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If you are in the advertising technology, you may encounter the term u201cheader biddingu201d because header bidding is one of the most important advancement in ad tech since the introduction of Real Time Bidding (RTB).
What is Header Bidding? • Header Bidding is a progressed automatic promoting procedure that fills in as an option in contrast to the Google strategy. • Header Bidding is additionally at times alluded to as development offering or pre-bidding, and bidding distributers an approach to at the same time offer ad space out to various SSPs or Ad Exchanges. • Advertisers from various demand source bid on the similar inventory at the similar time, giving them a huge choice of space and brings large revenue for publisher . www.djaxtech.com
How does Header Bidding works? • Header offering is an innovation that enables a distributer to get offers for advertisement impressions. • Header offering is not the same as different sorts of automatic publicizing since it necessitates that a line of JavaScript is set in the locales header. • This content starts the sale for the purchasers , and the most astounding offer is sent to the distributer's advertisement server. www.djaxtech.com
Header bidding for Publisher • By putting some JavaScript on their site, when a specific page is stacked, it connects with all bolstered SSPs or promotion trades for offers before its advertisement server's own direct-sold stock is called. • Distributers can even enable the triumphant offer to rival valuing from the immediate deals. Benefits : • Easily control the campaign performance • Earn high revenue for publisher • Gradually improving campaign performance www.djaxtech.com
Header Bidding for Advertiser • All sponsors have an incredible taken best ad inventory. • Header offering gives advertiser access to all the distributer's inventory, so they recognize what's accessible at what cost. • Promoters would then be able to offer sufficiently high on the off chance that they truly need that top notch stock. • www.djaxtech.com
Solution for Publisher and Advertiser • Header Bidding offers an alluring answer for distributers, yet publicists can likewise exploit it as well. • Where publisher can profit by bigger incomes, publicists can gain admittance to better promotion space to arrive at their future clients all the more successfully. • Notwithstanding, for some header offering will simply be another piece of the mind boggling, developing automatic promoting scene. • We can provide header bidding ad server as well as header bidding plug-in to attract more customers. • dJAX’sReviveadservermod specifically works on it. www.djaxtech.com