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Wicked Wiki. OK savvy super heroes. Today you will gather information for Gump’s My Space User Guide. How are you going to work collaboratively and what medium are you going to use to present this guide?. Image by: Shutterstock/3DMask. Thoughts?.
OK savvy super heroes. Today you will gather information for Gump’s My Space User Guide. How are you going to work collaboratively and what medium are you going to use to present this guide? Image by: Shutterstock/3DMask
Maybe we should investigate wikis a little more closely and also practise using one Image by: Shutterstock/Michael D Brown
Wiki… in plain English http://www.commoncraft.com/video/wikis
In this lesson students are learning about: • Wikis - their features and functions to support working collaboratively in knowledge creation
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: • identify the features and functions of a wiki • understand the way in which knowledge is being created through ICT • demonstrate working collaboratively through the Internet • provide examples of wikis being used to collaborate on a global scale
Discussion: • Do you have any ideas for what a wiki can be used for? • Can you think of an example of a large-scale wiki in use?
Some points to remember: • Potential problems with user generated content that is publically available like this. For example issues associated with the open nature of Wikipedia have led to various concerns, such as the quality of writing, the amount of vandalism and the accuracy of information. Also some articles contain unverified or inconsistent information. • Since using a wiki will often involve changing work done by others, it is especially important that you are aware of the difference between ‘vandalising’ and making changes to improve the content (editing). • There are also concerns around spelling and grammar as lots of wiki’s don’t have inbuilt spell checking software. How can you draft content before entering or editing into the live wiki?
Thought wall To ensure the quality of our wiki we need to provide a ‘Wiki Warranty’. So what would / should be included in our ‘Wiki Warranty’? This is also to ensure that anybody creating content for the wiki will have guidelines to stick to. A company provides a warranty for a product they produce and the company signs it, you will also sign and agree to the conditions of the ‘Wiki Warranty’. Wiki Warranty Image by: Shutterstock/CoraMax
We will now add content to a wiki that I have set up for you. In groups you are to take responsibility for one page of the wiki and add content that will inform your peers. Remember you are to use the wiki responsibly and you are answerable for the content you generate…. Image by: Shutterstock/Andresr + Kheng Guan Toh
Homework You are going to continue to gather information and add it to the wiki. Choose three websites relating to this week’s topic of wikis Using your account on the social bookmarking website,bookmark your chosen websites. Provide a short description of each one and ‘tag’ each site with a number of descriptive key words Image by: Shutterstock/wwwebmeister Image by: Shutterstock/kentoh