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The Geologic Time Scale

The Geologic Time Scale. Sections of time. ERA Two or more geological periods comprise an era, which is hundreds of millions of years in duration.

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The Geologic Time Scale

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  1. The Geologic Time Scale

  2. Sections of time • ERATwo or more geological periods comprise an era, which is hundreds of millions of years in duration.

  3. PERIODThe period is the basic unit of geological time in which a single type of rock system is formed, lasting tens of millions of years.EPOCHAn epoch is a division of a geologic period; it is the smallest division of geologic time, lasting several million years.

  4. Eon- Era- Period- Epoch- Age. Humans as we know ourselves appeared in the Pleistocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period in the Cenozoic era of the Phanerozoic Eon…..

  5. Pre Cambrian time • 4.6 Billion years ago- 542 MA • Earth Forms • Stromatolites are dominant life form

  6. Paleozoic Era • 542 to 251 mya • Multicellular life!!

  7. Paleozoic, Cambrian, • 488-542 MA • Trilobites dominate • many phyla develop. • “Cambrian Explosion”

  8. Paleozoic, Ordovician, • 488 to 444 mya • North America is under shallow sea. • Modern Oxygen rich atmosphere develops • Vertebrates Develop

  9. Paleozoic, Silurian • 444 MA 416 MA • First Land Plants and Animals

  10. Paleozoic, Devonian, • 416 MA -359 MA • First amphibians • Age of fishes

  11. Paleozoic, Carboniferius, Missippian • 359 MA – 318 MA • Amphibians Flourish • Forests and swamps cover land

  12. Paleozoic, Carboniferius, Pennsylvanian • 318 MA – 299 MA • Giant flying insects • First Reptiles, ROAR!!

  13. Paleozoic, Permian • 299 MA – 251 MA • Pangea comes together

  14. Mesozoic Era • "The Age of Reptiles"251 MA to 65.5 MA

  15. Mesozoic, Triassic • 251 MA – 200 MA • Dinosaurs appear • Mammals appear

  16. Cycads and conifers dominate

  17. Mesozoic, Jurassic • 200 MA- 146 MA • Dinosaurs are the dominant animal. • Primitive vertebrate flight, first birds

  18. Mesozoic, Cretaceous, • 146-65.5MA • Flowering plants appear (angiosperms) • Modern Birds • All good until……

  19. K-T Extinction • 65MA • Kills off Dinosaurs • Asteroid or volcano • Iridium rich dust….

  20. Cenozoic Era "The Age of Mammals"65.5 mya through today Continents at present locations

  21. Cenozoic, Tertiary, Paleocene Tertiary- 65-55.8 mya Paleocene- age on mammals begins First Primates

  22. Cenozoic, Tertiary, Eocene • 55.8-33.9 mya • Rodents appear. Primitive whales appear.

  23. Cenozoic, Tertiary,Oligocene • 33.9-23 mya • Dogs and cats appear! • But they did not look like that -

  24. Cenozoic, Tertiary, Miocene • 23-5.3 MA • Due to high abundance of grasses, herds of large mammals abound.

  25. Cenozoic, Tertiary, Pliocene • 5.3-1.8 • First hominids (australopithecines). Modern forms of whales. Megalodon swam the seas • Hominid- where humans and apes split

  26. Lions Tigers and Bears…. • Appear in the Pliocene

  27. Cenozoic, Quauernary, Pleistocene • Quaternary Period"The Age of Man"1.8 mya to today • Pleistocene- The Last Ice Age1.8-.012 ma • Humans (Homo sapien) appear. You better remember this!

  28. Mammoths, saber-toothed cats,

  29. Quaternary, Holocene • 11,500 ya to today • Marked by complex human civilization • Ice melted, and sea level rose 140 m!

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