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Information Dominance Corps Intel Detailer and Community Update. JAN 2012. Intelligence Community. Who We Are and What We Do: The nation’s oldest intelligence organization operating under National Intelligence and Service authorities We study adversaries so that we can:
Information Dominance Corps Intel Detailer and Community Update JAN 2012
Intelligence Community • Who We Are and What We Do: • The nation’s oldest intelligence organization operating under National Intelligence and Service authorities • We study adversaries so that we can: • Predict their actions…and advise our Commanders • Locate their forces…and inform our Fleet • Defeat their systems…and preserve our freedom of action • We look for emerging threats so that our leaders can equip the fleet and be ready for the future • How We Do It: • Penetrate the adversaries’ planning and decision cycles • Collect, fuse and analyze information from multiple sources • Leverage the capabilities of the Intelligence Community
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Intelligence OfficerCareer Progression Career Path SWO (INTEL) Option Initial Op/Sea Duty Shore Duty/ School/Other Operational O3/O4 Milestone Competitive Shore or Attaché School O5 Milestone and/or Command Competitive Shore or Attaché Other Operational Staff O6 Milestone and/or Command Major Staff N2/J2/Director Sequential Navy/Joint Command Trng Lateral Gains POCR/Lat Xfr/LDO On-Ramp CDR M/S SB CDR CMD SB CAPT M/S SB CAPT CMD SB Typical Billets/Quals CVN/CAG Amphib NSW FID/FIAF Intel Center JPME NPS CVN/CSG ESG NSW # FLT Intel Center COCOM OPNAV Attaché #FLT N2 Staff N2 Navy Intel CO Joint Intel Ctr CO ONI CO Theater J2 Major Staff N2 CVN/CAG Amphib NSW NECC FID/FIAF Intel Center COCOM JPME NPS Attaché Continuing Education Masters Degree and JPME I/II Intel Center = CNO/IP, ONI, DIA, JIOC NGA, NSA, JIATF
Challenges Fiscal constraints may affect orders release timeline (as little as two months prior to detach) Severely constrained ability to move people early, waive paygrade requirement or “doublestuff” Inventory constraints – not enough 1830s to fill all requirements Opportunities Increased deployment requirements (ashore / afloat) Challenges and opportunities shape billets offered Reduction in overseas billets COCOMs manned @ 85% Time on station (TOS) strictly enforced (Op Lead, promotion exceptions) Current Detailing EnvironmentChallenges and Opportunities
Your Pet Chinchilla has a say in where you go…….. Time on station is just a suggestion…it’s easy to move me after 12 months. The Detailers have a secret list of jobs not displayed on the billet list. Detailers know board results well in advance of the Official NAVADMIN. I will go to a large Intelligence center BUT NO WATCHFLOOR……….. Unrealistic training request are automatically approved………. Don’t tell the Detailers what you really want they enjoy dragging it out of you. My son is a professional Lego builder and to move us would negatively impact his training regime. I just spent a ton of money on my pool…you can’t move me! I know I am a Commander but surely you can place me in an Ensign Billet in Norfolk/San Diego/ Mayport / Tampa for my 9th consecutive tour right? Going underground to hold out for a last minute PRD extension or Job opening is a good Idea…. Detailing Myths
Classic Detailing Triad Needs Of The Navy The Goal Desires Of The Officer Officer Qualifications / Career Needs
Detailing Today Community Guidance Navy Policy & NPC Business Rules The Goal Officer’s Desires Inventory Realities
OPNAV validated missions transition to PCS move OSAs will be handled through normal detailing channels 1830s encouraged to complete either an IA (from shore duty) or an OSA prior to Operational Leadership screening (O5) OSAs are 12 to 17 months Service members PCS to Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC) Norfolk or San Diego and deploy forward via ITDY for training and deployment One Year OSAs are given the same benefits of one-year unaccompanied overseas tours Overseas Contingency Operation Support Assignments (OSAs)
AF/PAK HANDS • Unique opportunity to provide in-depth analytical and cultural expertise to COIN mission in Afghanistan • Assignments include in-depth language and cultural training followed by two one-year rotational assignment forward to AFG or PAK
Operational Milestone Duty Operational Leadership Duty = Milestone Duty Job performance versus job type is key to progression Leadership tours key to demonstrating core competencies Initial Tour – Learning Intel in the operational environment Mid-Career – Leading intelligence within a core competency O-5 – Leading intelligence across core competencies/warfare disciplines O-6 - Leading the IDC in critical assignments LT and LCDR Duty is equivalent for promotion purposes 52% go as LTs, 48% go as LCDRs If you go early, you must remain competitive CAPT/CDR duty requires Operational Milestone screen Most CDRs conduct sea duty as early to mid-grade O-5s
LT Operational Leadership DutyBillet Distribution Goal: Lead Intelligence within a core competency 76 total LT billets
LCDR Operational Leadership Billet Distribution Goal: Lead Intelligence within a core competency 70 total LCDR billets
Senior Operational Leadership Billet Distribution Goal: Lead Intelligence across core competencies OSA 1 ACQUISITIONS 2 NSW 3 CVN IO 11 JSOC 2 FLEET N2A 6 CSG N2 9 CTF 3 ESG N2 4 CSFT 2
Graduate Education and Fellowships LT grad ed options (limited quotas) Naval Postgraduate School — master’s degree, JPME I National Intelligence University (NIU) Masters Of Science in Strategic Intelligence (5 quotas) LCDR grad ed options Service Command and Staff colleges — master’s degree, JPME I Limited quotas so explore non-resident options CAPT and CDR grad ed options Senior Service Schools, NDU — master’s degree, JPME II (7 quotas) As of Nov 2009, JPME I is a prerequisite for Senior Service schools Other graduate programs and fellowships Olmsted Scholarship, Pol-Mil Masters Federal Executive Fellowship, Legislative Fellowship, SECDEF Corporate Fellow, CNO Strategic Studies Group Check NPC homepage for latest information and relevant NAVADMINs
1830 Attaché Locations China x 2 Greece Japan Singapore Azerbaijan Panama Israel Taiwan United Kingdom Malta 1830 Attaché Opportunities India Norway Finland Germany France Russia Italy Croatia Chile Significant time commitment (3.5 to 4.5 years) Competitive selection process Must plan ahead (interview one year prior to training start) Must have completed mid-career (LT/LCDR) Op Lead assignment Detailer must “tour release” you to apply
Competitive Tours Number of 1830’s in “Hard” Breakout Degree Of “Hard” Breakout (P, MP, EP) Trait Grades: Deviation From The Mean Speed Of Breakout Degree Of Shadow Breakout “Perceived” Job Complexity Reporting Senior Career Benefit Max Degree of Impact Significant Moderate • Strongly recommended before CDR • Navy and Joint • Most 1830 jobs are 1 of 1 • Multiple smaller breakouts may offset one large competitive tour • Many roads to same objective: • Starting at the bottom: expectation • Progression and sustained superior performance are key • Board members will notice: • Changes in rank • New to a command • Limitations of the FITREP process (limited # of EPs, etc) • Pending changes will lead to increased opportunities for competitive assignments.
Advancement Criteria • Good to have at any rank: • Competitive (group of five+) • OSA / Individual Augmentation • Washington, DC • Joint Experience & JPME I & II • Graduate education • Overseas tour • Waterfront • Navy Staff Required: Op Leadership (1 tour) Recommended: Competitive tour LCDR Required: Operational Leadership (2 tours) Recommended: Competitive tour; Diversity; Joint experience CDR Required: Operational Leadership (3 tours) Recommended: Competitive tour; Diversity; Joint experience; DC Tour CAPT
Promotion Considerations • “Sustained Superior Performance” • Competitive Tours • Perceived Job Complexity • Job and Geographic Diversity • Operational Exposure • BOTTOM LINE: All of the above help a board select “Best and Fully Qualified” personnel
Promotion Opportunity and Flow Point • Inventory chasing OPA drove LCDR and CDR to top left quad for five years • FY13 plan slowed promotions to correct for loss of OPA • Anticipate FY14 to be closer to centerline opportunity and flow point for all grades DOPMA
IDC Command and Milestone Screen Board • Objective: Identify the best and fully qualified IDC officers to serve in key leadership positions • Process: A formal administrative board approved by Commander, Navy Personnel Command • Screen for CDR Operational Leadership, CDR CO, CAPT CO • First Board convened13 Sep 2010 • Second Board convened 12 Sept 2011 • Third Board 20- 24 August 2012 • Fourth Board 9 – 13 September 2013.
Joint Qualified Officer DoD certification of significant Joint experience JQO = JPME I + JPME II + JD1 / Joint Tour (E-JDA) JPME Phase I (NPS, War Colleges, correspondence) JPME Phase II (JFSC, NWC-Senior Course) JD1 or LCDR and above billet in Joint Command = 36 mo tour JQO is important Required for promotion to flag or to fill JD2 billets JD2 billets normally are high profile jobs (JIOC CO, DO, etc.)
Intelligence Detailing When to make contact Nine months for follow-on normal duty (O4 and below) 12~18 months for NPS, war college, attaché, co-lo, EFM, GSA Checklist before you make contact Think about medium- and long-term career goals Talk with 1830 senior mentors Check the billet list as a guide ORDERS PREFERENCE SHEET IS ON THE NPC WEBSITE (O4 and below) Email is best for first comms – then call Identify special situations (mil. spouse collocation, EFM) Be brief, be concise, be flexible
Intelligence Detailing Distributable Inventory shortfalls do not allow us to fill all billets In most cases we fill shore commands at 75-85% Billets may be “open” but not “available” Subspecialty Detailing Guidance Admin and Stat Boards value diversity of experience 1830 back-to-back specialized tours will be handled on case by case basis. 1830s with NSW support tours will be assigned to traditional follow-on assignments to ensure critical skills are widely distributed Expect to be offered billet options in accordance with the established Intelligence career path If you are thinking about resigning or retiring, check NPC website first for eligibility and FAQs Acceptance of orders on the phone or via email is binding on the members part.
Closing Comments Serve on a Selection Board Contact your detailer to be a Member (O5/O6) or Recorder (O4 and below) Encourage Fleet Sailors to apply for Commissioning OCS, LDO / CWO Write down a timeline for your career – mentor others Consider selection board timing, desired tours, etc. Visitors to Millington are welcome!
Intel FY10-13 Accessions * FY13 - 4150 (DRAFT as of 26SEP12)
Lanes in the Road • Detailer • Distribution of personnel • Management of individual careers • OCM • Accessions, promotions, retention, overall inventory, authorizations (billets) • Placement • Command advocate. Articulate command requirements to IDC and URL detailers. • Adherence to NPC Distribution Guidance (manning fill rates/ nominative process). • Coordination of enroute training quotas.