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By :. A D R I A N A Z A M O R A. T A N Y F E R N A N A D E Z. Music of: Hokie Pokie Instruction : Sing each sentence before teacher. JAZZ CHANTs ORIGINS . She was playing songs She was having fun With a piano And her friend said “ Gee it’s good to see you ”
By: A D R I A N A Z A M O R A T A N Y F E R N A N A D E Z
Music of: HokiePokieInstruction: Singeachsentencebeforeteacher JAZZ CHANTsORIGINS Shewasplayingsongs Shewashavingfun With a piano And herfriendsaid “Geeit’sgoodtoseeyou” Then Graham descovered Spoken English haverythmtoo.
AUTHOR: Carolyngraham Shewas a musician, Writer and teacher And withherdidactic Shemakesfunnylearning. Using Jazz Chants Shetoughtotherteachers Howtoteachgoodenglish Allaroundtheworld.. Music of: los pollitosInstruction: Singtogheter
JAZZ CHANTsSIGNIFICANCE With Jazz Chants Childrenlearnlanguage Theypracticerhythm Theypracticegrammar They can focus in speakingand listening ¡They can go Beyondthe rules! Music of: Five Little Monkies Instruction: Singallsongbeforeteacher
Deffinition: JAZZ CHANT Stress and intonation Reflecttherhythm of Jazz And givemotivation In childrén´sbrain and heart. Carolyn´s Jazz Chants Are poemstoo Those are designed As a languagetool Toimprovespeaking and listening In theclassroom. Music of: 5 littlesmonkiesInstruction: Sing and move
JAZZ CHANTsTypes There are fourtypes Of Jazz Chantstoday Tany saidthose are Divided in thenext: Dramaticaddingwords Conventionalwithmove Topic use thethemes Grammar use the tense Now in silence. Music of: PixiPixi Araña Instruction: Singeachsentencebeforeteacher
METHODOLOGY Working Jazz Chantshavefoursteps Thoseincludeprediction and hypothesis Thenchildrensingwiththeteacher´shelp Butwhentheyhavelearnttheydo-itbythemselves Ifthey are creative can personalizeit Orcreate a new onethatyou are gonnalike. Music of: MUÑECA VESTIDA DE AZULInstruction: Sing and move
METHODOLOGY Teachers can adaptittothechildren´sneeds Ormakethemselectingspecificthings. Usingrepetition, drawingandwriting Making role playingcould be interactive. Music of: MUÑECA VESTIDA DE AZULInstruction: Sing and move
RESOURCES • Mahmud, Solahuddin. (2012). Jazz Chants Workshop. Consulted Agoust 9th to 2012. Taken from: http://api.ning.com/files/PcxHBY5pPYi*rzMr3XafcUmw9nGO4muf5qIm1W • The startonline. (2011). Using Jazz Chants to teach English. Taken Agoust 9 to 2012. Takken from: http://thestar.com.my/education/story.asp?file=/2011/8/28/educ • Zhang, Jin. (2011). Jazz Chants in English Language Teaching. Consulted Agoust 9th to 2012. Taken from: http://ojs.academypublisher.com/index.php/tpls/article/ • Craven, Miles. (2012). Jazz Chants. Consulted Agoust 9th to 2012. Taken from: http://www.onestopenglish.com/skills/listening/jazz-chants/ • Loutfi, Mohamed. (2010). Using Jazz Chants for Teaching Language Functions. Consulted Agoust 9th to 1012. Taken from: http://www.udel.edu/eli/2006P4L/lofti.pdf • Fritzie, Soronio. (2010). • Jazz Chant Tidbits. Consulted Agoust 9th to 2012. Taken from: http://ischoolsfritzie.wordpress.com/2010/07/22/tidbits-on-jazz-chant/
By: A D R I A N A Z A M O R A T A N Y F E R N A N A D E Z ThaaankYooou