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Marek Nowak PhD marek.nowak@amu.edu.pl Institute of Sociology AMU . Inequalities. Introduction. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Pro jekt finasowany ze ś rodków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
Marek Nowak PhD marek.nowak@amu.edu.pl Institute of Sociology AMU Inequalities. Introduction Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Projekt finasowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
Differences contra inequalities Differences: observable dissimilarities between people which do not implicate consequences of lower or higher position in society (white hair or black hair, pedestrian contra riding bike etc.).
Differences are aspects of a social structure (underclass, middle class, lower middle class, higher middle class etc.). They inform just about thedifferent positions peoples have because of theirlevel of income. • An abundance of social rolesfocus on norms and values (being a student, teacher, wife, mother, friend, school friend etc.). • The division of labor (driver, diver, baker, worker, businessman, and so on).
The social stratification The appraisal of the social position of the individual (subjective or objective) because of particular criteria (for examplehigheror lower level of disposable income etc). Stratification is the a word used in architecture or geology.
Inequalities: those differences which have resulted in the valuation of social position (higher or lower, better or worse). We discuss inequalities when individuals differ in their level of expectation regarding his/her needs (in the sense of the level of, and the quality of consumption). In Marxian sense: in relation to the location of the employee in the organization of production or service (worker contra burgeois).
The level of Gini coef. in 2012 (Eurostat) Legend Cases 22.9 - 24.44yellow; 24.4 - 26.35 darker yellow; 26.3 - 27.43green; 27.4 - 31.94 darker green; 31.9 - 35.25 the most dark green; Violet: data not available • Minimum value:22.9 • Maximum value:35.2 Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for example where only one person has allthe income).
The same on the Globe Gini coefficient of national income distribution around the world. This is based on 1989 to 2009 data, estimated by CIA. Some are pre-tax, others post-tax income.
The most common concepts of the differentiations/inequalities • (class) Karol Marx: the relation of the one to the means of production (who are the owner of, or manager of the MoP (means of production), and who arenot); The problems with Marx’s concept relate to the question of the middle sectors of the labor and society. Marks suggested that it would disappear (become polarised) in the process of the growth of capitalist relations. It h a sn‘t happened.
The question was how to analyse (count) the middle sectors of thesociety (middle-class)? The solution we could find in theclassconcept of Weber (EGP schema), thetheory of stratification, and theneo Marxian context.
2) (class) Max Weber: class position is defined by the position ofthe individual in the capitalist market (how worthy are your skills and abilities on the market of skills and abilities); 3) (status groups) Concept of stratification (Kingsley Davies and Wilbert Moore, Ralph Dahrendorf).
The present days concepts of a class Class traditionallyisnot based on biological differentiations. Contemporary discussion = there are many examples of ethnic or gender differentiation which result in one’s socio-economic position. As a result nowthe concept of class is more quantitative and broader…
The Gender Pay Gap in 2012 (by Eurostat) Legend 4.4 - 8.65 yellow; 8.6 - 14.65 darker yellow; 14.6 - 16.15 green; 16.1 - 19.15 darker green 19.1 - 25.57 the most dark green Violet data not available Minimum value:4.4 Maximum value:25.5 European Commission defines it as the average difference between men’s and women’s hourly earnings.
The same on the Globe Ratio of female to male salaries according to the Save the Children State of the World's Mothers report (2007 data). Each color represents 5% of the average male pay.
The EGP scheme „The EGP classes are based on the [1] work situation (authority and autonomy at work) as well as [2] market situation (including income, degree of income security, career prospects and source of income) of the respondents. Additional criteria used are distinctions between [3] owners, employers and employees; between firms with more or less than 10 employees; and between manual and non-manual occupations” (Social class in Europe, European Social Survey 2002/3).
What does class mean for Eric Olin Wright (EOR)? „... positions withi the social relations of production derived from the property relations which determine the patterns of exploitation” (p. 72).
Inequalities by Eric Olin Wright (EOR) „… general ambiguity of the term of „class” in the popular imagination. To some people it connotes [1] lifestyle and tastes, the wearing of tennis whites while gardening [cultural inequalities]. To others [2] it is mainly about social status, esteem and respect: to be reclassified „down” the class hierarchy is demeaning [social inequalities].
… [3] Some see classes as social categories engaged in collective forms of conflict, shaping the destiny of society [coercive or conflictual inequalities]”. [4] Politicians for „middle-class tax cats” by which they simply mean „tax cuts for the middle range of income distribution [representation inequalities]. And […] [5] as identifying the basic determinants of a person’s economic prospects” [inequalities as a faith] (Approach to Class Ananlysis, ed. by EOR, 2005, 19)”
The problem: The problem of class now seems to be difficult because of (a) unfitted traditionalcriteria for defining a class and (b) because it is tied to social deliberation (to the discussion of culture, to the social relations as a kind of communication relations, to the coercive relations of the ownership of means of production, and to a (c) diversity of skills and prospects on the labor market).
The basic context of EOR relates to the Marxiancategory of explo i tat i on As EOR said: „…itispossible to restorthe central trust of thetraditional Marxianconcept of exploitation by making a distinctionbetweenwhatcan be called ‘economicoppression' and 'exploitation' (EOR, Classes 1985, 74)”
„Exploitation […], implies more than just economic oppression [inequalities as was defined]; it includes both economic oppression and the appropriation [kind of monopoly in ] of the fruits of the labour of one class by another (which is equvalent to a transfer of the surplus from one class to another)”.
The Espring Andersen (EA) concept „EA’s alternative is to create a typology where, in his perspective, relevant distinctions between managers and experts/semi professionals do not get lost. He also opposes the idea of merging skilled workers in manufacturing with skilled workers in essentially service relations”.
Industrial contra post-industrial I n d u s t r i a l : the system built by the mass production and organisation (centralized, etatist etc.); P o s t – i n d u s t r i a l : thesystem built by the consumer related production (nish marketing strategy). Groving importance of the service sector.