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Proposed CAI-Asia Contribution in Implementing Work Plan of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Air Quality. Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries: TWG on Air Quality Meeting 7 May 2007 Seoul, Korea. Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia
Proposed CAI-Asia Contribution in Implementing Work Plan of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Air Quality Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries: TWG on Air Quality Meeting 7 May 2007 Seoul, Korea Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia A CAI-Asia Program
TWG Objective 1 – Reducing health burden imposed by deteriorating urban air quality
Adoption and revision of ambient AQ standards in-line with WHO 2005 guidelines (1) This table and the next were published in the book that resulted from the Benchmarking Study of CAI-Asia and SEI
Adoption and revision of ambient AQ standards in-line with WHO 2005 guidelines (2) Tables showing comparison of standards for O3, CO and Pb are also available
Adoption and revision of ambient AQ standards in-line with WHO 2005 guidelines (3) Annual Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10 WHO 2005 IT-1 WHO 2005 IT-2 WHO 2005 IT-3 WHO 2005 USEPA EU *No annual ambient air quality standards, only 24-hour limits
PM10 Annual Ambient Concentrations in Asian Cities (2005) (1) WHO 2005 Guideline Value for Annual Average of PM10 = 20 µg/m3
PM10 Annual Ambient Concentrations in Asian Cities (2005) (2) WHO 2005 PM10 Interim Target – 1 = 30 µg/m3
WHO 2005 PM10 Interim Target – 2 = 50 µg/m3 PM10 Annual Ambient Concentrations in Asian Cities (2005) (3)
PM10 Annual Ambient Concentrations in Asian Cities (2005) (4) WHO 2005 PM10 Interim Target – 3 = 70 µg/m3
Regulation of emissions from mobile, stationary and area sources Vehicle Emissions Standards (new light duty vehicles) Notes: Italics – under discussion a – gasoline; b – diesel; c – Entire country; d – Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hydrabad, Agra, Surat, Pune, Kanpur, Ahmedabad, Sholapur, Lucknow; Other cities in India are in Euro 2; e – Beijing and Guangzhou (as of 01 September 2006) have adopted Euro 3 standards; Shanghai has requested the approval of the State Council for implementation of Euro 3; f – Euro 4 for gasoline vehicles and California ULEV standards for diesel vehicles; g – Gasoline vehicles under consideration. Source: CAI-Asia, 2007 Last updated - April 2007
Report of air quality management from participant countries • Country/City Synthesis reports (CSR) for 17 countries and 1 city providing the first comprehensive overview of urban air quality management (AQM) in Asia. • The CSRs were distributed during the First Governmental Meeting on Urban Air Quality Management in Asia. • CAI-Asia partnered with its local networks as well as with Ministries of Environment in the different countries to prepare the CSRs. Afghanistan • Bangladesh • Bhutan • Cambodia • China, PR • Hongkong • India • Indonesia • Lao PDR • Malaysia • Mongolia • Nepal • Pakistan • Philippines • Singapore • Sri Lanka • Thailand • Viet Nam • Summary CSR
Thematic Coverage: Comparison of Projects and Programs from 2004 to 2006 Report of air quality management from participant countries The 3rd edition of the Compendium of Air Quality Projects and Programs (2006) aims to foster coordination and cooperation among various organizations and sectors on activities related to air quality management. There are 338 project/program profiles in his edition (compared to 256 in 2005 and 156 in 2004).
Report of air quality management from participant countries • Publication of the Benchmarking Study on Air Quality Management Capabilities of Asian Cities by CAI-Asia and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) • Provides the most current and comprehensive assessment of the current status and drivers of urban air pollution in 20 Asian cities and the Asian region. • CAI-Asia and SEI through Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum (GAPF) looking at benchmarking AQM capabilities of cities from developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia using the same methodology.
Support and enhance effectiveness of existing regional networks tackling transboundary air pollution e.g. EANET • Activities of EANET involve monitoring of acid deposition and their impacts on soil and vegetation and inland aquatic environment. • Air concentrations of SO2, NOx, O3 and particulates are measured as well as rainfall activity, pH of rainwater and soil, and survey of tree decline and general properties of forest. • Sampling and monitoring sites cover urban, rural, background and ecosystem sites. Location of EANET sites in 2004
WHO (1979) TSP guideline, 60-90mg/m3 WHO 24-hr SO2 guideline, 20mg/m3 WHO NO2 guideline, 40mg/m3 WHO (2005) PM10 guideline, 20mg/m3 Sharing of AQ data • Ambient air quality in Asia is still generally improving despite continued increase in motorization and energy use • Average ambient TSP, PM10 and SO2 trends are improving • TSP and PM10, however, continue to exceed WHO and USEPA guidelines • Average ambient SO2 is no longer compliant with updated 2005 WHO guideline • NO2 close to guidelines • Insufficient information on O3 for reliable trend analysis • It is uncertain whether the observed improvements in air quality will be sustained Aggregated Annual Ambient AQ Trends, mg/m3 (1993 to 2005)
Strengthening Regional Networks:New CAI-Asia Structure CAI-Asia network is evolving from a project into an institution.
Board of Trustees Executive Director Public Relations Funders Deputy Executive Director Administrative Services Strategic Linkages / Capacity Building Knowledge Management Service Delivery AQM Administration CAI-Asia Partnership Generation Knowledge Project A Project B Capacity Building Logistics Transport Dissemination Knowledge Project C Finance Local CAI-Asia Networks Project D Stationary Sources Project E Project F Strengthening Regional Networks:CAI-Asia Center
Strengthening Regional Cooperation:Strengthening Local Networks Existing Local Networks • PRC CAI-Asia PRC Project Office • Indonesia Mitra Emisi Bersih • Nepal Clean Air Network-Nepal • Pakistan Pakistan Clean Air Network • Philippines Partnership for Clean Air • Sri Lanka CleanAirSL • Viet Nam Viet Nam Clean Air Partnership Establish New Networks • India and Thailand (2007-2008) • Bangladesh, Bhutan and Mongolia (2009-2010) Viet Nam Clean Air Partnership If we are to make a difference in urban air quality levels, we must harness the synergy from stakeholder partnerships. CAI-Asia’s local networks are in the best position to make this happen.
TWG Objective 4 – Capacity building for air quality management
Research on Health Effects from Air Pollution In partnership with the Health Effects Institute (HEI), CAI-Asia is implementing thePublic Health and Air Pollution in Asia (PAPA)Program which conducted for the first time a critical and comprehensive review of available literature on epidemiologic studies of outdoor air pollution in Asia. CAI-Asia and HEI again partnered in an ADB-cofinanced Air Pollution, Poverty and Health Effects in Ho Chi Minh City (APPH) Project to develop a conceptual framework of the linkages between urban air pollution and poverty in the Asian context, the coping mechanisms of the poor, and air quality management (AQM) policy mechanism, which can target poor people. Both projects have capacity building components which target local scientists and researchers. The publication informs regional policy makers about the state of science concerning air pollution and health in major Asian cities, discovered that there is a considerable wealth of science that currently exists in Asia, exceeding scientists’ expectations.
Training Courses • Basic AQM Training Courses • Philippines – in 1st Quarter 2008 for local government units/cities, with funding from World Bank Logofind Program • China – training in Guiyang, Luoyang, Changsha, and Urumqi funded by the Energy Foundation and ADB • Pakistan – Basic AQM training course with support from SEI • National System on AQM Training in China • Establishment of an institutional structure for in-service training on AQM. A multi-donor scoping meeting will be held in late May 2007 to assess the AQM training structure in China. The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing has indicated its interest in receiving a proposal to support the further development of the proposal. • Other specialized training courses • In-depth training on emissions inventories for 11 city members in China. The training is funded by the Energy Foundation and ADB. • Training on Stationary Sources Pollution under an EU-SEPA project • Dustraks monitoring in Pakistan • Regional Training on Emissions Inventory funded by GAPF.
Regular Conferences Governmental Meeting - The Governmental Meeting on Urban Air Quality in Asia is a joint initiative of CAI-Asia and UNEP. The 1st Governmental Meeting (13-14 December 2006) led to the adoption of the Yogyakarta Summary. The 2nd Governmental Meeting is scheduled for 2008. Better Air Quality Workshops - Since 2002 more than 2,500 decision makers have participated in BAQ workshops. BAQ workshops have helped to shape policy processes in CAI-Asia member countries and cities. Regional Dialogue of AQM Programs and Initiatives in Asia -Organized by UNEP and CAI-Asia, the Regional Dialogue is an annual meeting of AQM initiatives and programs to arrive at mechanisms that will enhance coordination and cooperation among regional programs and effectively delivering AQM-related assistance to Asian countries and cities as well as to identify gaps and priorities for future AQM programs. Development Partner’s Meeting on Clean Air - Annual meeting organized by CAI-Asia local networks to bring together development partners, concerned government agencies, NGOs and other relevant AQM stakeholders to discuss status of AQM in country/cities and progress of projects as well as set priorities for future AQM action.
Conclusions (2) Contacts: Cornie Huizenga, chuizenga@adb.org www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia