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Welcome to Kindergarten!. Let the Learning Begin!. Don’t Forget to sign up for…. &. Sign up today in Lab 606 or in your child’s homeroom. Arrival and Dismissal. School Day – 8:00 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. Students report to the music room at 7:30.
Welcome to Kindergarten! Let the Learning Begin!
Don’t Forget to sign up for… & Sign up today in Lab 606 or in your child’s homeroom.
Arrival and Dismissal • School Day – 8:00 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. • Students report to the music room at 7:30. • There is no supervision for students prior to 7:30 a.m. and no supervision for students after 1:50 p.m. • Dismissal is at 1:50 p.m. • Car riders will be picked up by the cafeteria doors. • Please make sure you have a name card in the passenger side windshield when picking up your child in the car rider line.
Student Absences • Please report all student absences to the Attendance Line at 281.641.3019. • Upon returning to school, students must bring a note stating the dates absent and a parent signature.
Changes in Transportation • Transportation changes will not be made unless there is communication from the parent. • Changes in your child’s transportation must be made in writing or by voicemail. • We will not accept word of mouth instructions from your child. • Changes will not be made after 12:00pm (unless emergency).
Daily Folder • Kindergarten Take Home Folders should be returned to school daily. • Daily Behavior Charts should be reviewed and initialed daily. • All communication should be placed in the folder not in backpacks. This saves any guesswork on where to look for communication between teacher & family. • Please clip lunch money on the top in an envelope labeled with name of child & teacher.
Homework • You will receiving a monthly calendar for homework. • All home is due on each Friday. Please don’t send it in early. • If you need another copy it will be on my website.
Snacks & Water Bottles • Students are encouraged to bring a snack and water bottle to class. • Snacks must be dry, healthy, disposable finger foods. • Water Bottles must contain non-flavored water only. No juice, sports drinks or sodas. Sport tops are preferred
Label Your Child’s Clothing • Please make sure all items of clothing that your child may remove during school is labeled clearly with the child’s name. • Last year, many items were lost or never claimed. • Any unclaimed items are sent to HAAM
Activity Fund • There is a one time activity fee of $20.00. • This money will be used for two school parties throughout the school year. • It will also be used for supplies needed for various math and science activities. Please only send cash.
Change of clothes • We are asking that all kindergartners keep a change of clothing (weather appropriate) in their backpack in case of emergency. • Please provide a complete set of clothing in a Ziploc bag. • Any soiled clothing will be placed in the Ziploc bag and returned to the backpack. • Please check these bags daily for soiled clothing. Change of Clothing
Birthdays If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with the class you may purchase ice cream from the cafeteria for the entire class. Your child’s teacher is not allowed to hand out cupcakes or treats of any kind to the class.
We are very excited to work with you and your child this year. Let the learning begin!