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Managing & Leading with NLP. WELCOME. Introductions. Your mission in education 1 thing you know about NLP 1 thing you’d like from the course 1 thing you’d like to tell us about yourself. An Integral Approach. INNER. OUTER. S E L F. PRO- FESSIONAL. PERSONAL. INFRA-
Managing & Leading with NLP WELCOME
Introductions • Your mission in education • 1 thing you know about NLP • 1 thing you’d like from the course • 1 thing you’d like to tell us about yourself
An Integral Approach INNER OUTER S E L F PRO- FESSIONAL PERSONAL INFRA- STRUCTURAL O T H E R S CULTURAL Adapted from: Ken Wilber A Theory of Everything
NLP Guided Tour as if 4 P – I = P+
NLP is … Neuro our mind-body system and how it works; how the 5 senses form the basis of our thinking and behaviour Linguistic how we use language to make sense of our experience; how we communicate our experience to ourselves and others Programming patterns of thoughts and behaviours that help or hinder us
NLP is … • A set of tools for excellent communication • & relationship building • A gateway to accelerated learning • A model for understanding the structures and patterns • that underpin human thinking & behaviour • A set of attitudes
The 4 Stages of Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence
The Mercedes Model Our ever present internal states consist of: THINKING EMOTIONS PHYSIOLOGY
NLP Behavioural Frames NLP places attention on: How ?instead of Why ? Usefulinstead ofRight or Wrong Outcomesinstead ofProblems Possibilitiesinstead ofLimitations
Say it the way you want it But > Hopefully > Try to > I think I did .. > And Will Will/Going to I did … Don’t think of a shining lighthouse Don’t .. you can relax & enjoy learning
The Communication of Meaning 7% WORDS 55% 38% DANCE MUSIC Source: Mehrabian & Ferris Journal of Counselling Psychology, 1967
The Communication of Meaning words 7% music 55% 38% dance Source: Mehrabian & Ferris Journal of Counselling Psychology, 1967
The Inner Game P – I = P + Potential minus Interference = Enhanced Performance
C > E Cause > Effect Results > Excuses Responsibility > Blame Actor > Victim “Perception is projection” ~ Carl Jung
Key Presuppositions of NLP • The map is not the territory • People have all the resources they need • There’s no failure, only information • All behaviour has a positive intention • The meaning of the message is the response you get
The Three Pillars of NLP Outcome: Knowing what you want helps you get it Awareness: Keep all your senses open & alert to responses Flexibility: If what you’re doing isn’t working … AKA: The SUCCESS STRATEGY
Stepping Up & Down 1 “If you got X, what would it give you? do for you? make possible for you?” GOAL “I want to …” What stops you? What would you like instead?
Stepping Up & Down 2 Concept: An example of thinking at different logical levels An example of hierarchical thinking Upwards to abstraction & generalisation Downwards to precision & detail Principles: Life is systemic – everything connects to … Clear bright future pictures motivate Precise analysis highlights blocks in our thinking
Stepping Up & Down 3 Processes: Q & A Language Patterns Chunk Up Chunk Down Procedures: Get rapport Check clarity of outcome Use template questions Write down key answers Feel free to stick to procedure
Poacher POSITIVE State what you want OWNERSHIP Is it your responsibility? ACHIEVABLE What will you SEE HEAR FEEL? others CONTEXT Who do you want this with? Locations? At what times? BY WHEN? HOWEVER Who not with? Where not? When not? ECOLOGY What will you gain? What will you lose? Is it worth it? What will others gain? What will they lose? Is it worth it? RESOURCES Resources to Start, Achieve, & Maintain???
Well Formed Outcomes 1 Concept: Patterning the brain through mental rehearsal & the search for possibility Presupposes we can take control over our future Principles: Knowing what you want helps you get it You have all the resources you need Behaviour is the most reliable feedback Life is systemic IS/IP/EB
Well Formed Outcomes 2 Processes: Q & A Understand relevant criteria Check all criteria are met If not, reframe or change your outcome Feel free to stick to process questions Procedure: Establish rapport Be clear about outcome – mine/yours POACHER model
Day Two ~ Backtrack Frame • learnings from Day 1 • A from each group • NLP attitudes ~ report as if
Calibration Skills • Major indicators of state change: • breathing • muscle tone • skin coloration • eye focus & accessing • lip colour & fullness • posture • hand & foot movements
Calibration 1 Concept: is an example of pattern detecting requires skills for measuring & comparing Principles: Mind-body is one system All behaviour is observable You cannot not communicate NVC is the highest quality feedback Mercedes Model Stimulus > Response > State change
Calibration 2 Processes: Stimulus > Response Observe > Calibrate > Compare > Check Use sensory based evidence, not assumption Procedure: Establish rapport Work with 3 contrasting states Use OCCC format [above]
States 1 Concept: Your current state of ‘being;’ the attitudes you currently use to filter and understand your ‘reality’ How you feel at any given moment Principles: Mind-body is one system You can control your state You can change your state and that of others Mercedes Model
States 2 Processes: Establish rapport Elicit an experience in order to notice its structure Contrast two or more different experiences Calibrate each response Break state Repeat & Test
Sensory Preferences V isual A uditory + + K inaesthetic O lfactory G ustatory
Eye Accessing Patterns 10 For a normally wired up person: Visual Visual Construct Recall Auditory Auditory Construct Recall Kinaesthetic Auditory [Aid]
Multiple Perspectives Me I You Other 1st 2nd 3rd More neutral Dispassionate Distant
Accelerated Learning What’s in it for me? WIIFM? vakog Individualise learning strategies. Nose out the meaning. Nail down the memory. Express your learning. Review the process. W I N N E R
The Structure of Learning Stuff to be learned Learner’s needs Learning ~ How? State Attitude [Purpose] Specific Questions Sequence/Pattern Step by step [chunks] Strategies: Sensory/Active Learner style Relationship Self esteem Responsibility Models Control Choice
Day Three ~ Backtrack Frame • learnings from Day 2 • A from each group • Report on homeplay
Kolb/McCarthy Learning Styles CONCRETE [35%] [25%] ‘WHAT IF’ QUADRANT ‘WHY’ QUADRANT ‘Where can I apply this?’ ‘What’s in it for me?’ Teacher role: COLLEAGUE Teacher role: MOTIVATOR REFLECTIVE ACTIVE OBSERVER PARTICIPATION ‘WHAT’ QUADRANT ‘HOW’ QUADRANT ‘How does this work?’ ‘What are the facts?’ [18%] [22%] Teacher role: COACH Teacher role: TEACHER ABSTRACT
The Structure of Success [3 Pillars] Outcome: Knowing what you want helps you get it Awareness: Keep all your senses open & alert to responses Flexibility: If what you’re doing isn’t working …
The Structure of Influence Outcome: Knowing what you and others want helps you both win Awareness: Keep all your senses open & alert to responses Flexibility: If what you’re doing isn’t working … Add Rapport = The Structure of Influence
1 – 1 Rapport Skills Physiology: nvc, posture, expression, gesture etc Voice: tone, speed, volume, etc Sensory Language & Backtracking Breathing Energy, mood, knowledge, values & beliefs
Rapport 1 Concept: Rapport is a state in which two or more people develop a channel of attention to each other through which information can flow Principles: We like people who are like us Behaviour is the highest quality feedback Life is systemic Rapport is non-judgemental
Rapport 2 Processes: OAF Calibration Eye movements Uptime/downtime Match/mismatch Language Predicates 1st & 2nd Positions Procedures: 1. Listen > Pace > Listen > Pace > Listen > etc 2. Pace > Pace > Pace > Lead > Pace > Lead > Lead …
Pace and Lead Pace a person’s or group’s mood, energy, knowledge, behaviour, values, beliefs etc Continue to pace Start to lead They respond They don’t respond Continue to lead How do you test for rapport?
Building Rapport with Groups Shared outcomes Touch all bases Pace & Lead Share the ‘picture on the box’ General > Specific – use real world examples Demonstrate relevance and benefits: WIIFM? Be authentic Stories, analogies, metaphors, creativity Listen, validate, respect
Anchoring 1 Processes: Identify an LTR situation Identify a powerful resource Calibrate to peak of response Anchor to well formed criteria Well formed criteria for anchoring: 1. Outstanding memory [stimulus] 2. Purity: exact state you want 3. Site is unique & easily replicable 4. Fully associated into K state 5. Anchor at peak of intensity
Anchoring 2 Procedure Stage 1: 1. Think of an LTR situation in which you would like to have more resources. 2. Think of a powerful resource you would like to have in this situation. 3. Recall a time, in any context, when you had this resource. 4. Allow yourself to fully re-experience it as if happening NOW What are you seeing, hearing, [O & G?] and FEELING? 5. Calibrate to peak of experience. 6. Break state.
Anchoring 3 Procedure Stage 2: Decide on a location for your anchor Re-experience the memory As the K response builds to a peak FIRE YOUR ANCHOR! [hard enough so brain-body notices] Let go at peak of the experience Fully break state TEST: fire your anchor and notice the response Yes: congratulate yourself, you have an anchor No: repeat phase 1 fulfilling all well-formed criteria
Anchoring 4 Concept: State management “ … is any stimulus that achieves a consistent response” Principles: Mind-body is one system Pavlov: behavioural conditioning Stimulus > response Calibration: self & other Mercedes model Any significant memory will evoke a powerful kinaesthetic response
Day Four ~ Backtrack Frame • learnings from Day 3 • A from each group • Report on homeplay
Timeline 1 Concept: Time is an abstraction A time line is an abstraction of an abstraction The unconscious mind processes symbolically Principles: There is no other time but NOW Past & future are no more than sensory codings The mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined The unconscious stores all past experiences