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Financial Aid Forensics Top Audit Findings

Financial Aid Forensics Top Audit Findings. Expose the Hidden Liabilities in Your Institution 44 th Annual EASFAA Conference May 16-19, 2010 Susan Proulx Sheri Gonthier Director of FA Compliance Director of Financial Aid Community College System NHTI-Concord’s

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Financial Aid Forensics Top Audit Findings

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  1. Financial Aid ForensicsTop Audit Findings Expose the Hidden Liabilities in Your Institution 44th Annual EASFAA Conference May 16-19, 2010 Susan Proulx Sheri Gonthier Director of FA Compliance Director of Financial Aid Community College System NHTI-Concord’s Of New Hampshire Community College

  2. Financial Aid ForensicsTop Audit Findings • Presentation will be provided electronically on the EASFAA website…

  3. Presentation Goals… • Put together a Compliance Committee • Discover tools to help uncover hidden liabilities • Develop your own internal review plan

  4. Presentation Goals… • Review top audit findings • Create a corrective action plan

  5. Compliance Committee • Put together a Compliance Committee consisting of at least the following members: • FAO • Registrar • Bursar/Student Account Office • Admissions • Academic Affairs • Student Affairs • IT

  6. Compliance Committee • Meet every other week for the first 6 – 12 months - monthly thereafter • Develop a list of topics to discuss • Currently existing issues (including audit findings) • Upcoming changes to regulations • Solicit topics from other departments • Topics will emerge as the group continues to meet

  7. Compliance Committee • Allow time for each department to update the committee about what is going on in his/her area • Provides an opportunity to discover activities in other departments that may have an impact on Financial Aid • Maintains the opportunity for discussion • Provides time for regulatory training moments

  8. Compliance Committee…also: • Sets the foundation for future collaboration with other departments • Keeps continued focus on Title IV federal requirements • Promotes the institutional responsibility for financial aid

  9. Goals of the Compliance Committee • Help ensure institutional compliance • Re-enforce the institutional responsibility of FA – all departments have compliance officers • Uncover hidden liabilities within your institution • Develop stronger partnerships with essential departments

  10. Every Enrollment Period • Double Review Process • Create a policy and procedure to perform: • Secondary review of verification, prior to disbursement when possible • Secondary review of R2T4 (including NSLDS check) prior to returning aid

  11. Secondary Review of Verification

  12. Secondary Review of R2T4 • Use FAA Access to CPS On-Line • Calculate and Manage your Return of Title IV Funds

  13. Goals of Enrollment Period Review • To discover issues before they grow exponentially • If there is a systemic problem, this provides you with the opportunity to develop a Corrective Action Plan, adjust your policies/procedures, and retrain your staff • To give the FAO time to correct the problem before the student leaves your institution

  14. Compliance Department • Performs a sample review of verification and R2T4s • Performs a review of NSLDS • Coordinates corrective action for any audit findings

  15. Alternative to Secondary Review • If your office is too busy to do a full secondary review… Perform a mini audit before the end of the enrollment period • Remember…if you begin to find a significant number of issues, it would be best to utilize the Double Review Process

  16. Mini Self Audit • Select a small sample of verified files • Review student eligibility • Review verification • Review the award • Review disbursed aid amounts • Select a small sample of students who withdrew from the semester or institution • Review R2T4 process • Review NSLDS reporting • Make corrections to files • Make adjustments to policies and procedures as necessary • Train FAO personnel

  17. Annually… • Perform an internal compliance review to determine if there are any errors that can be corrected prior to the A133 review or before the aid year closes • Use the list of Common Findings and previous A133 results to develop focus areas • If you have a Corrective Action Plan in place, test to ensure that your office is complying

  18. Goals of Annual Review • Discover hidden issues • Be aware of the areas that may be problematic in an A133 • Provide time for the FAO to develop a corrective action plan, correct the problem and be ready for the auditors

  19. Common Findings • Late Refund/Return to Title IV Account • Incorrect Return of Title IV Funds Calculation • Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies • Enrollment Report (SSCR) Issues • NSLDS dates – inaccurate/untimely • Repeat Finding-Failure to Take Corrective Action • Auditor Opinion Cited in Audit

  20. Common Findings • Student Credit Balance Deficiencies • Verification Violations • Pell Over/Under Payments • PPA issues • FISAP • Cost of Attendance • Cod Reporting • Student Loan Notification Letters

  21. More Common Findings • Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met • Consumer Information Requirements Not Met • Lack of Administrative Capability • Inaccurate Recordkeeping • SAP Policy Not Adequately Developed/Monitored

  22. More Common Findings • Improper/Undocumented Dependency Overrides • Ineligible Pell Disbursement • Information in Student Files Missing or Inconsistent • Cash Management/Timeliness of Draw Downs

  23. Develop a Corrective Action Plan • A Corrective Action Plan must describe the corrective action taken or planned in response to findings identified and the timeline for correction. • Once an issue has been identified, either though an A133 or your own FA Forensics plan, develop a plan to correct the problem and ensure that it does not occur again.

  24. Corrective Action Plan • Schedule a meeting • Bring together all who impact or are impacted by the issues • Include IT if the solution will require system changes/enhancements • Meet • Lay out the problem and explain why it is an issue • Explain the regulation that must be met • Brainstorm a solution

  25. Corrective Action Plan • Document the solution • Implement the solution • Test the implemented solution • Conduct a follow up meeting to make any necessary adjustments • Be sure to test this area in next year’s annual internal review audit

  26. Resources • Peers • IFAP website • FSA Assessment • NASFAA Self Evaluation Guide • Office of Inspector General – Specific Guidance for SFA Audits • A-133 Compliance Supplement • Annual Auditor Training Conference, for example:

  27. Discussion Share your successes What have you implemented at your school to ensure that your institution is compliant? How did you create an institution-wide compliance team? Anything you would like to share with the group? Any problems/questions to bring to the group?

  28. Contact Information Susan Proulx (603) 219-0031 Director of Financial Aid Compliance Community College System of New Hampshire sproulx@ccsnh.edu Sheri Gonthier (603) 271-7136 Director of Financial Aid NHTI – Concord’s Community College sgonthier@ccsnh.edu

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