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FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2014/15. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education Parliament, Cape Town 9 th September 2014. Table of Contents. PART A Summary of Performance Indicators: 3
FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2014/15 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education Parliament, Cape Town 9th September 2014
Table of Contents PART A • Summary of Performance Indicators: 3 • Programme Performance: 5 • Programme 1: 6-11 • Programme 2 12-19 • Programme 3: 20- 26 • Programme 4: 27- 33 • Programme 5: 34- 40 PART B • Financial Report: 41- 53
SUMMARY OF INDICATORS The DBE Annual Performance Plan has 26 Programme Performance Indicators consisting of 2 Quarterly targets, 1 Bi-annual target and 23 Annual targets. • The status of all Annual Targets is white. • Where under 50% of the target has not been achieved, the status will be reflected as red. • Where 50% or more of the target has been realised, supported by credible evidence, the status will be reflected as amber. • Green will be reflected when the target has been fully achieved.
Programme 1 • Human Resource Management • 26 appointments were made of which 8 posts were key Senior Management posts -2 chief directors and 6 directors • Implemented the Approved Corporate Governance of ICT Framework by hosting three (3) Operational Committee Meetings. • Completed the refreshment architecture for the Datacenter hosting the Department’s critical Business Applications. • Implemented the refreshment of the LAN Datacenter and installed the replacement hardware. • Strategic Plan / MPAT • The 2013/14 MPAT cycle was concluded with the final report being issued by DPME on 9 June 2014. An improvement plan to strengthen areas of weakness was developed based on these final moderated scores. The MPAT 1.4 standards have been received to prepare the DBE for the next 2014/15 assessment period. • Monitoring & Evaluation • preparing for the development of the report on the ‘General Household Survey 2013 Focusing on Schooling’. The report looks at the education specific aspects of the General Household Survey in order to report on the provision of quality basic education. • Internal Audit • The Internal Audit completed nine (9) assurance and consulting engagements. • Two (2) forensic investigations were completed for this period • The Departmental risk register for the 2013/14 financial year was signed during this period. • One (1) Audit Committee meeting took place during this period.
Programme 1 cont…1 International Relations and Multilateral Affairs • The department continues partnerships with various institutions and organisations in its effort to engage and form a basis of support with strategic stakeholders across the world. • Engaged in Bilateral Agreements with 7 African countries, 4 with European Countries and 1 with South America and Asia. • A follow-up visit to one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Shanghai in China, was attended by DDG Mr Mweli, and other officials in the department, to benefit from the successes of other global experiences particularly in areas such as Mathematics, Science and Technology • The process of teaching Mandarin (a Chinese language) in selected Limpopo schools is at an advanced stage, the first roundtable discussion on Teaching of Mandarin and Cultural Exchange in South Africa was held.
Programme 1 cont…1 Communications • Informed the public and stakeholders on an on-going basis on Sector policies, programmes and interventions. To date the Ministerial Media Liaison held a total of 81 topics, addresses and responses on various issues were attended to fully. The number of queries attended to were as follows: April: 20 ; May: 29 ; June:32. • Twenty one (21) Media releases and advisories were also issued. • The DBE continues to strengthen its Web Presence and uses this platform to take advantage of e-Communication. There has been an increase in the utilisation of our social media platform. • DBE has, 13532 friends on Facebook up by 2979 from last report • 23 300 followers on Twitter on our Hashtag DBE twitter handle (@DBE_SA) up by 6400 tweets. • uploaded YouTube videos were a total of 433 views, showing an increase of 18 views. • e-mailbox, Info@dbe.gov.za has received 2100 messages • website hits of 5 793 472 for overall site visit on www.education.gov.za
Programme 1 cont…2 • Legal Services • Advised the Minister on fourteen (14) issues brought to the Minister's attention through correspondence. • Scrutinized seven (7) contracts in the form of five (5) Memoranda of Understanding, one (1) Implementation Protocol and one (1) Memorandum of Agreement. • Managing litigation in twenty-three (23) ongoing cases against the Department. • Provided legal opinion on the Evaluation of pricing for tenders DBE 051 and 052 and on Termination of Contract for hiring of office space from UNESCO. • Currently processing five (5) pieces of legislation, namely: Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill 2014; Regulations for the Exemption of Parents from payment of school fees; Safety Regulations; NEEDU Bill; Personnel Administration Measures. 285 teachers and 42 subject advisors were trained
Programme 2 • General Education and Training • Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL): Two hundred and fifteen (215) schools involved in the rollout of IIAL across the 6 provinces (W/Cape, N/Cape, N/West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and E/Cape). DBE performed internal monitoring on fifty (50) of the schools sampled from all the six provinces. • Provisioning of resources : Audio resources (CD and teacher guide) aligned to the DBE workbooks were developed in all nine African languages and distributed to all pilot schools in May 2014. • Multi-grade Education: DBE together with the PEDs in partnership with the British Council implemented the LEAP programme in three provinces namely, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. The programme seeks to strengthen the teaching of English First Additional Language in grades 1 to 4. • 285 teachers and 42 subject advisors were trained on the usage of the MP3 LifePlayers to enhance teaching and learning in multi-grade classes
Programme 2 cont …2 • Further Education and Training • A strategy for teaching English Across the Curriculum (EAC), which aims to strengthen English as a subject and as the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) has been developed. • The new strategy will see learners receiving tuition in a language other than their home language. • The DBE hosted a Dry-Run session on English Across the Curriculum from Grade R-12 in preparation for the Orientation session for the province (PTT) conducted on 26-30 May 2014, session was attended by seven (7) National Training Teams (NTT) from different provinces and thirty-one (31) DBE Subject Specialist • Inclusive Education • the publishing of draft SIAS Policy that efforts seek to improve the effective systematic early identification in barriers to learning and admission of children with special needs. • Developed a Training Manual for teachers and Deaf Teacher Assistants for Foundation Phase and Grade 9
Programme 2 cont…3 • Early Childhood Education • In collaboration with the ETDP SETA and Early Childhood Development (ECD) stakeholders, the profiling of occupational competencies was finalised for a new Level 4 ECD qualification. • Grade R • The implementation plan to upgrade qualifications of Grade R practitioners with qualifications less than NQF Level 6 has commenced. • A request to PEDs to provide a report of number of practitioners that will be supported to complete qualification at or greater than NQF level 6. only the following provinces have responded. • KZN: 865 practitioners have enrolled for BED Foundation Phase • Gauteng: 180 practitioners are enrolled for the Diploma in Grade R teaching • Western Cape: 60 practitioners are registered with CPUT for the diploma in Grade R teaching • Northern Cape: 110 are enrolled.
Programme 2 cont…4 • Innovation and E-Learning • Finalised the donation of 60 Classmates for 2 ASIDI Schools with Intel South Africa • Facilitated the connectivity of 15 schools, including 10 schools from Mpumalanga-Balfour and 5 schools from Limpopo (TV Whitespace project); • DBE Cloud Solutions: DBE has evaluated the functional design specification for the solution the Dept of Communication and Telkom • Symantec Antivirus: DBE has sent a request for renewal of antivirus from Symantec. • Content development and Distribution: all provinces were provided with 2014 Educational Digital content . • Connectivity: Facilitated Connectivity of 15 schools, and a list of 400 schools submitted to ICASA for connectivity, another list of 500 submitted to Department of Communication; • Thutong Portal has created a new learning space for Home Based Education.
Programme 2 cont…5 • Workbooks • Delivery of Grade R term 3 and 4 commenced in April 2014 for use from July - December 2014. Delivery was completed on 29 May 2014. • The delivery of additional Vol. 1 & 2 Grade 1-6 workbooks, to cover shortages, is taking place. • Printing of Grades 1-9 workbook 1 for 2015 academic year commenced at the beginning of June 2014. A total number of 11 410 407 (45.6%) out of 25 000 000 has been delivered to the warehouse as at 1 July 2014. • Grades 1 and 2 Home Language Braille workbook 1 in all 11 languages have been printed and delivered to all 22 Special Schools. • Only 4 PEDs viz: Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cap have reported on Universal Coverage which is aimed at assessing the importance of ensuring that every learner has a textbook for every subject.
Programme 2 cont…6 • KhaRiGude Mass Literacy Project • The registration process started with the appointment of the Monitors and Coordinators for the 2014 Campaign • The 2014 training material, administrative documents, learner workbooks were reviewed and material developers have adjusted where required.
Programme 3 • Teacher posts • 5280 new and qualified entrants were appointed between January and March 2014. A large proportion of appointments occur in the first quarter of the school calendar year (January to March 2014). • On the other hand DBE experienced a total of 8007 qualified educators who exited the system, of which only 311 were 30 years of age and below, and 7696 were above the age of 30. • To ensure that no class is without a teacher, temporary teachers are appointed in vacancies until the posts are permanently filled. • 37% (8 900 of 24 200) of schools had all their posts filled permanently. The average vacancy rate was 9% (32500 of 380 000) nationally meaning that approximately 9% of the posts in the system were filled temporarily. • The DBE has initiated a teacher profiling project to clean up, reconcile and update data that is on personnel files and on PERSAL
Programme 3 cont…2 • Monitoring of IQMS instrument • During the quarter, external moderators visited 4 193schools to monitor the implementation of the IQMS instrument. • Of the 4 193 schools, 438 were monitored for the first time and 3 755 were follow up visits. • The quarterly target of 3 000 schools was exceeded because moderators were able to monitor 2 schools per day using a streamlined monitoring template. • Monitor IQMS process and procedures • A total of 2 013 schools were visited in this regard and support provided on the implementation of the IQMS. • PEDs also trained a total of 1 275 newly appointed and 2 900 existing educators at post level 1-4 on the implementation of the IQMS. • The training by PEDs focused mainly on the roles and responsibilities of the teachers and SMTs in the management of the IQMS processes in order to add value to the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom.
Programme 3 cont…3 • Whole School Evaluation • WSE supervisors in PEDs conducted external evaluation in 167 schools in all nine provinces. • In most of these schools the five (5) basic policies (Admission, Finance, Language, Religious policy and the Code of Conduct for learners) are available. • A process to introduce an online school self-evaluation instrument has been initiated with discussions for a partnership with the General Motors Foundation South Africa Foundation (GMSAF).
Programme 3 cont…4 • Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) developmental programmes • Northern Cape Province: 135 officials were trained on Financial Management, Strategic Planning and Inclusive Education • Free State Province: workshops were conducted with 58 teachers in the Foundation Phase and Intermediate phase. • Gauteng: developmental programmes were offered to 607 office-based educators by the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance and Sci Bono Discovery Centre whereas • Limpopo: Human Resource Support Services executed this function • A total of 296 office-based educators were beneficiaries of development programmes in the Western Cape and North West respectively.
Programme 3 cont…5 • FunzaLushaka • For the 2014 academic year, there were 3749 qualified FunzaLushaka bursary recipients available for placement in schools. • According to PERSAL data, 2337 graduates were placed at schools as at end of May 2014 and 1412 remained unplaced. • The FunzaLushakabursary allocation from National Treasury for 2014/2015 is R 947, 499, 000. • Preliminary data from the consolidated 2014 awards list have allocated 14 298 bursaries to students for initial teacher education during the first quarter. • Held meetings with final year FunzaLushakabursary holders in the following Universities- Fort Hare University, Tshwane University of Technology, University of Venda and Walter Sisulu University regarding their contractual obligation.
Programme 3 cont…6 • Pension process • The Department of Basic Education has received several complaints pertaining to delays in pension pay-outs, it then instituted an investigation that revealed that the delay was as a result of critical pension details being incorrect or missing and relevant documents were not submitted. • Strengthen the capacity of district offices • The DBE identified New Leaders Foundation (NLF) as a partner with whom there will be collaboration in fast-tracking district policy implementation process. The MoU between the DBE and New Leaders Foundation is in force. • The department in collaboration with Vodacom is expanding the strengthening process of the Teacher Centres. • The Department has just established a National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development to tackle the self-diagnostic assessments for teachers in Numeracy and Literacy.
Programme 4 • Examinations and Assessments in Schools • The setting and moderation of the 258 question papers for the November 2014/March 2015 examinations was completed. • 80% of these question papers have been externally moderated and approved by Umalusi, 20% of the remaining question papers are undergoing moderation. • 86 of the 130 question papers required for the November 2014 examinations are currently undergoing language editing and quality assurance. • Exemplar question papers for Grade 12, which will be used to support the implementation of the Curriculum Policy Statement (CAPS), have been set in all 27 content subjects and also Home Language Paper 1s were released to PEDs in May 2014 for printing and distribution to schools in all provinces. • The training of SBA Moderators was conducted on 28 – 29 June 2014.
Programme 4 cont…2 • Senior Certificate May/June 2014 examination was successfully administered from 5 May 2014 and ended on 26 June 2014. • The examination was administered to 179 140 candidates. • Marking is currently in progress for the period under review. (Completed in current quarter) • Preparatory examination papers for 7 subjects with high enrolments namely; Accounting, English First Additional Language, History, Geography, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science were received from provinces, nationally moderated by DBE and handed back to provinces. • The November 2013 NSC re-marking was finalised in April 2014. Certificates for the 2013 NSC were printed and distributed to schools in May 2014. • The Supplementary February/March 2014 examination and the Statement of Results were distributed on 6 May 2014. The re-marking process of the Supplementary February/March 2014 examination was in progress for the period under review. This has now been completed.
Programme 4 cont…3 • ANA Language and Mathematics tests for the mainstream and Deaf learners have been distributed to provinces that print in-house, i.e. Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga, for printing. • Appointment of service provider/s to print and pack ANA tests for Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo and North West has not been finalised. This will be completed in the second quarter. • KwaZulu-Natal has requested to be withdrawn from the DBE-managed printing. • All nine provinces have been visited to monitor the state of readiness to administer ANA in 2014. • Each province has been issued with a report indicating challenges to be addressed.
Programme 4 cont…4 • The overall ASIDI objective over the MTEF is to address the 2 646 schools that need to be brought to basic safety functionality levels by 2016 and to replace all mud and other inappropriate schools structures by 2016 • As at end June 2014 cumulative progress on ASIDI programme is as follows: • 59 schools are at different phases of construction, • 226 schools have been provided with sanitation,339 schools are at various stages of procurement of contractors and construction • 258 schools have been provided with water, 685 schools are at various stages for procurement of contractors, • 256 schools have been provided with electrification. 212 schools are at various stages of design and procurement of contractors.
Programme 4 cont…5 • Monitoring and Oversight • Lists of the no fee schools lists for 2014 have been published. • SA-SAMS Versions 14.0.1 and 14.1.0, with updated manuals and newsletters were placed on the Thutong portal. • 18 296 schools with 8 205 365 learners have uploaded successfully to LURITS with 2014 data. An additional 277 118 learners have come into the system as provisional learners. • The process of auditing the districts and circuit offices is underway and terms of reference has been developed during this quarter under review. This is also to assist to manage under performing schools. • In support of underperforming districts, 4 retired circuit officers have been indentified and appointed as mentors. • Provincial Monitoring is done through the : • Call Centre and Presidential Hotlines
Programme 5 • Care and Support in Schools • Allocation of funds to provinces for the HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education programme has been released in two batches upon submission of a signed business plan. • The first four provinces that submitted their business plan and funds were released were, Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces . The second tranche was released on 16 May 2014 to the remaining provinces viz, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West, Western Cape and Northern Cape. • 1 207 educators were trained on sexual and reproductive health programmes for learners. • The drug testing guidelines were developed through the support of UNICEF.
Programme 5 cont ....2 • Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP) • The advocacy leaflets on oral health, vision, hearing and speech impairment for parents and another one for learners on ISHP were printed and are being distributed to all provinces. • The De-worming Programme is a focus area for the financial year 2014/15 as an on-site service for the health services package of the Foundation and Intermediate Phases. • However, the reach of the programme is being compromised due to a shortage of resources i.e. funds and school health nurses. • The DBE has decided to implement this programme in Primary schools in light of the challenges experienced by DOH. • The DBE is implementing a comprehensive programme focusing on Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and education outcomes to keep girls in schools as part of funding from the Global Fund through South African National AIDS Council (SANAC).
Programme 5 cont…3 • Piloting of scripted lesson plans on sexuality education in support of CAPS for Grades 7-9 is underway. • It would be piloted in Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces. • NSNP officials visited a total of forty seven (47) schools in five (5) provinces; • The purpose of these visits was to monitor progress and support schools on the implementation of the programme.
Programme 5 cont…4 • Psychosocial Support Programme • The DBE has conducted monitoring visits to two Provinces viz, North West and Northern Cape Province. • In the North West Province, monitoring was based on a number of psychosocial issues such as epilepsy, child neglect, alcohol abuse and rape was noted. • As for the Northern Cape, a wider range of psychosocial issues were identified also ranging from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder( ADHD); aggression; abuse; learning difficulties; bullying; language barriers to learning; TB Multiple-Drug Resistance (MDR); Foetal Alcohol Syndrome; sexual abuse and dyslexia.
Programme 5 cont…5 Social Cohesion • The 1st quarter, the Department continued with social cohesion dialogues in school communities in Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Limpopo. • The dialogues aim to bridge the gap between the school and the community and offer practical tools to support collective action in schools and their communities. • iNkosi Albert Luthuli Oral History Programme: Preparations are underway • National Schools Moot Court Competition: problem statement for the 2014 competition were developed and have been circulated among the provincial coordinators • Gender Equity and Gender Empowerment still at a consultative stage with the department of Women, Children and Persons living with Disability and the Department of Social Development Safety In Education • Thus far 15514 schools have been linked to police stations to establish Safe School Committees.
Programme 5 cont…6 • Training Manuals on the Prevention and Management of bullying with a specific focus on homophobic bullying in schools was developed. Sport and Enrichment • The Spelling Bee and the Reading clubs serve as the support base to drive the National Literacy and Numeracy strategy and instil the love of reading to learners. • The SASCE was at the height of preparation for the national competition and during this quarter and provincial competitions took place. Partnerships • AVBOB Foundation • Vodacom Foundation • Tiger Brands Foundation • SA Post Office
INTRODUCTION • The total Appropriation budget of the Department for the 2014/15 financial year amounts to R19 680.146 million • The majority of the budget (R14 267.387 million) consists of transfer payments as follows: • Conditional Grants: R13 169.549 million • Transfers to Public Entities: R1 054.853 million • Other Transfers: R42.985 million • The remainder of the budget (R5 412.759 million) consists of the following: • Compensation of Employees: R315.560 million • Examiners and Moderators: R19.546 million • Earmarked Funds: R1 781.946 million • Office Accommodation: R158.813 million • Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R2 938.503 million • Departmental Operations: R127.299 million • Departmental Projects: R71.092 million
INTRODUCTION (cont.) • The total actual expenditure of the Department for the 2014/15 financial year first quarter amounts to R6 011.267 million • The majority of the expenditure (R5 633.535 million) consists of transfer payments as follows: • Conditional Grants: R4 634.910 million • Transfers to Public Entities: R974.337 million • Other Transfers: R24.288 million • The remainder of the expenditure (R377.732 million) consists of the following: • Compensation of Employees: R75.778 million • Examiners and Moderators: R4.070 million • Earmarked Funds: R44.483 million • Office Accommodation : R38.366 million • Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R161.027 million • Departmental Operations: R40.699 million • Departmental Projects: R13.309 million
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Programme 2:Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • The low spending in programme 2, is mainly due to the earmarked funds for the KhaRiGude Mass Literacy Campaign and Workbooks. The spending on these earmarked funds normally takes place in the second and third quarter of the financial year. Workbook one has already been printed. It is being delivered to schools. Programme 3:Teachers, Education Human Resources Development and Institutional Development • The high spending in this programme was due to the once off transfer to NSFAS for FunzaLushakaBursaries, which was made in April 2014.
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Goods and Services: • Due to planning of projects and the placing of orders, expenditure is normally slow in the first quarter as invoices for services such as auditing, accommodation ,transport etc. are often received at a later stage. Delay in the start of the KhaRiGude programme due to procurement processes could not be finalised on time. The appointment of a services providers to print and pack ANA tests for 2014 for other provinces is still in progress. Printing and delivery on workbook 1 to be finalised. Payments for Capital Assets: • The bulk of the allocation is in respect of payments for the ASIDI project. The submission of invoices by implementing agents is very slow. The Department is in the process of collecting the outstanding invoices.
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Transfers to Public Entities: • The high percentage is due to once off transfer payments to NFSAS for FunzaLushaka Bursaries , which was made in April 2014. • School Infrastructure Backlog Indirect Grant: slow spending is in respect of payments for the ASIDI project. The submission of invoices by implementing agencies is very slow. The Department is in the process of collecting the outstanding invoices. Earmarked funds: • The spending on earmarked funds is normally taking place in the seconds and third quarters of the financial year for projects like Workbooks, KhaRiGude, Annual National Assessments (ANA),etc.
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS KhaRiGude Literacy Project: • The slow spending in this project is due to the delayed start of the programme, procurement processes could not be finalised on time. Classes for the disabled started in August. Orientation of learners and resumption of classes is underway and targeted for completion in 2015. Workbooks: • The verification and signed learner’s data has been received form Heads of Departments and the printing of the 2015 Workbooks Volume 1 is in progress. The delivery of Workbooks Volume 1 started on 11 August 2014. National Assessments: • The printing, packaging and distribution of ANA tests for 2014 started in June 2014 for Eastern Cape. Mpumalanga, Western Cape and Northern Cape provinces. The appointment of a services provider to print and pack ANA tests for 2014 for other provinces is still in progress.