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Dynamic Reconfiguration of Apache Zookeeper. USENIX ATC 2012, Hadoop Summit 2012 In collaboration with: Ben Reed Dahlia Malkhi Flavio Junqueira was @ Yahoo!, now @ Osmeta MSR Yahoo!. Alex Shraer Yahoo! Research . 1.
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Apache Zookeeper USENIX ATC 2012, HadoopSummit 2012 In collaboration with: Ben Reed Dahlia Malkhi Flavio Junqueira was @ Yahoo!, now @Osmeta MSR Yahoo! Alex Shraer Yahoo! Research 1
Talk Overview • Short intro to Zookeeper • What is a configuration ? • Why change it dynamically ? • How is Zookeeper reconfigured currently ? • Our solution: • Server side • Client side
Modern Distributed Computing • Lots of servers • Lots of processes • High volumes of data • Highly complex software systems • … mere mortal developers 3
Coordination primitives Semaphores Queues Locks Leader Election Group Membership Barriers Configuration
Coordination is difficult even if we have just 2 replicas… x = x * 2 x ++ x ++ x = x * 2 x = 0 x = 0 x = x * 2 x ++
Common approach: use a coordination service • Leading coordination services: • Google: Chubby • Apache Zookeeper • Yahoo!, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, VMWare, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Netflix, Box, Cloudera, MapR, Nicira, …
Zookeeper data model / services workers worker1 worker2 locks x-1 x-2 apps users A tree of data nodes (znodes) Hierarchical namespace (like in a file system) Znode = <data, version, creation flags, children>
ZooKeeper: API • create • sequential, ephemeral • setData • can be conditional on current version • getData • can optionally set a “watch” on the znode • getChildren • exists • delete
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- create “/lock”, ephemeral 2- if success, return with lock 3- getData /lock, watch=true 4- wait for /lock to go away, then goto1 Client A / Client B B /lock Client C
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- create “/lock”, ephemeral 2- if success, return with lock 3- getData /lock, watch=true 4- wait for /lock to go away, then goto1 Client A notification / Client B Client C notification
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- create “/lock”, ephemeral 2- if success, return with lock 3- getData /lock, watch=true 4- wait for /lock to go away, then goto1 Client A / Client B C /lock Client C
Problem ? • Herd effect • Large number of clients wake up simultaneously • Load spike • Some client may never get the lock
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- z = create“/C-”, sequential, ephemeral 2- getChildren “/” 3- if z has lowest id return with lock 4- getDataprev_node, watch=true 5- wait for prev_node to go away, then goto 2 Client A / A /C-1 Client B B /C-2 Client Z Z /C-n
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- z = create“/C-”, sequential, ephemeral 2- getChildren “/” 3- if z has lowest id return with lock 4- getDataprev_node, watch=true 5- wait for prev_node to go away, then goto 2 Client A / Client B B /C-2 Client Z Z /C-n
Example: Distributed Lock / Leader election 1- z = create“/C-”, sequential, ephemeral 2- getChildren “/” 3- if z has lowest id return with lock 4- getDataprev_node, watch=true 5- wait for prev_node to go away, then goto 2 Client A / Client B B notification /C-2 Client Z Z /C-n
Zookeeper - distributed and replicated ZooKeeper Service Leader Server Server Server Server Server Server Client Client Client Client Client Client Client Client • All servers store a copy of the data (in memory) • A leader is elected at startup • Reads served by followers, all updates go through leader • Update acked when a quorum of servers have persisted the change (on disk) • Zookeeper uses ZAB - its own atomic broadcast protocol • Borrows a lot from Paxos, but conceptually different
ZooKeeper: Overview Ensemble Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib Follower Session Leader Leader atomically broadcast updates Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib Follower Session Follower Replicated system Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib Follower Session
ZooKeeper: Overview Ensemble ok Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib Follower setData /x , 5 /X = 0 /X = 5 Leader Leader atomically broadcast updates /X = 0 /X = 5 ok Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib Follower sync 5 /X = 5 /X = 0 getData /x Follower /X = 0 /X = 5 Replicated system Client App ZooKeeper Client Lib 0 Follower /X = 0 getData /x
FIFO order of client’s commands • A client invokes many operations asynchronously • All commands have a blocking variant, rarely used in practice • Zookeeper guarantees that a prefix of these operations complete in invocation order
Zookeeper is a Primary/Backup system • Important subclass of State-Machine Replication • Many (most?) Primary/Backup systems work as follows: • Primary speculatively executes operations, doesn’t wait for previous ops to commit • Sends idempotent state updates to backups • “makes sense’’ only in the context of • Primary speculatively executes and sends out but it will only appear in a backup’s log after • In general State Machine Replication (Paxos), a backup’s log may become • Primary order: each primary commits a consecutive segment in the log
Configuration of a Distributed Replicated System • Membership • Role of each server • E.g., deciding on changes (acceptor/follower) or learning the changes (learner/observer) • Quorum System spec • Zookeeper: majorities hierarchical (server votes have different weight) • Network addresses & ports • Timeouts, directory paths, etc.
Dynamic Membership Changes • Necessary in every long-lived system! • Examples: • Cloud computing: adapt to changing load, don’t pre-allocate! • Failures: replacing failed nodes with healthy ones • Upgrades: replacing out-of-date nodes with up-to-date ones • Free up storage space: decreasing the number of replicas • Moving nodes: within the network or the data center • Increase resilience by changing the set of servers Example: asynch. replication works as long as > #servers/2 operate:
Other Dynamic Configuration Changes • Changing server addresses/ports • Changing server roles: • Changing the Quorum System • E.g., if a new powerful & well-connected server is added observers (learners) observers (learners) leader & followers (acceptors) leader & followers (acceptors)
Reconfiguring Zookeeper • Not supported • All config settings are static – loaded during boot • Zookeeper users repeatedly asking for reconfig. since 2008 • Several attempts found incorrect and rejected
Manual Reconfiguration • Bring the service down, change configuration files, bring it back up • Wrong reconfiguration caused split-brain & inconsistency in production • Questions about manual reconfig are asked several times each week • Admins prefer to over-provision than to reconfigure [LinkedIn talk @Yahoo, 2012] • Doesn’t help with many reconfiguration use-cases • Wastes resources, adds management overhead • Can hurt Zookeeper throughput (we show) • Configuration errors primary cause of failures in production systems [Yin et al., SOSP’11]
Hazards of Manual Reconfiguration E A C {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, C} {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, C} B D {A, B, C} {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, C, D, E} • Goal: add servers E and D • Change configuration files • Restart all servers • We lost and !!
Just use a coordination service! • Zookeeper is the coordination service • Don’t want to deploy another system to coordinate it! • Who will reconfigure that system ? • GFS has 3 levels of coordination services • More system components -> more management overhead • Use Zookeeper to reconfigure itself! • Other systems store configuration information in Zookeeper • Can we do the same?? • Only if there are no failures
Recovery in Zookeeper E C B setData(/x, 5) D A • Leader failure activates leader election & recovery
This doesn’t work for reconfigurations! E C B {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, C, D, E} setData(/zookeeper/config, {A, B, F}) {A, B, C, D, E} D remove C, D, E add F F {A, B, C, D, E} A {A, B, F} {A, B, C, D, E} {A, B, F} • Must persist the decision to reconfigure in the old config before activating the new config! • Once such decision is reached, must not allow further ops to be committed in old config
Our Solution • Correct • Fully automatic • No external services or additional components • Minimal changes to Zookeeper • Usually unnoticeable to clients • Pause operations only in rare circumstances • Clients work with a single configuration • Rebalances clients across servers in new configuration • Reconfigures immediately • Speculative Reconfiguration • Reconfiguration (and commands that follow it) speculatively sent out by the primary, similarly to all other updates
Principles of Reconfiguration • A reconfiguration C1 -> C2 should do the following: • Consensus decision in the current config (C1) on a new config (C2) 2. Transfer of control from C1 to C2: • Suspend C1 • Collect a snapshot S of completed/potentially completed ops in C1 • Transfer S to a quorum of C2 • A consensus decision in C2 to activate C2 with the “start state” S
Easy in a Primary/Backup system! • Decision on the next config is like decision on any other operation • a. Instead of suspending, we guarantee that further ops can only be committed in C2 unless reconfiguration fails (primary order!) b. The primary is the only one executing & proposing ops; S = the primary’s log c. Transfer ahead of time, here only make sure transfer complete 3. If leader stays the same, no need to run full consensus
Protocol Features • After reconfiguration is proposed, leader schedules & executes operations as usual • Leader of the new configuration is responsible to commit these • If leader of old config is in new config and “able to lead”, it remains the leader • Otherwise, old leader nominates new leader (saves leader election time) • We support multiple concurrent reconfigurations • Activate only the “last” config, not intermediate ones • In the paper, not in production
Recovery – Discovering Decisions E C A {A, D, E} {A, B, C} {A, D, E} {A, B, C} B D {A, B, C} {A, D, E} • : replace B, C with E, D • C must 1) discover possible decisions in {A, B, C} • (find out about {A, D, E}) • 2) discover possible activation decision in {A, D, E} • - If {A,D, E} is active, C mustn’t attempt to transfer state • - Otherwise, C should transfer state & activate {A, D, E}
Recovery – Challenges of Configuration Overlap A {A, B, C} B C D {A, B, C} {A, B, C} {A, B, D} • : replace C with D • Only B can be the leader of {A, B, C}, but it won’t • -> No leader will be elected in {A, B, C} • D will not connect to B (doesn’t know who B is) • -> B will not be able to lead {A, B, D}
Recovering Operations submitted while reconfig is pending • Old leader may execute and submit them • New leader is responsible to commit them, once persisted on quorum of NEW config • However, because of the way recovery in ZAB works, the protocol is easier to implement if such operations are persisted also on quorum of old config before committed in addition to new config • Leader commits and , but no one else knows • In ZAB C can’t fetch history from E/D. Thus, C must already have E C A {A, B, C} {A, D, E} {A, B, C} B D {A, B, C}
The “client side” of reconfiguration • When system changes, clients need to stay connected • The usual solution: directory service (e.g., DNS) • Re-balancing load during reconfiguration is also important! • Goal: uniform #clients per server with minimal client migration • Migration should be proportional to change in membership X 10 X 10 X 10
Consistent Hashing ? • Client and server ids randomly mapped to a circular m-bit space (0 follows 2m – 1) • Each client then connects to the server that immediately follows it in the circle • In order to improve load balancing each server is hashed k times (usually k log(#servers)) • Load balancing is uniform W.H.P. depending on #servers and k. In Zookeeper #servers < 10 add 3 remove 1 remove 1 remove 2 add 1 • 9 servers, 1000 clients • Each client initially • connects to a random • server k = 5 k = 20
Our approach - Probabilistic Load Balancing • Example 1 : • Each client moves to a random new server with probability 0.4 • 1 – 3/5 = 0.4 • Exp. 40% clients will move off of each server • Example 2 : • Clients connected to D and E don’t move • Clients connected to A, B, C move to D, E with probability 4/9 • |S S’|(|S|-|S’|)/|S’||S’\S| = 2(5-3)/3*3 = 4/9 • Exp. 8 clients will move from A, B, C to D, E and 10 to F X 10 X 10 X 10 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 4/18 4/18 10/18 B A D E F C X 6 X 10 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 10 X 10
Probabilistic Load Balancing When moving from config. S to S’: Solving for Pr we get case-specific probabilities. Input: each client answers locally Question 1: Are there more servers now or less ? Question 2: Is my server being removed? Output: 1) disconnect or stay connected to my server if disconnect 2) Pr(connect to one of the old servers) and Pr(connect to newly added server) expected #clients connected to i in S’ (10 in last example) #clients connected to i in S #clients moving to i from other servers in S #clients moving from i to other servers in S’
Implementation • Implemented in Zookeeper (Java & C), integration ongoing • 3 new Zookeeper API calls: reconfig, getConfig, updateServerList • feature requested since 2008, expected in 3.5.0 release (july 2012) • Dynamic changes to: • Membership • Quorum System • Server roles • Addresses & ports • Reconfiguration modes: • Incremental (add servers E and D, remove server B) • Non-incremental (new config = {A, C, D, E}) • Blind or conditioned (reconfig only if current config is #5) • Subscriptions to config changes • Client can invoke client-side re-balancing upon change
Evaluation remove add remove-leader add remove add remove 4 servers remove 2 servers
Summary • Design and implementation of reconfiguration for Apache Zookeeper • being contributed into Zookeeper codebase • Much simpler than state of the art, using properties already provided by Zookeeper • Many nice features: • Doesn’t limit concurrency • Reconfigures immediately • Preserves primary order • Doesn’t stop client ops • Zookeeper used by online systems, any delay must be avoided • Clients work with a single configuration at a time • No external services • Includes client-side rebalancing