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10 Year Corporate Vision 2012 to 2022 Summary of Resident Services Plans Updated May 2014. OVERVIEW: RESPONSIVE REPAIRS. Mission
10 Year Corporate Vision 2012 to 2022Summary of Resident Services PlansUpdated May 2014
OVERVIEW: RESPONSIVE REPAIRS • Mission • To provide a responsive repair service that is easy for residents to use which achieves a high level of satisfaction whilst at the same time achieving value for money. • 5-year vision • All residents will be able to access the service and report repairs easily via a range of contact channels, they will be able to book appointment times that are convenient for them and check the status of their repair electronically. • At least 40%of repairs will be raised via digital channels. • Reliable, real time updates and orders sent by operatives in the field will update customer and contractor records as well as our own. • Emphasis will be on getting repairs completed speedily and at the convenience of the customer rather than within arbitrary timescales. • Delivering operational efficiencies through increased co-working, greater integration and fewer invoices. • Challenges 2014/15 • Securing a sustained improvement in Breyer’s performance through robust contract management. • Improving % of appointments kept - especially in the case of Breyer. • Improving complaints handling by contractors. • Moving from un-procured secondary contractors to a single properly procured back-up contractor. • Improving void turn around times. • Reducing the administrative burden of managing the responsive repairs service by improving process efficiency. • Progressing the re-procurement of the responsive repairs contract with a new contract form addressing the deficiencies in the current contract terms. • Key Deliverables 2014/15 • Progress the maintenance contracts re-procurement through to the end of the Invitation to Tender Stage. • Implement robust contract management approach with Breyer and report regularly to Committee. • Procure a secondary back-up contractor for the interim period to provide cover and competition for Breyer. • Work with Orchard to review use of the repairs ordering system and implement recommendations to improve accuracy and efficiency – specifically reduce invoicing and variation administration. • Specify IT integration required for new contract. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Improve the efficiency of the contractor invoicing process. • Targets • Repairs completed within timescales: 95% • Average days to complete a repair: 10 days
OVERVIEW: ESTATE SERVICES • Mission • Working closely with residents to improve the quality of our neighbourhoods and help provide a value for money service on communal charges and repairs. • 5-year vision • Programme of improvement and cyclical works agreed with Property Services Department. • Repairs costs and performance on key items is provided to residents via the web. • Inspections carried out with residents with and information fed back into our database to be dealt with. • Efficiencies delivered through more effective resident involvement and reduced duplication with other property inspections. • Electronic noticeboards, updated from our offices, delivering relevant local information to communities. • Challenges 2014/15 • To agree a programme of tendering for estate services • To ensure information is readily available for residents on their services via the web site or portal. If not possible to establish a timetable for making this information readily available. • To agree responsibility for communal repairs. • Key Deliverables 2014/2015 • To improve estate standards on Barnsbury. • To document the process of monitoring communal repairs. • Report on performance of cleaning contractors. • Complete a programme of grounds maintenance surveys. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Complete cleaning procurement. • Procurement of grounds maintenance service. • Targets • % of estates of a good or excellent standard: 90%
OVERVIEW: ASSET MANAGEMENT • Mission • To set and oversee a comprehensive Asset Management strategy that ensures homes are of a high quality and meet the needs of current and future residents. • 5-year vision • Ensuring that all our homes meet the decency standards we have set. • High and increasing energy efficiency ratings • Comprehensive cyclical and major works programme in place and reflected in the Business Plan. • Challenges 2014/15 • Embedding the new Asset Management Plan and formulating the necessary supporting operation procedures and analysis tools to facilitate delivery of the Plan. • Incomplete or dated stock condition data making it difficult to confidently determine long-term maintenance costs. • Low resident satisfaction with the condition of some of our homes despite 100% decency – delivering the new Decent Home Plus standard. • Creating a matrix based analytical tool to define the worst performing 5% of stock • Progressing the re-procurement of planned and cyclical maintenance contracts. • Key Deliverables 2014/15 • Deliver year 1 of Asset Management Plan. • Complete recruitment to new Asset Management Team structure. • Embed use of ECMK Integrator software. • Set and deliver a programme of stock condition surveys. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Make recommendations on disposal/tenure change programme in line with the Asset Management Plan. • Make savings on Frankham by bringing more of their work in-house. • Targets: • Number of rented properties with a survey less than 5 years old: 2,300 • Number of homes improved under the stock improvement programme: 200 • Number of homes benefitting from improvements under the cyclical programme: 800
OVERVIEW: KEEPING RESIDENTS SAFE • Mission • To ensure all of Newlon’s properties comply with all Health and Safety guidelines in terms of possible risks relating to gas, electric, water, fire and asbestos safety. Where any issues of non compliance are identified these to be rectified in a timely manner. • 5-year vision • To hold comprehensive property data and health & safety records on a single central database. • Efficiencies delivered through the integration of H&S responsibilities with planned maintenance and/or estate inspections. • 100% gas servicing compliance. • All properties and communal areas to meet electrical testing requirements. • Water risk assessments are carried out in line with requirements. • Fire risk assessments to be carried out in line with requirements. • To have a register to demonstrate asbestos surveys have been carried out to all communal areas of large developments and street properties with shared areas. • Actions arising from all health and safety inspections are implemented within clearly defined timescales. • Challenges 2014/15 • Progress the FRA remedial works programme and complete all identified actions within appropriate timescales. • Maintain 100% FRA compliance. • Maintain 100% legionella compliance. • Maintain 100% compliance with gas certification. • Rationalise the current supplier base and properly procure expiring service contracts. • Key Deliverables 2014/15 • Carry out all medium and high priority remedial works identified by the water and fire risk assessments. • Introduce a new asbestos management strategy in line with latest best practice. • Carry out asbestos management surveys to all communal parts built pre-2000. • Procure a new fire safety service contract and water safety service contract. • Complete year 1 of electrical testing programme. • Targets: • % of Properties with Valid Gas Safety Certificate: 100% • % of buildings that require a risk assessment that have a valid risk assessment: 100% • Number of overdue high and critical fire safety actions: 0 • % of buildings that require water hygiene inspection that have been inspected: 100% • Number of overdue high and critical water hygiene actions:0
OVERVIEW: CONTACT AND SERVICE CENTRE • Mission • To provide a prompt response to incoming service requests, resolving as many enquiries and complaints as possible at the first point of contact. Where these cannot be resolved first time diagnosing problems accurately, informing residents of expected timescales and monitoring the outcome. • 5-year vision • Multi Channel access to a wide range of services, all handled under a single piece of software capable of managing and reporting on the various contacts. • 90% of contacts resolved at service centre level without the need for customer to be passed to any other department. • All non-phone contact answered fully within one working day. • At least 40% of contact through self service. • Full integration with all contractor partners. • Full online resource for handling enquiries with supporting scripting for all procedures and enquiries. • Challenges 2014/15 • New strands of work such as complaints and lettings will add to the transaction times and thus impact KPIs in the short term until bedded in. • Managing an increasing volume of enquiries without significant increase in resource. • Improving on telephone answering times whilst responding to increased email traffic. • Setting up CRM to deliver greatest benefit. • Key Deliverables 2014/2015 • Recruit Service Resolution Managers x 2and implement new Complaints system by June. • Implement new Complaints KPIs. • Implement CRM System. • Over 50 Business processes documented for CRM. • Value for Money 2014/2015 • Set targets at each stage of CRM implementation and report on benefits by March 2015. • Evidence based strategy in place to resolve more enquiries at first point of contact. • Targets2014/15 • % of calls answered: 90% • % of complaints responded to within time: 90%
OVERVIEW: ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR • Mission • To work to reduce anti-social behaviour and to respond speedily to reports of anti-social behaviour, to ensure residents are (and feel like they are) regularly updated and increase resident satisfaction on resolved cases. • 5-year vision • An experienced ASB team with clear, established procedures and partnerships delivering higher levels of customer satisfaction without any increase in costs. Characteristics include: • Top Quartile in London for Resident Satisfaction with case handling. • Good reputation with LAs, police and other partners. • Work well promoted to residents and within the local community. • Good practice developed for cases of noise nuisance • Working with the lettings team, review approach to noise nuisance in street properties. • Developing neighbourhood plans to deal with ASB hotspots. • Improving communication to groups of residents whose neighbourhood is affected by ASB. • Challenges 2014/15 • Improve resident satisfaction with ASB handling. • Work with Property Services to devise improvement plans for ASB hotspots. • Improve support for complainants of ASB. • Improve benchmarking results so we are in 2 quartile for at least three KPIs • Key Deliverables 2014/15 • Improve resident communication over communal ASB complaints. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Review effectiveness of security patrols. • Review out of hours provision. • Reduce costs per case on ASB and ensure we are at least in the second quartile. • Out of Hours service to begin collecting satisfaction data as part of overall contract cost. • Targets 2014/15 • % of cases responded to within target: 95% • % satisfied with the way their case was handled: 75%
OVERVIEW: LETTINGS • Mission • To provide a consistently excellent service and generate high levels of resident satisfaction with lettings across different tenures including social, affordable, intermediate and market rented properties, whilst also promoting different housing options to social housing residents in order to improve mobility and deal with some of the negative impacts of welfare reform. • 5-year vision • Well presented and accessible marketing material which is targeted and adapted for specific tenure groups. • Online registration and applications process completed by the customer and linking with our database. • Sign up process streamlined and mobile sign up service. • Actively managing stock and transfer lists – identifying best use of properties including conversion to different tenures. • Services provided at times that suit all customers. • Challenges 2014/15 • Reducing void periods by marketing • Increasing tenant mobility by promoting mutual exchange as an alternative to transfers. • Working with Property Services review contractor performance management for void works. • Implement improvements for hard to lets. • Key Deliverables 2014/2015 • Audit check new voids process to ensure this is properly used across departments. • Increase the number of residents on mutual exchange register. • Work with Communications to design a campaign of flyers, standard letters and articles promoting mutual exchange to transfer applicants. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Significantly reduce void turnaround times from current levels. • Pre-identify groups of hard to let properties and establish a lettings plan to reduce void times. • Targets 2014/15 • Average void turnaround General Needs: 35 days • Average void turnaround Intermediate Rent: 28 days • Mutual Exchanges completed: 40
OVERVIEW: INCOME RECOVERY • Mission • To provide an efficient and effective rent collection service, to minimise the negative impact of the welfare reform changes on residents and rent arrears. • 5-year vision • Enhanced systems in place to deal with the transition from direct payments to landlords, to payments from residents. • Rentinformation available to residents through self-service. • 90% of quarterly rent statements emailed to residents. • Challenges 2014/15 • Introduction of Universal Credit. • Rent arrears kept to a minimum whilst residents are adjusting to paying the rent themselves. • Ensuring that assistance and offers of assistance provided by the Trust and partners are documented and available in the event of court action. • Making sure that we continue to be in a position to review resources within the team and respond quickly if the impact of welfare reform is worse than anticipated. • Key Deliverables 2014/15 • Conversion to electronic rent statements as default for intermediate renters. • Identify and provide support to families with DHP payments ending. • Improve overall arrears performance in relation to other London housing providers. • Value for Money 2014/15 • Assess performance of Toynbee Financial Support Service and set targets for them. • Reduce printing costs by 20% • Targets 2014/15 • % rent arrears overall: 4.87% • % rent arrears General Needs: 6.06% • % rent collected: 100%
OVERVIEW: TENANCY & LEASEHOLD SERVICES • Mission • To review occupancy to ensure homes are being properly occupied and suitable for residents needs. To provide speedy and consistent responses to queries connected with a customer’s occupation agreement. • 5-year vision • All contact and visits recorded and clear. • To have an effective system in place that helps detect tenancy fraud. • Residents able to access more services online. • Mobile working which allows access to relevant records and so officers can update these records remotely. • Improved satisfaction levels (+5%) in all boroughs, property types, and tenures. • Challenges 2014/15 • To improve resident satisfaction of new tenants. • To ensure 90% of all new tenants are visited at least twice within the first 12 months. • To work with Newlon Fusion and ensure referrals are made for 90% of tenants with support needs • To implement new approach to tenancy fraud. • To provide a quick, reliable and consistent service whilst actively managing tenancies. • Key Deliverables 2014/2015 • To carry out investigations into 800 homes as per information provided by Experian. • To regain all homes identified as improperly occupied. • To work with Newlon Fusion to maximise “into Work” benefits for Newlon residents. • To review all starter tenancies by visit. • Fully implement new tenancy policies. • Value for Money 2014/15 • To consult with Newlon Fusion with a view to linking annual visits to over-75s with Newlon Fusion’s services such as digital inclusion and energy saving services. • Provide detailed breakdowns of service costs for at least the 30 largest estates. • Targets: • Number of illegally sub-let homes regained: 20 • Number of referrals to ‘Into Work’ programme: 100 • % of planned starter tenancies reviewed: 100%
SOCIO-ECONOMIC (1) • Why invest in employment services? • Between 2007 and 2012, unemployment in London rose by 42% and the number working part-time but wanting full-time work grew by 87%. The unemployment rate for young adults now stands at 25%. Over half of Newlon tenants and 80% of new Newlon tenants receive full housing benefit. Benefit reform will make it more difficult for many households to make ends meet. This will affect rental income and have an impact on our communities. • We have the capacity to invest more in programmes that support tenants to secure and sustain employment but we need to make sure that investment amounts to more than just goodwill and delivers real results in a very challenging employment market. • Targets • The impact of a high quality, tailored support programme is potentially life-changing for individual households and could have lasting and positive effect on communities. A successful programme of this kind could motivate staff, galvanise the Group and raise our profile in the sector. • Through our partnership with Newlon Fusion, by 2016/17 we hope to have contributed to achieving the following: • 300 previously unemployed tenants supported into sustainable work • 30 completed apprenticeships • 1,000 members of MyWorksearch • 150 new volunteers • 10 new businesses still in operation after 12 months trading
SOCIO-ECONOMIC (2) • Building on Existing Projects • In addition to investment in employment services, we will continue to support Newlon Fusion’s work in the following areas… • Helping residents out of hardship and debt • We will continue to support a range of initiatives to promote income maximisation, address fuel poverty and combat debt. Energy efficiency will remain a strong part of our offer to residents, as will debt and welfare benefit advice services. Linked to this, we will also expand our digital inclusion initiative, building the capacity of residents to access key services, benefits and job opportunities online. • Community Hubs • Newlon Fusion’s community hubs provide a shop front for their services at a local level. This type of community resource is vital for building local networks and provides a physical access point to Newlon Fusion’s services. • By 2016/17 Newlon Fusion aim to increase volunteering at hubs to 150% on 2013 levels and double usage by Newlon residents.