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Heraeus School Flavour Physics and CP Violation. 29./30. August 2005. Contents. Historical Intro: Discovery of the tau Basic Properties Branching Ratios Kinematics Mass Lifetime Hot Topics QCD / Isospin Lepton Flavour Violation. QCD in Tau Decays. Gluon. Γ had Γ e.
Heraeus School Flavour Physics and CP Violation 29./30. August 2005
Contents • Historical Intro: Discovery of the tau • Basic Properties • Branching Ratios • Kinematics • Mass • Lifetime • Hot Topics • QCD / Isospin • Lepton Flavour Violation
Gluon Γhad Γe Rτ = = NC Sew ( 1 + δpert(αs) +δnon-pert+δew) 0.1910 -0.023 0.0010 Tau Decays υτ τ 20% 20% 60% e µ u u u W υe υµ d’ d’ d’
B (τ→υτhad) B(τ→υτe υe) = 1 - B (τ→υτeυe) -B (τ→υτµυµ) B(τ→υτe υe) = 1 B(τ→υτe υe) - 1.9726 = B(τ→υτe υe) = 0.1784 ± 0.0006 αs (mZ)= 0.121 ± 0.003 Determination of the strong coupling Γ (τ→υτhad) Γ(τ→υτe υe) Rτ=
PDG PDG 2004
One of the most precise measurements of as • Many tests of QCD predictions
Outline of Theoretical Calculation 1. Definition of Rt mt Rt = = ∫ ds Ghad Ge 1 Ge dGhad ds 0 2. Optical Theorem GF 2 1 2 mt LmnS 0 |Jm| had had |Jn†| 0 dfhad dFn dGhad = (2p)4 d4(...) GF 2 1 2 mt dGhad = Lmn 2 Im0 | Jm Jn† | 0 dFn
Outline of Theoretical Calculation 3. Lorentz decomposition 0 | Jm Jn† | 0 = (qmqn – gmn q2) P(1)(q2) + qmqnP(0)(q2) 4. Extension to the Complex Plain ds mt2 s mt2 2 s mt2 ∫ Rt = 6 pi(1 – )2(1 + ) P(1)(q2)
Γhad Γe Rτ = = NC Sew ( 1 + δpert(αs) +δnon-pert+δew) 0.1910 -0.023 0.0010 Result perturbative, strong correction calculated to 3rd order theorists working on 4th order corrections
Spectral Functions mτ2 12 πSew |Vud|2 mτ2 s mτ2 2s mτ2 ImΠ(s) Rτ = ds (1 - )2 (1 + ) 0 v(s) = 2π Im Π(s) a(s) = 2π Im Π(s)
s0 mτ2 mτ2 s0 s0 Running Coupling 12 πSew |Vud|2 mτ2 s mτ2 2s mτ2 ImΠ(s) Rτ = ds (1 - )2 (1 + ) 0 αs()
Running Coupling Okay down to ≈ 1 GeV
Running Coupling PDG 2004
Vector and Axial Vector consistent
Brookhaven: g-2 Deviations from standard model ?
e+e-→ had Spectral Functions optical theoreme Π(s) universal function τ→ ντhad (g-2)μ
gm - 2 2 am = Contributions to g-2 exp QED hadr. contribution weak contribution new physics? 10-11 10-9 10-7 10-5 10-3
Comparison (2003: 204 ± 7)
Conserved Vector Current Isospin Violation ?
Isospin Violation υτ • quark charge • QED radiation • theor. estimate τ q W 2. quark mass phase space correction negligible q’ 3. pion mass (po≠ p+) phase space correction taken into account e q 4. meson masses (ro≠ r+ ?) phase space correction should be small but ....... g q e
Outlook • Discrapency unresolved • Better theoretical estimates of isospin violation • More precise and more careful measurements e+e-: radiative return DaΦne, CLEO-c, b-factories, Nowosibirsk e+e-: direct measurement Nowosibirsk τ: new measurements τcf, CLEO-c, b-factories
Lepton Flavour Violation
t- m- nm nt t+ m+ nm nt t- p- p+ p- nt D- t- nt t- K- nt Lepton Number Conservation S (leptons – anti-leptons)initial = S (leptons – anti-leptons)final each generation separately B0 D-t+ nt e+e-t+ t- t bt+ nt no violation observed
Neutrino Oscillations p -> m nm violate lepton numbers nm nt
t- m- Lepton Number Affects the Tau ? nt t- nm W- m-
neutrino oscillation ntnm t- m- Lepton Number Affects the Tau ? nt t- nm W- m- okay But: energy/momentum conservation violated
t- m- g Lepton Number Affects the Tau ? nt t- nm g W- m- branching ratio standard model: 10-40 other Models: 10-40… 10-6
Lepton Number Affects the Tau ? nt m+ t- nm m- W- m- t- m- m+m- branching ratio standard model: 10-40… 10-14 other models: 10-40… 10-7
υ1 υ2 υ3 υe υµ υτ mixing matrix = GIM Mechanism n m ~ SUti Uim t W W m Z m
New Physics breaks the GIM mechanism
Experimental Searches t- m- g • inv. mass (m,g) = tau mass • energy (m,g) = tau energy Background: • tm n n g • tm n n + random g • other background tm m m is experimentally easier, but lower branching ratio (?)
t- e- g Search
t- m- g Search
Other Channels DE = Ereco - s/2 Dm = mreco - mt
t- m- m+m- Search: at the LHC tau sources: Advantage: more taus Disadvantage: more background 1 year @ low luminosity
t- m- m+m- bei CMS Simulation with underlying event (low luminosity)
t- m- m+m- at CMS W t nt 10.000 events trigger track reconstruction
Kinematics @ LHC h = -ln tan q/2
Kinematics @ LHC Level-1 Trigger: Single Muon pT > 14 GeV Di-Muon pT > 3 GeV
Outlook b-factories: can approach 10-8 in most channels LHC: only t m m m > 1012 taus (low lumi) efficiency 1% possible ??? limits of 10-10 LHC: can we use high-lumi running ??? work has just begun !
Summary • Historical Intro: Discovery of the tau • Basic Properties • Branching Ratios • Kinematics • Mass • Lifetime • Hot Topics • QCD / Isospin • Lepton Flavour Violation