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The Wizard of Oz Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit. Kenneth Baker, Jennifer Gray, Shannon Pardue , & Tanya Shivers. Summary.
The Wizard of OzInterdisciplinary Thematic Unit Kenneth Baker, Jennifer Gray, Shannon Pardue, & Tanya Shivers
Summary Children will study and learn about the fictional novel The Wizard of Ozwritten by Frank L. Baum in 1939. This unit was created for sixth grade students to teach them about map projections, natural disasters, story detail and character traits. We will be integrating Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies throughout the unit by focusing on the key vocabulary terms, elements of plot structure, character development and how to apply math concepts and skills in real world events. Students will also be creating graphic organizers, journaling in their notebooks and identifying geographical locations on maps to help with comprehension and sequencing of events that takes place in the story.Our unit, centered on The Wizard of Oz, will address state standards and benchmarks by incorporating independent and whole group learning activities in each lesson.
Major Concepts • Latitude & longitude • Purposes of map projections • Geographical terms
Lesson PlansLanguage Arts • Wizard of Oz Vocabulary: We will be reading The Wizard of Oz. During our first five chapters, these are some of the vocabulary words that students might not be familiar with. We will learn these so we have a greater understanding while we are reading. Students will understand and use the following words correctly; midst, garret, gaunt, dismally, plumage, industrious, wistfully.
Lesson PlansMathematics • Relationships between Fractions, Decimals, & Percents: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percents as they use models to construct and analyze graphs in order to solve and rate problems. Using models, an understanding of multiplication and division facts and how to multiply and divide fractions, the student will use multiplication or division to multiply and divide the numerator and denominator by the same number to solve for the new fraction, which is equivalent to the original fraction. Next, the student will write the decimal form of the fraction and then change the decimal form of the fraction to a percent.
Lesson PlansScience • The Fujita Scale-Students will learn about tornado intensity, tornado damages and application of the Fujita Scale. Students will be able to determine the intensity of a tornado by looking at pictures of the tornado damages and applying the Fujita Scale when provided with a copy of the Fujita Scale.
Lesson PlanSocial Studies • Reading & Creating Maps of the Land of Oz: Students will define and identify map projections and geographical terms. Beginning with scenes, events, and characters from the Wizard of Oz, students will create a map of the Land of Oz incorporating the terms: grid system, compass rose, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, scale, and map legend. Students will then transition from a map of the Land of Oz to maps of Ancient Greece.
Performance Objectives • The student will define vocabulary related to map projections and geography themes. • The student will design a map of the Land of Oz. • Using the novel, The Wizard of Oz, students will locate and analyze the elements of plot structure, including exposition, setting, character development, rising/falling action, conflict resolution and the theme using descriptive language and contextual evidence found in the story (ie: music, color, special effects and dance.) • Within a four week period, the student will read and understand a fictional novel and maintain a response journal daily. • The student will define vocabulary related to a fictional novel and earn a 70% or higher each week. • The student will synthesize data from the math table given to determine the distance that Dorothy and her friends traveled from the Land of the Munchkins to the Emerald City. • The student will The student will learn what a tornado is. • The student will understand how a tornado forms. • The student will demonstrate understanding of the Fajita scale.
Performance Objectives • The student will identify the human characteristics that indicate the geography of a place throughout the unit. • The student will calculate the distance between two locations on a map with 70% accuracy at the end of the unit. • The student will analyze the effect of characters' qualities on plot conflict and resolution throughout the reading of a novel. • The student will identify examples of natural disasters. • The student will be able to sketch a map illustrating he student will define a natural disaster • The student will respond to the emotions that Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion faced when they were confronted by the Witch of the West. • The student will respond to the emotions that Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion showed when they where granted their "wish" from the Great Oz. • The student will demonstrate improved fluency while reading aloud by at least five words per minute in a four week period. • The student will describe several mechanisms the author uses to cause each character in the story to take on heroic feats. • The student will create a map indicating its key, compass rose, and grid system with 70% accuracy.
Sunshine State StandardsLanguage Arts • LA. The student will locate and analyze the elements of plot structure, including exposition, setting, character development, rising/falling action, conflict/resolution, and theme in a variety of fiction. • LA. The student will identify the characteristics of various genres (e.g., poetry, fiction, short story, dramatic literature) as forms with distinct characteristics and purposes. • LA. The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style. • LA. The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly.
Sunshine State StandardsMathematics • MA.6.A.1.1: Explain and justify the procedures for multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. • MA.6.A.2.1: Use reasoning about multiplication and division to solve ratio and rate problems. • MA.6.A.3.3: Work backwards with two-step function rules to undo expressions. • MA.6.A.3.6: Construct and analyze tables, graphs and equations to describe linear functions and other simple relations using both common language and algebraic notations.
Sunshine State StandardsScience • SC.6.E.7.7: Investigate how natural disasters have affected human life in Florida. • SC.6.E.7.8: Describe ways human beings protect themselves from hazardous weather and sun exposure.
Sunshine State StandardsSocial Studies • SS.6.G.1.1: Use latitude and longitude coordinates to understand the relationship between people and places on the Earth. • SS.G.1.2: Analyze the purposes of map projections (political, physical, and special purpose) and explain the applications of various types of maps. • SS.6.G.1.5: Use scale, cardinal, and intermediate directions, and estimation of distances between places on current and ancient maps of the world.
Culminating Activities • As a closing to the Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit, students will participate in a field trip and attend a live performance of the Wizard of Oz.
Media List • Computer with Internet access • Overhead projector • Television • DVD player • Videos • Wizard of Oz (1925) - Silent film • Wizard of Oz (1939) • The Wiz (1978) • Dreamer of Oz (1990) (film based on the author L. Frank Baum) • The Muppets Wizard of Oz (2005)
Assessments • Language Arts: • KWL chart about Wizard of Oz • Response journal used by students after daily independent reading • Portfolio of character development created by students • Teacher created assessment to include vocabulary and plot development • Peer graded timed fluency tests using rubric • Mathematics: • The student will use fraction strips to model equivalent forms of fractions. • Observe the students using the fractions strips to form equivalent fractions ½, 1/4, 1/8, 1/3, 1/5, and 1/6. • Science: • KWL chart for natural disasters • Experiment creating a mini tornado • Test covering tornadoes formation and the fujita scale • Social Studies: • KWL chart regarding maps and map reading • Teacher created test including vocabulary, reading a grid system, and estimating distances between two locations on a map • Portfolio of maps created by students
References Websites • http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/oz/ • http://www.beaconlearningcenter.com/documents/2511_01.pdf • http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/mathmovies/swf/ozz.html • http://thewizardofoz.info/ • http://www.easyfunschool.com/WizardOfOz.html • http://www.kbteachers.com/math/money/?gclid=CI7q9sjt658CFVth2gode3lhYA#Counting-paper-money • http://www2.gol.com/users/kcleary/cc/woz/ozVocab.html • http://www.wendyswizardofoz.com/script.htm • http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/w/wizard_of_oz/ • http://www.ovguide.com/movies_tv/the_wizard_of_oz_1939.htm • http://www.tlccc.org/events_html/WIZARD_OF_OZ.html • http://www.fema.gov/kids/tornado.htm • http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/edu/safety/tornadoguide.html • http://www.weather.com/ready/tornado/index.html • http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/index.html • http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/tornact3.html • http://www.tornadoproject.com/fscale/fscale.htm • http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satmet/modules/wild_weather/tornado/tornado2.html
References Videos • Wizard of Oz (1925) - Silent film • Wizard of Oz (1939) • The Wiz (1978) • Dreamer of Oz (1990) • The Muppets Wizard of Oz (2005) Books • The Wizard of Oz, Frank L. Baum