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Sustainable Livelihoods

Latin America and the Caribbean. Sustainable Livelihoods. Opportunities and Challenges. Rural women are playing an increasing role in food security in rural areas and in markets Gender justice and household gender inequality remain a challenge

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Sustainable Livelihoods

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  1. Latin America and the Caribbean Sustainable Livelihoods

  2. Opportunities and Challenges • Rural women are playing an increasing role in food security in rural areas and in markets • Gender justice and household gender inequality remain a challenge • An increasing global demand for food is a key opportunity for smallholder farmers to access new markets • Rapid urbanization is increasing pressure on local food supply channels • Environmental vulnerability is on the rise in the region, particularly in rural areas which are neglected by both markets and the state

  3. Women’s Participation

  4. Highland frozen vegetable value chain partnership Developing an inclusive value chain business model that incorporates smallholder farmers to global chains Enable women to gain and control additional income and productive assets Case Study: Guatemala Highland Value Chain

  5. Case Study: Jamaica Partnership Broker • Partnership Broker pilot • Integrates livelihoods programme with Adaptation and Risk Reduction programmes • Climate change adaptation research on impact on local fruit and vegetable production • Research partnership on the costs of climate change to rural women and smallholder farmers

  6. Case Study: Colombia Value Chains and Power in Markets • Focus on linking small scale dairy farmers to national and regional diary value chains • Women’s economic leadership as primary innovation to the inclusive dairy business model • Supply of urban markets through local rural production by the creation of urban wet markets, linking smallholder farmers directly to urban customers

  7. Diversity of context and approach Economic challenges Improving public policy development Private sector mistrust Challenges in the Region

  8. Video: Oxfam’s Grow Campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEncHWEjLTI • Bruni, M., (2011), Sustainable Livelihoods Now and for the Future in LAC 2010-2011, Oxfam Great Britain, Latin America and the Caribbean Region • Images: Oxfam Great Britain Photo Database, Regional Center, LAC Sustainable Livelihoods Now and for the Future in LAC 2010- 2011 Report • Video: Oxfam’s Grow Campaign, YouTube References

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