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RM 2.0: RECORDS MANAGEMENT IN A WEB 2.0 WORLD Sacramento Chapter of ARMA Sacramento, California June 2, 2010. Dr. Mark Langemo , CRM, FAI Professor Emeritus Information Systems and Business Education College of Business and Public Administration University of North Dakota.
RM 2.0: RECORDS MANAGEMENT IN A WEB 2.0 WORLDSacramento Chapter of ARMASacramento, CaliforniaJune 2, 2010 Dr. Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI Professor Emeritus Information Systems and Business Education College of Business and Public Administration University of North Dakota
Welcome to Sacramento ARMA and to today’s luncheon! We are pleased that YOU are here with us! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Who Am I ?Dr. Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI … “RM Guy!” … “Experienced Veteran” (43 years in records management and IM) … Professor Emeritus at UND (retired in 1999 after 27 years) … Over 600 RIM consultations, seminars, executive briefings … Author or co-author of RIM books and other publications … Treasures time with wife Diane, 3 sons & 3 daughters-in-law … “Grandpa Mark” to grandchildren Zoe, Abby, Kyler, Luke & Tanner … Has office at UND & splits time between ND, MN, and Florida … More or less “been there and done that” in records management … Striving to be a “senior RIM resource” to our profession. … 38th ARMA International Conference and 36th as a speaker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stark reality today …………… • The MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION is changing so rapidly that records managers, IT professionals, business and government leaders, academics, practitioners, researchers, and authors are all having difficult times staying current! • Business and government use of the World Wide Web is expanding exponentially!
Leadership is needed—more than ever in history– primarily from: • Records management professionals • IT professionals
What is “Web 2.0? • Is “Web 2.0” real or is it a meaningless marketing buzzword? • Or, is it new conventional wisdom about using and managing information? • Most leaders in records management and IT are struggling to understand “Web 2.0” • Implications for RM and IT are evolving! • Let’s learn some Web 2.0 fundamentals!
Is Web 2.0 a Records Management“Wild Wild West?” • Some wild-eyed enthusiasts hail it as the solution to all information management problems! • Some have suggested that Web 2.0 will result in the death of records management as a discipline!
My sense—as a “career optimist” is that ….. ….. UNTIL NOW, COMPARATIVELY SPEAKING, ESTABLISHING AND MANAGING SUCCESSFUL RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS HAS BEEN EASY!!! -----------------------------------------
But, I’m here to tell you that “records managers can leverage Web 2.0 to their organizations’—and their own—benefits!” • Use of Web 2-0 must be managed – by somebody! • IT professionals aren’t educated and experienced to manage Web 2.0 alone! • This is another scenario in which RM-IT collaboration will be essential!
What’s the history of “Web 2.0?” • Term first used in front of a large audience in a December 2003 InfoWorld article by Executive Editor Eric Knorr. • Some say origin was a brainstorming conference between Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty of O’Reilly Media, Inc., and MediaLive International people in early 2004. • Others suggesting they presented it earlier! • Regardless, “Web 2.0” is quite new to IM!
Definition of “Web 2.0” “Web 2.0” refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.” Source: Wikipedia (May 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tim O’Reilly (O’Reilly Media) defines “Web 2.0” as… the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.-----------------------------------------------------------
The fundamentals of Web 2.0 • World Wide Web is the platform • Applications/data hosted by third parties • Accessibility through web browsers • Users run software applications through browsers • Tools make it easy to create and use content • Examples: “Google Docs” & “Zoho Write” • Blogs and wikis enable collaboration • Tools allow users to create and use content with few rules or restrictions
Fundamentals of Web 2.0(continued) • Users create, save, and provide their work in ways most useful to them • Web 2.0 includes web development and design that facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration • Users own data on Web 2.0 sites and have control over that data • Users can add value to applications as they use them
Fundamentals of Web 2.0(continued) • Web 2.0 sites have rich user-friendly interfaces • Enables outsourcing by use of Web services • Web 2.0 features easy/rich user experience, user participation, dynamic content, metadata, web standards, and scalability • Web 2.0 concepts have resulted in web-based communities, hosted services & applications, social-networking sites, blogs, and wikis • Example free social network sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace,Flickr
Fundamentals of Web 2.0(continued) • Many websites now mimic desktop applications—word processing, spreadsheets, slide-show presentations • Example WISIWYG applications: “Writely” • Web 2.0 implementation increasing in business, government, higher education, science, public diplomacy, social work, others • Sites allow openness, freedom, and use of collective intelligence through user participation • New Web 2.0 knowledge emerging daily!
Social networking is irresistible to many people • Allows connecting to people who share interests and activities • Enables interacting in many ways including blogging, email, and instant messaging • Enable setting up customized personal “profile” with photos and live video • Allows ongoing promotion, communication, and being “friends” with other users • Issues include privacy, access, potential for misuse, and risks for child safety
“Web 2.0” is irresistibleto business end users! • Collaboration is readily possible…and easy! • Web 2.0 tools are easy to set up! • They’re easy to use! • They can be accessed from anywhere! • Employees can create or upload documents, spreadsheets, wikis, blogs, and other stuff! • Others can access, edit, download & upload! • As results, employees and organizations are increasingly implementing the technologies!
“Web 2.0” is irresistibleto businesses, departments, and business/operating units!---------------------------------------------------- • Users can be provisioned in minutes! • Financial startup costs are usually low! • No calls to IT are usually necessary!
Ready or not….… Web 2.0, a new generation of web-based services, is changing the way people work and the way records and documents are created, used, and shared. Source: Dr. Bruce Dearstyne, Information Management Journal, July/August 2007. “Web 2.0 is producing an array of new challenges for RIM professionals—including how to use these tools effectively and how to manage the creation, integrity, storage, access, and dissemination of such dynamic information.” -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Vendors are encouraging the Web 2.0 trend ………. • Microsoft and IBM have added wikis and blogging capabilities to enterprise applications including SharePoint and Lotus Quickr. • Google and newer entrants Socialtext, PBwiki, and Jive Software are luring corporate users with freebie accounts and extremely simple deployment. • Organizations can provision users in minutes, pay little — and never make a call to IT!
Many places right now, Web 2.0is like “herding cats!” • Records managers run a huge risk of being seen as irrelevant if they don’t provide leadership in harnessing Web 2.0! • IT professionals need to team with RM and get in front of the trend to provide sanctioned options enabling RM/IT management oversight!
A Scary Scenario ……. “The potential for exposure of sensitive information or theft of intellectual property runs high, as do concerns about noncompliance with corporate or third-party requirements as end users scatter sensitive information around the Internet!” Source: Andrew Conry-Murray, Information Week, April 21, 2008. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Impact assessments of Web 2.0 andcollaboration tools: BENEFITS Why use Web 2.0 tools: .. They support collaboration across time/space .. They are easily accessible and easy to use .. Many already have comfort level using them .. They are low cost (sometimes even free) .. They require little IT support .. They have very little “downtime” .. Because they are inexpensive and easy to use, there is little risk in trying them Source: Jesse Wilkins, Information Management, Jan/Feb 2009.
Impact assessments of Web 2.0 and collaboration tools: BENEFITS • Web 2.0 software-as-a service products have lower capital costs, are easy to roll out, and can have low maintenance fees • Collaboration tools can help employees do their jobs and boost their productivity • Wikis let employees share best practices • Collaboration tools can be more efficient than e-mail, provide repositories for information, and help workers stay connected and productive
Impact assessments of Web 2.0 andcollaboration tools: RISKS Why not use Web 2.0 tools: .. Information is more difficult to monitor/secure ..Service interrupts outside organization’s control .. E-discovery is more difficult without physical access to storage media ..Lack ofsystematic control over creating, storing, or deleting information .. Loss of connectivity prevents work being done ..Casual nature blurs line between business and personal use Source: Patrick Cunningham, CRM, Information Journal, Jan/Feb 2009.
Impact assessments of Web 2.0 and collaboration tools: RISKS • Anytime organizational information resides on third-party systems, risk of loss increases • It is nearly impossible to prevent unauthorized use of Web 2.0 products • Information losses or breaches may result in litigation, fines, and sanctions • Failure to produce information stored outside the organization during legal discovery can result in fines or the loss of cases • Bad “PR” results when info poorly managed
The bottom line ….. • All digital information is vulnerable and will be requisitioned in litigation—including data in blogs and wikis and files and documents stored in collaborative environments. • Records managers and IT colleagues should collaborate with legal on policy and discovery issues—before organization is involved in litigation • Critically important to develop organization-wide policies for the use of Web 2.0 collaborative tools and nonenterprise storage of information and records in general
RM challenges of Web 2.0Getting Board and managementto listen and agree that: • They can’t just ignore Web 2.0 • Users will increasingly use Web 2.0 whether they like it or not • Web 2.0 use has many intangible benefits… but tangible serious risks • Organization-wide policies need to be established and implemented
RM challenges of Web 2.0 • There are Board, senior management, records management, IT, Legal, and user issues combined • Leadership for Web 2.0 policies development and implementation should come from RM, IT, and Legal collaboration • RM basics including survey/inventory, appraisal, classification, retention, vital records identification and protection, and disposition or archiving should be applied as possible
RM challenges of Web 2.0 • RM and IT will need to lead in inventing, evolving, and applying new approaches • RM and IT will need to collaborate to accept responsibilities for being information custodians • Access to info must be provided and managed • Security of info must be provided and managed • Collaboration with Legal will be essential to preparedness for discovery and compliance • Success or failure will depend on training
You can’t just “look the other way”… • “Ignorance may be bliss”….initially! • But, problems start when some employee does something stupid—or lawyers start delivering discovery requests!
The major need for Web 2.0 managementin today’s organizations(after achieving RM/IT leadership collaboration) ESTABLISHMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ORGANIZATION-WIDE IM & WEB 2.0 POLICIES ---------------------------------------
Is the RIM profession ready for “RM 2.0?” Records Management 2.0 The management profession responsible for establishment and implementation of policies, concepts, systems, and procedures necessary to manage the capture, creation, access, distribution, use, storage, security, retrieval, and disposition or archiving of entities’ records on all media and all domain/storage/system locations through the life cycle of recorded information. Dr. Timothy O’Keefe and Dr. Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI
Differences between the definition of “RM 2.0” and traditional definitions of RM may seem minor—but they are important! • Establishment of RM/IM policies for organization-wide implementation must be a major focus of records managers’ work. • New policies, concepts, systems, and procedures may need to be invented an used to manage information in Web 2.0 environments. • Collaboration with IT, Legal, and other RM stakeholders will be essential to success.
Elements to consider when developingyour RM 2.0 policies for managing information in Web 2.0 environments • As a foundation--secure Board, senior management, and stakeholder support for your RM and IT programs. • Using ISO 15489 (the International Records Management Standard) as a benchmark, structure your RM program based on ARMA resources and your industry’s best practices.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Place RM program in position of strength—aligned with Legal and/or IT and stakeholders. • Establish the RM leadership—records manager, RM staff, records coordinators. • Collaborate with IT to form working partnership. • Align the RM program with the organization’s business plan. • Use IT’s model and align RM program with IT. • Survey/inventory organization’s existing information resources and work with IT to determine and plan information needs and systems needs of the entity.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • You could try a policy to ban Web 2.0 sites and tools from the organization, but itwon’t work—at least for long! • Web 2.0 tools aren’t going away, people want them—so only choice is for RM & IT to collaborate and respond! • Establish policies about what kinds of sites are approved and which sites and activities are forbidden! • Put appropriate Web filters and Web proxies in place.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Establish policies that will allow but providestructure for and sanction employees to create, upload, and download documents, spreadsheets, wikis, and blogs—and allow co-workers to access, edit, download, and use content. • Provide sanctioned Web 2.0 alternatives that combine RM/IT oversight but make users happy.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Consider policies and strategies enabling organizational purchase and installation of full suites of Web 2.0 sites/tools instead of having environments where individual employees or groups procure their own. • Develop policies to protect against the development of dispersed silos of information and incompatibility between them. • Establish policies to keep confidential information behind firewalls.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • As end users scatter information around the Internet, the potential for exposure of sensitive information or theft of intellectual property runs high! Establish policies that require use of collaboration applications (software) that include authentication, access controls, change logs, and methods for exporting data into the organization’sstorage—which will help manage risks.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Establish organization-wide policies establishing permission levels and access rights. • Establish policies and implement applications with applications that give RM & IT more control over content to ensure that organizational information gets integrated into backup and archiving systems. • Some vendors allow company accounts which enable more RM/IT control over collaboration and use.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Establish policies and sanctioned Web 2.0 applications allowing RM/IT control over what sites employees will use. • Establish policies and implement Web 2.0 applications that require multiple-factor authentications (SecurID code, user name, password). • Establish audit policies and implement sites and applications which log changes to content and be scrutinized by RM/IT audits.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Consider policies setting use of applications like Microsoft SharePoint, IBM offerings,Lotus Connections, Lotus Quickr, BEA’sCollabraSuite, or EMC Documentum’seRoom because of their RM/IT management capabilities and extended security features. • Remember, a challenge is to stay ahead of the curve of providing tools for employees so they don’t feel compelled to find others.
Elements to consider for RM 2.0 policies • Develop and implement some gentle enforcement policies to encourage and accomplish employee use of sanctioned Web 2.0 tools. • Develop employee reward policies and follow through to recognize employees who work with RM & IT to achieve good organization-wide management of records and information resources.
Training will be essential to achieving “RM 2.0” and managing use of Web 2.0 • RM site on network/intranet with RM program description, inventories, retention schedules, RM procedures, FAQs, and creative resources • Online videos on RM & IT site(s) with training about W 2.0 policies, sanctioned uses, technologies, and related topics • Periodic live dynamic face-to-face RM & IT training about Web 2.0 use and management • Availability for individual training and coaching
In summary …. • Is the RIM profession ready for “RM 2.0?” • Employees want Web 2.0, so it isn’t just a trend—and it is here to stay! • Web 2.0 is making organization-wide RM more challenging than ever in history! • Records managers can’t do it alone! • Collaboration with IT is absolutely essential! • Learn Web 2.0 and its implications! • Collaborate with IT, Legal, and stakeholders to implement policies enabling “RM 2.0!”
“Thanks”to each of youindividually and all of youcollectivelyfor being agreat audience!
RM 2.0: RECORDS MANAGEMENTIN A WEB 2.0 WORLDYOUR QUESTIONS OR REACTIONS?Sacramento ARMA LuncheonJune 2, 2010Sacramento, California---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------