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For a Trade Union version of the New Skills for New Jobs initiative. Workshop, ETUC Conference, 2 – 3 September 2010, Brussels What are the Prospective Tools and Projects to feed and direct the Social Dialogue? Petra Völkerer Department for Education Policies
For a Trade Union version of the New Skills for New Jobs initiative Workshop, ETUC Conference, 2 – 3 September 2010, Brussels What are the Prospective Tools and Projects to feed and direct the Social Dialogue? Petra Völkerer Department for Education Policies Federal Chamber of Labour, Austria petra.voelkerer@akwien.at
The Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour: In conjunction with the Federation of Austrian Trade Unions, the Chamber of Labour (AK) represents the interests of around 3 million workers and consumers in Austria. The activities include: • Codetermination and control of law-making • Research on behalf of workers and consumers in different fields (e.g. on LLL, VET, …) • Services for members (e.g. legal representation at court) The membership is compulsory for all workers, employees and apprentices.
New Skills for New Jobs initiative: What comes after Lisbon? Lisbon Strategy failed, one reason frequently mentioned: • „too poor matching between skills needs and skills supply“ lack of appropriate forecasting? Europe 2020: New Skills for New Jobs focus on overcoming these deficiancies • improving capacities for skills assessment, anticipation and matching: Developing the right skills mix • concentrates on the demand- side of the process: „availability of appropriate skills and on the upgrading of competencies (for all workers)“ by „bringing the worlds of education, training and work closer together”
Tools and Projects to feed the Social Dialogue Tools 1 • Qualification/skills –forecasting, forward looking studies • Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) conducts regular forecasts on the NATIONAL level • Skillsnet/CEDEFOP forecasting on the EU-level (18 foresight studies on skills needs in sectors, forecast of skills supply and demand, European Vacancy Monitor) Results for Austria differ due to data? • Business surveys on the future skills requirements • e.g. „Qualifikationsbarometer“ for Vienna • part of the CVTS 4 for the EU? • Surveys, e.g. • OECD: PISA, PIAAC
Tools and Projects to feed the Social Dialogue • Tools 2 • Indeces • ETUi: „Job Quality Index“ (VET-participation) • AK: „Arbeitsklima – Index“ (working climate – index) • ESCO, EQF etc • transperancy and transversality: branches, professions, countries
Tools and Projects to feed the Social Dialogue Projects • Standing Committees/Sector Skills Councils: In majority of European countries. In Austria since October 2009 first press conference about skills needs in 5 major/innovative clusters in July 2010: participation of social partners (AK, ÖGB, IV), PES and leading enterprises: predominance of employers („wishlist“) • Collective bargaining: VET/upskilling for workers In Austria some collective agreements include arrangements on leaves for upskilling/VET; Germany „Qualifizierungstarifverträge“
Tools and Projects to feed the Social Dialogue The Social Dialogue? • Example: „Du kannst was“ http://www.favooe.at/initiativen/hauptsache-arbeit-du-kannst-was/ recognition of non/informal competencies • Target Group: Persons with no professional qualification/no apprenticeship that owe a range of practical skills. • Project-Partners: AE Institutes, the Social Partners and the Public Employment Service • Objective: • To provide this group with a formal professional certificate. • Development and Testing of a model to capture, recognize and validate informal and non-formal competences • To foster access and participation in VET
Outlook Tools of NSfNJ provide Trade Unions with more detailed information about the qualification structure of their members, albeit certain uncertainties Questions/Challenges: • Who, how and what shoud be trained and qualified? • General VET vs short term qualifications • Ageing of the workforce: Restructuring • SMEs: how to reach workers? • Austria: 270 different apprenticeships: compareabiltiy and transversality of competencies? • Design of Curricula („Du kannst was“) • EQF/NQF: Validation of Competencies • VET as crucial element in collective bargaining: • On a mandatory basis • Provision of time and money for VET by the employers • Up-skilling and wage-policies
Thank you for your attention! Petra Völkerer Department for Education Policies Federal Chamber of Labour, Austria petra.voelkerer@akwien.at