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Learn how emotional intelligence impacts success in life and work, and discover practical strategies to improve your EQ through self-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathy, optimism, and interpersonal skills.
IQ vs. EQ • IQ • Can’t increase • Research predicts only 4% – 20% of life success is related to a high IQ • EQ • Can be taught beginning at an early age • Can be improved throughout life
Emotional Intelligence is consciously choosing thoughts, feelings, and actions to create optimal relationships with yourself and others.
Six dimensions of Emotional Intelligence • Self-Awareness • Self-Control • Motivation • Empathy • Optimism • Interpersonal Skills
Self Awareness : • understanding your emotional status. • building self-confidence. • recognizing feelings as they occur, and possessing the ability to discriminate between positive and negative emotions. • making positive choices.
Self-Control : • possessing the ability to control impulses. • having patience with yourself and others. • having the ability to manage stress. • having the skills to deal with anger appropriately.
Motivation : • possessing goal setting strategies. • having the zeal or persistence to follow through. • an overall mind set.
Empathy : • having the ability to understand the feelings of others. • possessing the ability to read non-verbal cues. • “the brake on human cruelty. It is what keeps civility alive in society” Goleman
Optimism : • a skill that can be taught early in life. • having an overall positive outlook on life. • possessing the ability to consciously choose Optimism over Pessimism.
Interpersonal Skills: • understanding that all emotional reactions interrelated. • understanding that emotions are connected to immunity system: • Sadness can depress the immune systems function. • Happiness/laughter can increase the immune systems function. • possessing the ability to read body language and react appropriately.
What we know about Emotional Intelligence The simple fact is: Emotional intelligence mattersto school achievement, job success, developing and maintaining happy relationships, as well as physical health.
Implications for Education/Learning The brain is more like a sieve than a sponge; it sorts, prioritizes, and ignores most incoming sensory data. Survival is priority.
Teaching with the brain in mind includes: * choices * absence of threat * meaningful content * immediate feedback * adequate time * collaboration * enriched environment * active learning Process is more important than content. Of all information, the brain likes words least.
Teaching with the brain in mind includes: * choices * absence of threat * meaningful content * immediate feedback * adequate time * collaboration * enriched environment * active learning Process is more important than content. Of all information, the brain likes words least.
Teaching Practices That Promote Self-Control * Bibliotherapy- use of literature to teach healthy strategies* Role Playing * Surround yourself with upbeat people* Music * Teach social cues, norms & standards* Physical activity* Writing down what’s on your mind
Teaching Practices That Promote Self-Awareness * Art Activities -Foil figures, use of color, wire sculptures* Talking to Others* A confidant, therapist, counselor, or group self-assess* Positive Reinforcement* Writing - Journal, poetry, songs, and reflection
Teaching Practices That Promote Empathy * Bibliotherapy - Use literature to bring insight into how another feels* Critical Thinking - Use the question, “Why?”* Discipline with Dignity - Call attention to the distress the misbehavior caused* Feeling charades - Helpful for those who fail to read others well* Reframing - Think about things in a new light* Role Playing - Give aggressive individuals the victim role* Volunteer Work - From random acts of kindness to service projects
Teaching Practices That Promote Motivation * Belonging * Physical Activity - joining a club or group * Choices * Positive Reinforcement* Goal Setting * Surround yourself with upbeat people - moods are contagious* Meaningful Activities - Simulations & real world experiences
Five Motivating Influences Sense of belonging Choice Appropriate challenge Authentic outcome 360 feedback
Motivation is revealed by . . . Perseverance Attention Focus Job completion Creativity
Teaching Practices that Promote Social Skills * Artful Critique * Belonging* Cooperative Learning * Inclusive Policies* Teaching social cues, norms & standards
Research from UCLA indicates that only 7% of leadership success is attributable to intellect; 93% of success comes from trust, integrity, authenticity, honesty, creativity, and resiliency. (cited in Cooper and Sawaf, 1996)
So, use your emotional intelligence to help assure your success!