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Rock- and Palaeomagnetic properties of randomly oriented basaltic blocks from Lonar crater ejecta , India Md. Arif 1 , N. Basavaiah 1 and S. Misra 2 1 Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), New Panvel, Navi Mumbai - 410 218, Maharashtra, India
Rock- and Palaeomagnetic properties of randomly oriented basaltic blocks from Lonar crater ejecta, India Md. Arif1, N. Basavaiah1 and S. Misra2 1Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), New Panvel, Navi Mumbai - 410 218, Maharashtra, India 2SAEES, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Email: mdarifkrl@gmail.com Abstract The preliminary investigation of rock and palaeomagneticproperties of randomly oriented basaltic blocks from Lonar ejecta show low NRM/χ and REM(=NRM/SIRM) compared with average unshockedbasalts from ~3 km ESE of Lonar crater center. The high coercivity (HC) component of these shocked ejectabasalts are random but show a broad concentration around the average HC component of shocked basalts from around the crater rim suggesting influence of shock-induced magnetic field beyond the modification stage of Lonar crater formation. Introduction The ~570±47 ka old Lonar crater (19°58'N, 76°31'E, Fig. 1), India [1], is a simple, near-circular, asteroid impact crater with a diameter of ~1.8 km and a depth of ~150 m [2]. It is completely excavated on the basaltic target-rocks of Deccan Traps (~65 Ma) and hence comparable to those formed on the rocky planets or planetesimal bodies of our inner-solar system having basaltic crusts. Results The IRM acquisition curves of shocked ejecta basalts saturated at low field of <300 mT (Fig. 5a) indicating low coercivity magnetic mineral as main remanence carrier. Their IRM backfield curves (Fig. 5a, inset) indicated a broad range of Hcr from 10 to 60 mT. The Curie temperatures of measured samples varied between 205 and 580°C suggesting that mineralogy of these ejecta basalts were Ti-rich to Ti-poor titanomagnetite and their oxidized phases (Fig. 5b) . In the Day plot on hysteresis [6], samples were plotted within the pseudo-single domain (PSD) field and trending linearly toward the single-domain (SD) field suggesting mixtures of SD and multidomain (MD) grains (Fig. 5c). Most of the shocked ejecta basalt samples (n= 23) had NRM/χ <400 Am-1 with an average of ~132 Am-1. These samples also had low REM (<1%) with an average of ~0.38%. Only four (4) samples had NRM/χ between ~650 and 990 Am-1 with high REM between 1.5 and 7% (Fig. 5d). The majority of shocked basaltic blocks in ejecta showed either two or three NRM components or a stable single magnetization component. Some of the samples (n= 4) from the randomly oriented basaltic blocks showed increase in NRM after AF demagnetization to 7.5 mT, which could be shock-related remanence (SRM) (Fig. 5e). (a) (b) (c) The Lonar crater is suggested to have formed by an oblique impact of possibly a chondriticimpactor that struck the pre-impact target from east at an angle between 30 and 45o to the horizon [2, 3]. This finding is based on study of distribution of present ejecta around this crater and deformations of target-rocks occurring on crater-rim. It is observed that ejecta has an elliptic shape with an E-W axis of symmetry that coincide with the diameter of crater and is distributed more to the west (Fig. 2a, b). The rocks along the western half of crater rim are found to be more deformed compared to other sectors on rim (Fig. 2c, d). In the present study, we report the rock- and palaeomagnetic properties of selected randomly deposited basaltic blocks within the continuous ejecta blanket (ejecta basalts) around the Lonar crater (Fig. 3). (d) (e) Figure 2 (a) LANDSAT image of Lonar crater, (b) Geometrical map of majority of ejecta distribution around Lonar crater, (c, d) Vertical & overturned dip of basalt flows on western crater rim. (a) Figure 5 (a) Normalized IRM acquisition curves and their respective back-field IRM curves (in inset), (b) χ-T curves, (c) Day plot of hysteresis (d) Bar dig. showing variation of NRM/χ (Am-1) and REM%, (e) AFD spectra of NRM of shocked ejecta basalts. Although highly scattered, the avg. LC comp. of shocked ejecta blocks was statistically identical to PDF direction (D= 342.5°, I= 39.8°, α95= 38.7°), whereas their HC comp., which includes both +ve and -ve inclinations, appears to be random (Fig. 6a, b). Figure 1 (a) Sketch map of India showing location of Lonar, (b) View of Lonar crater from north, crater diameter: ~1.8 km, depth: ~120 m, rim height: ~30 m. (b) (a) (a) (b) Figure 6. Equal area stereographic plots of (a) LC, and (b) HC of shocked ejecta basalts. solid circle data with positive inclination, open circle- negative inclination, blue ellipse in (b) indicates zone of distribution of HC component of ejecta basalts. b c b Conclusions The unshocked target basalts from ~3 km ESE of Lonar crater center have an average NRM/χ of ~116 Am-1. Our present observation shows that majority of samples (60%) from ejecta basalt population have NRM/χ lower than that of average unshocked basalts. Except few exceptions, these ejecta basalts, in general, also have low REM (<1%). So it can be concluded that ejecta basalts, in general, are poorly magnetized due to impact although exception exists. The HC component of these ejecta basalts is although random and different from that of unshocked target (D=196.1°, I=+68.9°, α95=13.4°), these data show a broad concentration around the average HC component of shocked target from around the crater rim (D=120.5°, I=+34.2°, α95=10.3°). This observation suggests that impact shock-induced magnetic field could have existed beyond the modification stage of formation of Lonar crater [7] when the newly formed ejecta with the randomly deposited basaltic blocks had weakly remagnetized. Further studies are in progress. (c) Low Coercivity (LC) High Coercivity (HC) (d) (e) d References [1] F. Jourdan, F. Moynier, C. Koeberl and S. Eroglu, 40Ar/39Ar age of the Lonar crater and consequence for the geochronology of planetary impacts, Geology, vol. 39, pp. 671-674, 2011. [2] S. Misra, Md. Arif, N. Basavaiah, P.K. Srivastava and A. 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French, Traces of Catastrophe: A handbook of shock metamorphic effects in terrestrial meteorite impact structures, LPI contrib. no. 954, pp. 120, 1998. (e) Figure 3 Sampling location Summary dig. showing probable direction of shock press. propagation Ejecta section (randomly oriented shocked ejecta basaltic blocks) Drill cores from ejecta blocks Impact Melt within the Lonarejecta -2012 -2012 POSTER P55: EPSC2012-163 (TP8), IFEMA FERIA DE MADRID, MADRID, SPAIN ON 25th SEPTEMBER 2012