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173 祂來尋覓,滿了柔情 IN TENDERNESS HE SOUGHT ME. 我曾犯罪到厭倦,煩悶昏 沉 若病; In tenderness He sought me, Weary and sick with sin, 祂來尋覓帶回圈,動作滿了柔情。 And on His shoulders brought me Back to His fold again, 千萬天使充滿歡喜, 因見恩典希奇無比! While angels in His presence sang Until the courts of heaven rang. Stanza 1 of 5.
173祂來尋覓,滿了柔情IN TENDERNESS HE SOUGHT ME 我曾犯罪到厭倦,煩悶昏沉若病; In tenderness He sought me, Weary and sick with sin, 祂來尋覓帶回圈,動作滿了柔情。 And on His shoulders brought me Back to His fold again, 千萬天使充滿歡喜, 因見恩典希奇無比! While angels in His presence sang Until the courts of heaven rang. Stanza 1 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(副) 哦,這愛,來尋我! 哦,這血,來贖我! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh, the blood that bought me! 哦,這恩,帶我歸祂羊圈, Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, 奇妙恩!帶我歸祂羊圈。 Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold! Stanza 1 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(二) 我受創傷重且深,祂用油酒包裹; He washed the bleeding sin-wounds, And poured in oil and wine; 祂要使我能放心,就說“你永屬我”。 He whispered to assure me, “I’ve found thee, thou art Mine.” 從無聲音如此甜美, 傷痛之心頓覺欣慰。 I never heard a sweeter voice, It made my aching heart rejoice. Stanza 2 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(副) 哦,這愛,來尋我! 哦,這血,來贖我! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh, the blood that bought me! 哦,這恩,帶我歸祂羊圈, Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, 奇妙恩!帶我歸祂羊圈。 Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold! Stanza 2 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(三) 祂指釘痕和槍傷,血也、水也流出; He pointed to the nail-prints, For me His blood was shed; 蘆葦、唾沫、荊棘芒,羞辱加上痛苦。 A mocking crown so thorny, Was placed upon His head; 我真不知我有何長, 使祂竟肯為我命喪! I wondered what He saw in me, To suffer such deep agony. Stanza 3 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(副) 哦,這愛,來尋我! 哦,這血,來贖我! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh, the blood that bought me! 哦,這恩,帶我歸祂羊圈, Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, 奇妙恩!帶我歸祂羊圈。 Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold! Stanza 3 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(四) 我今安坐在祂前,瞻仰祂的榮臉; I’m sitting in His presence, The sunshine of His face, 安靜溫習祂恩典,充滿希奇感歎。 While with adoring wonder His blessings I retrace, 好像永世時日雖久, 給我讚美仍嫌不夠。 It seems as if eternal days Are far too short to sound His praise. Stanza 4 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(副) 哦,這愛,來尋我! 哦,這血,來贖我! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh, the blood that bought me! 哦,這恩,帶我歸祂羊圈, Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, 奇妙恩!帶我歸祂羊圈。 Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold! Stanza 4 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(五) 年日雖然如逝水,現今一切安息; So while the hours are passing, All now is perfect rest; 我正等候那機會,能在祂前站立。 I’m waiting for the morning, The brightest and the best, 那時祂召我到身邊, 與祂同在,永面對面。 When He will call us to His side, To be with Him, His spotless Bride. Stanza 5 of 5 聖徒詩歌
(副) 哦,這愛,來尋我! 哦,這血,來贖我! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh, the blood that bought me! 哦,這恩,帶我歸祂羊圈, Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, 奇妙恩!帶我歸祂羊圈。 Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold! Stanza 5 of 5 聖徒詩歌