process Positive impact of the intervention Do you feel more secure about your business decisions after the EL GRAN SALTO training 100% = 100 women Do you feel more secure about your business decisions after the SALTA mentoring? 100% = 100 women 100% 100% Both the training and the mentoring had a significant positive impact on the level of security of women in their decision-making process. The impact of the mentoring was significantly higher.
We expect for both programs to have an impact in managerial practices and indicators that improve the women´s standard of living and promote development Change in managerial practices Strengthening capacities Access to finance Increase in security Employment generation Increase in sales
Content Progress to date • Preliminary impact results Budget Analysis
Budget Salanceldo Executed Cumulativebudget(as of Nov 30th 2011) Thousands of dollars BID AUSAID Goldman Sachs Mibanco MibancoInkind ThunderbirdInkind 46% 50% 55% 51% 20% 17% ThunderbirdInkind Mibanco MibancoInkind Goldman Sachs BID AUSAID