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Marko Slavulj, Ph.D. University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Zagreb , 10 October 201 3. CIVITAS-ELAN 3.2. Study of congestion charging and dialogue on pricing . Presentation overview . Measure objectives Implementation process Measure outcomes Impact evaluation
Marko Slavulj, Ph.D.University of ZagrebFaculty of Transport and Traffic SciencesZagreb, 10 October2013 CIVITAS-ELAN 3.2. Study of congestion charging and dialogue on pricing
Presentation overview • Measureobjectives • Implementationprocess • Measureoutcomes • Impactevaluation • Processevaluation • Lessionslearnedfrom the process CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Marko Slavulj
Measure objectives The most frequent problem of urban mobility is traffic congestion caused by car overflow. Many cities are built around historic cores that are not suitable for modern traffic conditions. Streets are usually too narrow and without the ability for expansion which means that traffic problems have to be solved by some other means and activities (e.g. introducing solutions from the domain of intelligent transport systems, implementing more restrictive traffic policies etc.). Measure 3.2 explored possibilities for the introduction of a congestion charging scheme in the City of Zagreb, by conducting a study on congestion charging. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
The study was aimed at: Exploring traffic congestion in the city centre area. Exploring limiting exhaust emissions, vibrations and noise caused by traffic. Exploring the possibility of introducing to the public a polluter-pays-principle in urban transport. Exploring the possibility of reducing the number of vehicles entering the city centre. Fostering the use of PT, cycling and walking. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Implementation process Throughout the surveys and public discussions with citizens and businesses, as well as closed (technical) meetings with traffic professionals, engineers and local authorities it was decided that the most efficient way to introduce congestion charging in the city is to introduce an indirect model. Specifically, the use of vignettes in defined zone of the city was chosen. The vignettes would be controlled by the city police officers who are already obliged to control traffic conditions in the city anyhow. This solution does not require expensive investments into the traffic infrastructure (e.g. toll booths, cameras, control centre etc.) and can be implemented relatively easy. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Implementation process Within the study a possible eco-zone in the city centre of approximately 2 km² has been defined CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Implementation process The price of the vignette is determined by the type of engines, i.e. engines with lower Euro-standard (larger polluters) will pay a higher amount. Vignettes are categorized into five types (green, yellow, red, grey and white). White vignettes are related to electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles and will be free of charge The penalty for not having a vignette will be as much as the price of the most expensive vignette (133.33 €). Vignettes will apply to Croatian number plates. It is estimated that in the case of an introduction of the eco-zone in the City of Zagreb the number ofvehicles in the zone would be reduced by 10% and air quality would increase by 15%. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Implementation process CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Measure outcomes - Impact evaluation The measure 3.2 did not consider a real life implementation of congestion charging. Hence only one impact of the measure 3.2 can be detected: Acceptance level of the congestion charging policy Since the measure implemented different activities with the purpose of raising the acceptance level of congestion charging, it is expected that this level will increase. The survey among citizens and business subjects, conducted on the measure level, was used to evaluate this impact. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Measure outcomes - Impact evaluation CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Measure outcomes - Process evaluation During the whole project lifetime there were no deviations from the original plan. Barriers Preparation phase - Lack of data Implementation phase - Commitment of key stakeholders, Public acceptance Drivers Preparation phase - Availability of literature and best practice Implementation phase - Personal motivation, Cooperation with other CIVITAS measure leaders, ZFOT students CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Measure outcomes - Process evaluation Participation Partner 1: Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (ZFOT) Partner 2: City of Zagreb - City Office for Strategic Planning and City Development Partner 3: NGO ODRAZ Stakeholders Stakeholder 1: Citizens and business subjects institutions - City Transport and Traffic Department. Ministry of Interior. Zagreb Traffic Police. Croatian Auto Club. Zagreb Parking Company. Agency for Commercial Business. Representatives of city community boards. NGO Green Action. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Lessions learned from the process • Lesson 1 – Importance of stakeholders • dealing with complex traffic engineering problems, a wide range of stakeholders needs to be included • citizens and stakeholders have to be considered as a part of the solution and not as a problem • importance of the media has to be recognized as well • Lesson 2 – Dissemination of relevant information • The information sharing needs to include all relevant data, e.g. explaining the full set of benefits to the users of the measure might be highly beneficial. • In the particular case, the results of the surveys show that the business subjects realized that they could benefit from congestion charging regime (faster delivery, increased number of pedestrians). • congestion charging income would be invested into alternative transport modes • Lesson 3 – Importance of data • Without the data it is not possible to realistically derive appropriate solution for a specific traffic environment. CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime
Thank you for your attention! University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences • http://www.fpz.unizg.hr • Marko Slavulj, Ph.D. • Department of Urban transport mslavulj@fpz.hr CIVITAS-ELAN presentation, Vaše ime i prezime