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The U.S. under President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama achieve independence

The U.S. under President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama achieve independence from Columbia in return for?. A.) Drug Trade. B.) Immigration restrictions. C.) The Panama Canal. C.) The Panama Canal. D.) Money. L. F. He was the Hero of the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba?.

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The U.S. under President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama achieve independence

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  1. The U.S. under President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama achieve independence from Columbia in return for? A.) Drug Trade B.) Immigration restrictions C.) The Panama Canal C.) The Panama Canal D.) Money L F

  2. He was the Hero of the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba? A.) Theodore Roosevelt A.) Theodore Roosevelt B.) Alfred Mahan C.) Eugene Debs D.) Jose Marti L F

  3. The name of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy? A.) New Deal B.) Big Stick Diplomacy B.) Big Stick Diplomacy C.) Brinkmanship D.) Embargo L F

  4. Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish Fleet here? A.) Philippines A.) Philippines B.) Havana C.) San Juan Hill D.) Santa Domingo L F

  5. This was the sensationalism in the newspapers To get the U.S. to help Cuba in independence? A.) U.S.S. Maine B.) McCarthyism C.) Yellow Journalism C.) Yellow Journalism D.) Canalism L F

  6. This was the reason Roosevelt wanted the Panama Canal? A.) to sell to France B.) National Defense B.) National Defense C.) Compete with France D.) Destroy Cuba L F

  7. This is what Roosevelt meant by Big Stick in his diplomacy? A.) Submarines B.) Atomic bomb C.) Hydrogen bomb D.) U.S. Navy D.) U.S. Navy L F

  8. This term refers to the expansion of the United States into other countries using The Navy move into and control Latin American islands and nations? B.) Imperialism A.) Neutrality B.) Imperialism C.) Fascism D.) Isolationism L F

  9. This was a policy made in 1820 to keep European powers from colonizing in The Western Hemisphere? A.) Roosevelt Corollary B.) Truman Doctrine C.) Monroe Doctrine D.) Marshall Plan C.) Monroe Doctrine L F

  10. This added to the Monroe Doctrine and stated that the U.S. would use force to intervene in countries in Latin America that had problems paying debts? A.) Monroe Doctrine B.) Truman Doctrine C.) Marshall Plan D.) Roosevelt Corollary D.) Roosevelt Corollary L F

  11. This ship was blown up in the Havana Cuba Harbor and was blamed on Spain? A.) HMS Titanic B.) HMS Lusitania C.) USS Sussex D.) USS Maine D.) USS Maine L F

  12. This ended the Spanish American War? A.) Treaty of Versailles B.) Treaty of Paris 1898 B.) Treaty of Paris 1898 C.) Treaty of Tordesillas D.) Treaty of San Jacinto L F

  13. This was Theodore Roosevelt’s Calvary? A.) Dirty Dozen B.) Rough Hombres C.) Buffalo soldiers D.) Rough Riders D.) Rough Riders L F

  14. Alfred Thayer Mahan, in his book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History , influenced the United States to build its? A.) Interstate Highways B.) Bridges C.) Navy C.) Navy D.) Nuclear Weapons L F

  15. All of the following become possessions of The U.S. after the Spanish American war, EXCEPT? A.) Cuba A.) Cuba B.) Philippines C.) Guam D.) Puerto Rico L F

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