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Transformations in the Middle East: Birth of Modern Nations & Conflict

Explore the pivotal historical events in the Middle East, from the League of Nations mandates to the emergence of new countries and ruling families. Learn about the birth of Israel, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Zionism, the role of the United Nations, and the impact of oil discoveries in the region.

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Transformations in the Middle East: Birth of Modern Nations & Conflict

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  1. Arab-Israeli Conflict

  2. The Middle East in 1914

  3. The League of Nations Mandates

  4. Treaty of Lausanne, 1923 Modern Turkey Is Born.

  5. “New” Countries & Ruling Families Emerge! • Prince Faisal “ruler” of Trans-Jordan. • Prince Abdullah  “ruler” of a newly-created Iraq [pasted together from three distinctgeographic regions]. • The House of Saud  put on the throne of thenewly-created Saudi Arabia. • The Pahlavi Family  put on the throne of a new Iran. • Mustafa Kemal  leads a military/nationalistmovement in Turkey.

  6. Zionism • Theodor Herzl • A movement devoted to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

  7. Zionism • GOALS:The spiritual andpolitical renewal ofthe Jewish peoplein its ancestralhomeland ofPalestine. • Freedom from Western anti-Semitism. Theodore Herzl1860-1904

  8. First Zionist Conference, 1897 • Herzl writes Der Judenstaat, orThe Jewish State in 1896. • Met in Basel, Switzerland. • Creates the First Zionist Congress. • Becomes an international Jewishorganization. • “Next Year in Jerusalem!”

  9. Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920 • In 1920, there was 1 Jew toevery 10 Arabs inPalestine. • By 1947, the ratio was 2 Arabs forevery Jew. The Arabs felt that they were loosing control of their “country!”

  10. British Promise to the Jews: Balfour Declaration, 1917 His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of anational home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine… Sir Arthur James BalfourBr. Foreign Secretary

  11. The British in Palestine (1919-1947)

  12. British Mandate in PalestineCreatedJuly, 1922

  13. Palestine Population in 1946

  14. Jewish Settlements: The Kibbutz System • First one founded in 1908. • Communal living. • “Make the DesertBloom!”

  15. Role of the United Nations • In 1947 the united Nations drew up a plan to divide Palestine into 2 states • Arab State • Jewish State

  16. Migration to Palestine • Jewish migration to Palestine began in the 1800s • Many Jewish survivors of the Holocaust began migrating to Palestine after WWII

  17. U. N. Partition Plan of 1947

  18. State of Israel • In 1948 Jewish leaders in Palestine declared the birth of Israel. • Israel was recognized by both the US and USSR.

  19. Israel Becomes a Nation:May 14, 1948 David Ben-Gurion,1st Prime Minister Chaim Weizmann,1st President

  20. 1948 Arab Invasion plans of Israel ( in red.) From Lebanon and Syria From Transjordan and Iraq From Egypt

  21. War Begins!: May 15, 1948

  22. Arab Refugees, 1948 The Palestinian Diaspora begins!

  23. Armistice Signed, 1949

  24. Arab-Israeli Wars • Soon after independence Arab states attacked Israel. • Arabs vowed to restore Palestine as an Arab State. • As a result of the wars Israel doubled in size.

  25. Arab-Israeli Wars • 1948 and 1956 • 1967 - six day war • 1973 – Yom Kippur war

  26. Arab Palestinians • In 1948 700,000 Arabs became refugees. • The Arab refugees experienced poverty and discrimination. • Many dreamed of an Arab Palestinian state.

  27. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) • Led by Yasir Arafat • The PLO used terrorism and fought a guerilla war against Israel home and abroad.

  28. Camp David Accords1979 • First peace agreement between an Arab nation and Israel. • Anwar Sadat – Egypt • Mechan Begin – Israel • Sadat was eventually assassinated by Muslim extremists in 1981.

  29. The Intifada1987 • Young Palestinians mounted the intifada or uprising. • Teenagers defied Israeli soldiers with tactics such as throwing rocks an homemade bombs.

  30. Middle East Peace Plan • In 1993 Yasir Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin signed a historic peace agreement. • Palestinians in Gaza and Jericho were given limited self rule.

  31. Oil Discovered in Mesopotamia! • First discovered on Masjid-I Suleiman in Persiain 1908. • Turkish-Petroleum Co. [TPC] founded in 1911 drill for oil in Mosul, Mesopotamia. • Britain signed a secret agreement with the sheikh of Kuwait who, while outwardly pledgingallegiance to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul,promised exclusive oil rights to the British. • Kuwait became a British protectorate in November, 1914. • In 1927, oil was struck in Kirkuk, Iraq, and the Iraq Petroleum Co. [IPC] was created.

  32. Oil Becomes the New International“Coin of the Realm!” • American oil companies [Texaco & Chevron], gainoil concessions in Bahrainin 1929. • In 1933, American oil companies win an oilconcession in Saudi Arabia. • ARAMCO [Arab-American Oil Co,] is created in 1939.

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