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13.2.2014 Guidance for applying for your work permit through Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
13.2.2014 Guidance for applying for your work permit through Citizenship and Immigration Canada. If at any point whilst going through the online application you feel that you would like to provide an answer that differs from our suggestion then please email me to discuss this(ulla.harma@cimo.fi) Information on the next slide is provided in the ‘notes’ section below the slide. 1. Click on the following link, read the information provided on the page and click next to proceed. http://www.cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp
Naturally Finnish citizen Finland
Select ‘Yes’ and click next. The offer of employment is the ‘déclarationd’affectation’. You can get it from your employer in Canada.
Select the right answers and click next (Suomi-koti trainees, you select “Yes” for the first question)
Select ‘Never Married / Single’. If you marital status is not ‘never married / single please call or email me to discuss. Select the right province! Not necessary ‘Quebec’ and click next
You must choose the ‘exemption’ box. This is the last option on the drop down menu.
Open up the following page on a separate tab and check the list of countries : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/dcl.asp If you have resided for more than 6 months within the last year in any of the countries with ‘Yes’ next to them then please select ‘Yes’ on the application page. Otherwise select ‘No’. All health care students will be required to undertake a medical examination regardless of which countries you have resided in. That will cost you about 350 €. If you have been in another country for six months but outside the country during the six months, still answer “No”
Select ‘Yes’ only if you do and click next. Otherwise click “No” and then next. Suomi-koti trainees in Toronto, you click “Yes”
Tick the second box down and click next. By doing this you are allowing Citizenship and Immigration Canada to release information to CIMO regarding your application for a work permit.
Select ‘Yes’ and click next. The submission letter is the CIMO Certificate I have emailed you.
Select “Yes” and click next (sorry for the dot in the “No” box.
Only select ‘Yes’ if you have access to a scanner or you are able to create and send digital images. If you do not have access to a scanner you should select ‘No’. Please be aware that by selecting ‘No’ you will have to post all documents and this will prolong the process. I strongly recommend that you use a scanner and select yes in this box Once you click next you will be asked to review your answers. Please click continue once you have done this.
If you chose the option of scanning documents, you will be directed to your personalised checklist. It is essential that you make a note of the personal checklist code as you will need this later. You should follow the instructions provided on the checklist and on the following slide. If you have chosen to not send scanned documents you will have to send the following documents by special delivery to CIC : • IMM1295 • CV • Signed and completed cover letter (CIMO letter) • Passport photo – print your name on the back, sign and date it • Copy of your passport bio pages • Family Information Form • Déclarationd’affectation (job offer from your employer) • A copy of your police certificate • For the documents with n/a please upload a signed and scanned version of the CIMO certificate.
Complete the IMM1295 document referring to the instructions in your pack n/a CV CIMO Certificate Passport bio pages n/a Complete referring to our guidance notes n/a Déclarationd’affectation (job offer from your employer) Passport photo
Continue onto the next page where you can create your login details in order to return to your application at any point.
Please complete the above section and make a note of any answers you give so that you can easily log into your account
If you experience any technical difficulties after you have created your login details, you should return to the home page http://www.cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp and click ‘Login to access your key’ and on the next page select GCKey Log In as before.
Most people on this page will click ‘No’ but if you have ever applied through Citizenship and Immigration Canada before you should click ‘Yes’ and enter your Client ID.
Enter your information as it appears on your passport and click ‘Continue’
Create your security questions. Please make a note of these for future reference. Once finished click ‘Continue’
Enter your email address and select your preferred language then click ‘Save’
You do pay a fee! Do not select “No” Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Continue’
Pay with your or, for example, with your parents’ credit card Read all of the information on this page and click ‘Continue’
On the next page are all the documents that need to be uploaded. For the documents with n/a please upload a signed and scanned version of the CIMO Certificate. The system requires you to upload a document for each item on the checklist, however not all are applicable for CIMO trainees and you should use the CIMO letter to prove this.
Complete the IMM1295 Application using the notes sent in my email, sign / date and upload it. n/a Upload your CV Upload the CIMO Certificate Scan the bio pages of your passport (as one document) and upload n/a Complete the Family Information Form, sign / date and upload it. n/a Upload a scan of your déclarationd’affectation(job offer from your employer) Upload a digital passport photo or scan of a passport photo which meets the specifications listed when you click the question mark
This document is not required and you do not need to upload anything Scan and upload a copy of your police certificate
I unfortunately cannot provide any more guidance on the rest of the online process without actually applying for a work permit myself. If you have any issues beyond this stage please contact me and I will try to find answers for you. Pleasealsorefer to thislinkaboutcoming to Canada:- http://www.cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp HUOM!! HETI KUN OLET SAANUT HAKEMUKSEN TÄYTETTYÄ JA MAKSANUT TYÖLUPAMAKSUN, ILMOITA SAAMASI W-ALKUINEN HAKEMUSNUMEROCIMOON HAKEMUKSEN SEURAAMISEN AUTTAMISEKSI! W-KOODI TARVITAAN, JOS JOUDUMME KYSELEMÄÄN HAKEMUKSISTANNE!